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icon TSS 5.1.1 (+8)  

Here is the list of changes here that will be included in the 5.1.1 patch.

The latest build (5.1.1.RC.2023-09-06) is attached at or near the end of the topic.

I can't take the credit for most of these. They're skell's, hyperme's, and kieranmillar's changes. They implemented some great improvements and bug fixes. Give thanks to them for being such stand-up and active forumites!

I'll be adding to this list as more changes are locked in and posting more beta patches for test validation if needed.

+ Addition
* Bug fix
! Change in behavior

Library updates
! Upgrade SDL2 (2.0.12 -> 2.26.1) Topic PR

File Export/Import
* Memory footprint was optimized on import. Fixes crashes/inability to process large files. Topic PR
* Fix regression in early 5.1.1 builds: Crash/corrupted played save data when importing newer versions of holds Topic PR
* Fix: Crash on hold update when the player has a lot of relevant internal data to upgrade. Topic PR
* Hold import crash/fixes. Topic PR

Game logic

Room elements

* Second pass of processing gaze acts as it does on a half-turn (i.e., won't damage orbs). Topic PR

* Fixed: cut briar can grow as a single connected component. Topic PR

* Fixed clone switching reordering monster movement and more. Topic PR
! Fixed inconsistent clone damage rules for alternative roles. Topic PR

* Mark fegundos as "friendly"; killing a fegundo or ashes won't remove player stealth. Topic PR

* Fegundo will now explode when moving against diagonal gentryii chain. Topic PR
* Citizens will no longer move diagonally across a gentryii chain. Topic PR
* Fix gentryii pathmapping update issues. Topic PR
! Wall-building can now happen on gentryii chains. Topic PR

* Fix: crash when NPC moves a platform. Topic PR

Powder Kegs:
! Now stabbed powder kegs will explode immediately (instead of all together later on in the turn). Topic PR

! Will now continue to move when a brain smells an invisible player, but no path from the serpent to the player exists. Topic PR

! Humans now consider puffs as movement obstacles. Topic PR

Squad horns:
! Allow wall-based roles to activate. PR

* Remove unstable tarstuff after pushing fluff onto mother Topic PR
* Fix: Tarstuff construction destroys mother-supported Tarstuff Topic PR
* Fix: Tarstuff gates toggle when room goes from zero tarstuff to zero tarstuff Topic PR
* Dagger no longer prevents babies from spawning on its tile. Topic PR

Temporal tokens:
* Cancel temporal recordings when player's role changes Topic PR
* Temporal projection damage fixes with various player roles Topic PR
* Temporal projection will no longer perform a "wait" move when pushed (e.g., killing it on a hot tile). Topic PR
* Wubba temporal projection should not die to slayer body kill;
* ...and temporal projection stepping on a power token should gain appropriate abilities. Topic PR
* Player/temporal projection w/ stealth that bodykills a friendly creature no longer becomes a monster target. Topic PR
* Prevent Time Token activation on the same turn a player double is placed. Topic PR
* Tarstuff switchers should switch type of tarstuff baby temporal clones. Topic PR
* Retain sword state of custom player roles with temporal clones Topic PR
* Fix temporal projections not indicating their path correctly when bumping into something. Topic PR

Other tokens:
* Double de-activating a disarm token now causes doubles' weapons to appear immediately. Topic PR


Alternate player roles:
* Non "player double" types wouldn't trigger a "bump obstacle" event. Topic PR
* Squad horns don't work (path) properly for some player roles. Topic PR
* Fix wubba clone hot tile damage. Topic PR

Body kills:
* Prevent body kills from seep/slayer/waterskipper when weapon is on the player Topic PR
* Allow slayer/guards to body-kill other monsters when armed with dagger Topic1 Topic2 PR

Dagger kills:
* Guards with daggers can now kill vulnerable characters, consistent with player dagger kill logic. Topic PR
! Guards/Stalwarts: Improve bump-kill logic with dagger.Topic PR

* Fix: constructed relay stations are non-functional; should inherit a building citizen's color group. Topic1 Topic2 PR

* Prevent illegal NPC pushing moves Topic PR
* Fixed bug: player can be pushed over Gentryii chains PR
* Slayer that is pushed away from his wisp now has the wisp extended into the previously occupied tile. Topic PR
* Pushing player onto caber is no longer allowed; pushing player into a caber with a caber will kill the player. Topic PR

Room entrance:
* Placing a player double on turn zero should not cause bridges to fall or aumtlich beams to fire that same turn. Topic PR
* Exiting level via stairs on room entrance will no longer occur automatically. Topic PR
* Do not allow room entrance onto lightpost, relay station, or fluff. Topic PR

Room exit:
! If anything happens to un-conquer the room on the turn when exiting an otherwise conquered room, the room still counts as conquered. Topic PR

* Fix crash on using an invalid room layer in a character script with Image Overlay command. Topic PR
* Fixed bug: could build briar on player PR
* Prevent Generate Entity script command from making the 'Neather PR
* Character w/ imperative Brain Visible Obstacle: now pathmap is recalculated on Appear/Appear at/Disappear/Imperative {Die, Die Special}. Topic PR
* Fix apparent non-deterministic movement-based actions. Topic PR
* Fix that room won't clear if cleared on a turn a script question is asked. Topic PR
* Global scripts should not run "no move" commands twice during room initialization. Topic PR
* Wait for/generate "evil eye (active)" now works. Topic PR
* Fix case with pathing <single step> halting script while no moves are made. Topic PR
* Fix: building sheathe-impacting room element will update sheathing for any weapon-wielding entity immediately. Topic PR
* Fix bridge building issues. Topic1 Topic2 PR PR2
* Turn Into Monster now preserves weaponless state. Topic PR
! Building fuse/powder keg on a tile now won't remove the other. Topic PR
! If ... Set Player Weapon OFF: Now considers whether the player has been disarmed by a token or oremites. Topic PR
! Merging yellow doors now merges and resolves multiple connections to the same activation agent. Topic PR

Gameplay experience

+ Fixed SDL2-based app not minimizing on losing focus. New INI options for managing full screen/windowed app settings. Topic PR
+ Now pressing ESC during a (potentially looping) death animation exits to Title Screen. Continue save slot is made on the turn before death. Topic PR
+ Users can now override the common/user-specific data directory selection with using a DataPath.txt file by starting with command line option "commondatadir=0" or "commondatadir=1". Topic1 Topic2 PR
+ Clicking on Halph now highlights the path he is taking to an orb. Topic PR
* Graphics and sound management improvements when gameplay is paused/loses focus. Topic PR
* Fix crash when touching an untraversable room edge and enabling room lock, then undoing. Topic PR
* Fix crash from monster memory leak. Topic1 Topic2 PR
* Fix potential hangs and missed updates when uploading demo scores and server is not responding properly. Topic PR
* Operations like clone switching should not consume a move undo. Topic1 Topic2 PR
* Fix: Right-clicking a room tile during play doesn't show covered items (t-layer items). Topic PR
* Minimap may not show the room's current state on "Exit Level!" message. Topic PR
* Fix beep when mirror/briar covers burning fuse on a half-turn. Topic1 Topic2 PR
* Fix dual death sounds playing when critical NPC is killed. Topic PR
* Fix monster hiss sound on clearing room while player role is None. Topic PR

! Room preview from clicking on minimap now applies the game's current variable values in displaying the room. Topic PR
! Sound effects will now pause on Alt-Tab even when "Play music on focus" option is not selected. Topic PR
! Vision token tarstuff opacity decreased from 80% to 65%. Topic PR
! Sfx: now multiple instances of the same sound effect triggering simultaneously will be quieter. Topic PR
! Sfx: subtle frequency modulations for orb strikes, mirror smashes, and tarstuff splats. PR

Demo screen/playback

* Fix crash when temporal token is applied while speech is playing. Topic1 Topic2 Topic3 PR
* Fix high-score demos you download being hidden instead of deleted (preventing future re-download). Topic PR
* Demo descriptions now include mention of kills via briar and adder. Generalize pronouns. Topic PR
* Fix lighting not updating when rewinding moves. Topic PR

Level/Room editor

+ New INI entries to play more music variety in the editor. Topic PR
+ Add Enter/ESC hotkeys for character options dialog box Topic PR
* Fix item/monster placement issues Topic PR1 PR2
* Fix gentryii head orientation glitch. Topic PR
* Character options dialog: large sequence values crashed the game. Topic PR
* Cut-and-pasting armed entities doesn't track sword positions correctly. Topic PR
* Fixed allowing gentryii cut-and-paste diagonally over another. Topic PR
* Fixed some menu tooltips that weren't appearing. Topic PR
* Fix losing long monster during placement by changing menu tab or selected monster type. Topic PR
* Now can no longer modify world map settings on a hold you don't have permission to edit. Topic PR
* Optimize deleting many script commands at once. Topic PR
* Fix beep when copying a level across holds. Topic PR
* Fix pressing F2 to generate hold variable reference in paste buffer lists variables incorrectly. Topic PR
! Reduced time for menu tooltips to appear from 1s to 0.5s Topic PR
! Can now place bombs on doors Topic PR
! Now editing hold, level, and character names will strip newline and tab characters from the name. Topic PR
! Hold author now always sees which rooms contain challenges. PR
! Improve editor placement restrictions. Topic1 Topic2 PR

Restore game

* Pressing "Hold Start" on Restore Screen now updates displayed level stats. Topic PR

Settings Screen
* Slider widget now informs the game to update state when value changes. Topic PR


* Briar consuming light posts will now remove the lighting from the room. Topic PR
* Player's light rendering improperly while placing a double. Topic PR
* Fix: PNG image overlay displaying incorrectly Topic PR
* Fix rendering issues during death animation. Topic PR
* Fix: Image overlay opacity not reset after death animation Topic PR
* Fix: Image overlay which use DisplayTurns can now use timed commands after it Topic PR
* Room editor: fluff w/o other tarstuff will now highlight targates in room as an error. Topic PR
* Fixed entity and sword sprite flickering for transparent entities (e.g., when player is invisible). Topic PR
* Fixed NPC sword flickering in low-light conditions. Topic PR
* Stun effect sometimes being rendered when it shouldn't. Topic PR
* Falling entity's weapon now displayed. Topic PR
* Fix sword rendering issues at the edge of the room. Topic PR
* Wall outline missing in one spot for some wall configurations. Topic PR
* Speaker happy mood appeared when the room is cleared. Topic PR
* Fixed strange eye flickering on face portrait during death animation. Topic PR
* Fix drawing wading graphics for (dying) young Halph. Topic PR
* Face display fixes. Topic PR
* Scripted effects are now processed and displayed on the turn the player dies. Topic PR
* Fixed potential de-syncs in displaying scripted images. Topic PR
* Room darkness isn't rendered properly on some game elements (e.g., thin ice). Topic PR
* Building thin ice had rendering issues. Topic PR
* Fixed mirror disappearing when moving it, undoing a move and moving again on the same frame. Topic PR
* Multiple weapons on same tile had fluctuating display. Topic PR
* Fix double placement cursor area not redrawing in some cases. Topic PR
* Fix extra lighting applied to mirror/keg destination tile when pushed next to water, where ceiling light is. Topic PR
* Game effects now pause when app doesn't have focus. Topic PR
* Bump effect fixes. Topic1 Topic2 Topic3 PR
* Play Video display glitch following video playback. Topic PR
* Now aumtlich gazes won't disappear during double placement. Topic PR
* Fix brief flash of the level entrance room in the wrong style as Entrance Text Screen fades in. Topic PR
* Fix: Invisible scripted character dialog missing Topic PR
* Fix: Placing doubles extends Image Overlay display turns Topic PR
* Fix: Disarmed custom graphic sprite display for weapon-having NPCs Topic PR
* Fix: some long-lived screen effects not displaying. Topic PR
* Fix: custom character face not displaying. Topic PR
* Fix lock room indicator not appearing.

! Anti-alias the white font on the game and room editor screens. PR
! Now stagger timing for when vermin disappear. Topic PR
! Orb activation flash now fades out smoothly. PR

Help docs -- Included in patch executable; not included in the dev builds in this topic
* Fix script movement imperative descriptions. Topic PR
* Improve explanation of "Environmental Effects" slider, plus added large tick marks. Topic PR

* Fix Change Location Screen not updating to inform about hold updates. Topic PR

Steam builds
* Windows: Fix game not starting for users with non-ASCII characters in their Windows username. Game now converts Unicode to UTF8 instead of ASCII to open files. (Also, future-proofing for more UTF8 support.)Topic PR


* Englos Defense crash when path blocked. Topic PR

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 09-29-2023 04:20 PM]
09-22-2020 at 02:56 PM
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
Rank Points: 5106
Registered: 02-04-2003
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+3)  
Hyperme has already provided a good number of fixes. Up front, I'd like to express my gratitude and appreciation for hyperme, and skell, and schik, and everyone in the community who contributes to DROD to make it better. You have been instrumental in keeping things going, growing the community, and helping us to release a new version of the game.

Also a big thank you to the community for extended patience in waiting for issues in the game to be fixed. With the completion of my previous project, I have some breathing room to make headway in this space. With the above list of bug fixes, this marks a good point to begin validation. More bug fixes are in the works, but no time like the present to get rolling towards release of one or more official patches as we continue to work on fixes and improvements.

Please note I now have a novel Windows development setup in place, using VS2019 with all-new project files, on a fresh PC. I expect there will be some trial-and-error to determine exactly what needs to be done on my end to get builds working for all players.

I'll start with a baseline build so you can try it out* and provide feedback that lets me know where I need to make changes to get things working for you.

Attached is a zipped folder of an alpha .exe and accompanying required DLLs, which you may unpack and run either in or as a sub-directory of your DROD:TSS install folder to validate fixing of the issues enumerated above in first post, and for general testing of the program, to ensure everything still works as before with nothing new broken.

What I'd like to request from you:

If you can verify a bug has been fixed, please post mention of it in the linked forum topic (if not verified already) so we can check it off our list of things to test in the wild.

If the issue isn't completely fixed, please make mention of the build number listed in the corner of the game's title screen and what issue you're experiencing.

If you spot a new issue that hasn't already been reported, please start a new bug topic with steps to reproduce the bug so we can give it some TLC as well.

Thank you in advance for trying out dev builds for 5.1.1!


* Disclaimer: as an alpha build, there may be bugs, potentially including critical issues like something that could wreck your game's data files. While we don't anticipate causing any harm with these builds, it's generally a wise idea to back up your installation and data files prior to running any development builds, just in case.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 09-23-2020 10:31 PM]
09-23-2020 at 10:06 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 08-07-2007
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (0)  
Will there be a Mac alpha or beta?

(If you need a Mac to build on, I can offer mine, if you can provide me step-by-step build directions)

34th Skywatcher

Best to PM me, since I might miss your message on CaravelNet chat.

[Last edited by disoriented at 09-23-2020 10:13 PM]
09-23-2020 at 10:12 PM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+3)  
disoriented wrote:
Will there be a Mac alpha or beta?

(If you need a Mac to build on, I can offer mine, if you can provide me step-by-step build directions)
I appreciate the offer!

My development (and only) Mac was long in the tooth and went completely kaput some years back. I'm no longer able to contribute directly in this area.

I'd love to have help in putting together a new Mac build. The process is, unfortunately, not for the faint of heart.

There are build steps in a doc in the code repo. You'll need to build third-party libraries and mess with make and config files a bit. If you can pull down the code, follow the steps, and hopefully not have to make too many intuitive leaps in order to get the game up and running, that will be the first major hurdle to getting a new Mac build out the door.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 09-23-2020 10:38 PM]
09-23-2020 at 10:36 PM
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slimm tom
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+5)  
I'm actually been busy during the last couple of weeks to try and get DROD to build on my Mac with help from Mike. I've just now managed to finish that and create a bundle, but DROD is still complaining about missing files, and quits with the following error:
drod: Assertion error in line 141 of ../../FrontEndLib/BitmapManager.cpp: "this->LoadedBitmaps.size()==0"

I guess this has something to do with DROD not being able to find the data files, which I did copy into the bundle, so not sure what's going on there. Maybe someone here knows, but in any case I'm going to try some more things.
09-23-2020 at 10:45 PM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+1)  
slimm tom wrote:
I'm actually been busy during the last couple of weeks to try and get DROD to build on my Mac with help from Mike. I've just now managed to finish that and create a bundle, but DROD is still complaining about missing files, and quits with the following error:
drod: Assertion error in line 141 of ../../FrontEndLib/BitmapManager.cpp: "this->LoadedBitmaps.size()==0"

I guess this has something to do with DROD not being able to find the data files, which I did copy into the bundle, so not sure what's going on there. Maybe someone here knows, but in any case I'm going to try some more things.
Hey, this is great progress! Glad to hear you've reached this point.

Yes, putting the bundle together can be tricky.

Suggest maybe adding some code on attempting to load assets that prints out the current directory and the filenames to load, and manually confirming the files are in those locations. Nothing like printf's to debug.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 09-23-2020 10:58 PM]
09-23-2020 at 10:57 PM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+1)  
I'm running through testing them out now with the GOG version of DROD on windows 10 with the alpha running from a subfolder. I'll update each individual topic with what I've been able to find (it looks good so far aside from a visual glitch).

There seems to be a new bug created however which is getting in the way of testing. When you're in the hold editor if you click the monster tab, the ice tile, the platform tile, any of the 3 bridge tiles, the spike tile, the heat trap, the image insertion tiles, the light, grey and dark tiles, the checkmark tile, the horns, the beacons and the fluff cloud you get a CTD with no error message I could find.

I've checked and this is on version 5.1.1.alpha.2020-09-23 and this does not happen on

[Last edited by NiroZ at 09-24-2020 07:31 AM]
09-24-2020 at 07:24 AM
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
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Registered: 02-04-2003
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (0)  
NiroZ wrote:
I'm running through testing them out now with the GOG version of DROD on windows 10 with the alpha running from a subfolder. I'll update each individual topic with what I've been able to find (it looks good so far aside from a visual glitch).
Thank you. That's great news!
There seems to be a new bug created however which is getting in the way of testing. When you're in the hold editor if you click the monster tab, the ice tile, the platform tile, any of the 3 bridge tiles, the spike tile, the heat trap, the image insertion tiles, the light, grey and dark tiles, the checkmark tile, the horns, the beacons and the fluff cloud you get a CTD with no error message I could find.

I've checked and this is on version 5.1.1.alpha.2020-09-23 and this does not happen on
Kieran also reported something like this for the DROD RPG build. I haven't been able to reproduce it. I just tried again and am not able to make it happen.

Edit: Just saw hyperme's new post about this. I can make it happen in Release builds. I'm on it...

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 09-24-2020 03:47 PM]
09-24-2020 at 03:44 PM
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
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Registered: 02-04-2003
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+1)  
Fixed the room editor menu crash in yesterday's build.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 09-24-2020 08:05 PM]
09-24-2020 at 08:04 PM
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Registered: 02-12-2006
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+1)  
mrimer wrote:
Fixed the room editor menu crash in yesterday's build.
Thank you, I can confirm that it's fixed.

In regards to the editor placement fixes:
Allow Shallow Water to be placed under Potions/Horns, to match being able to place Potions/Horns on Shallow Water.
This is fixed.

Allow placement of Pits, Water and Shallow Water under tokens, to match being able to place tokens on these floor types.
This is fixed.

Disallow the placement of Stairs under Level Entrances. In addition to making this order agnostic, it removes the possibility of the player being trapped in an endless stair loop.
This is fixed

[Last edited by NiroZ at 09-25-2020 03:12 AM : Tested shallow water in the wrong build]
09-25-2020 at 03:05 AM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (0)  
I've fiddled with the patch some more. One weird thing, you can only move vertically. It's very odd. Also, if you run it from steam, you get the error message 'The information in Datapath.txt is invalid'. You're then told you to reinstall drod error message '468'.

In drod.err you get 'Assertion error in line 1227 of C:\Users\mrime\git\drod\DROD\Main.cpp: "!"Unexpected MID value.""'
09-25-2020 at 02:19 PM
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+1)  
NiroZ wrote:
I've fiddled with the patch some more. One weird thing, you can only move vertically. It's very odd. Also, if you run it from steam, you get the error message 'The information in Datapath.txt is invalid'. You're then told you to reinstall drod error message '468'.

In drod.err you get 'Assertion error in line 1227 of C:\Users\mrime\git\drod\DROD\Main.cpp: "!"Unexpected MID value.""'
Thanks for validating!

Feedback, in order:

* Movement: maybe it's a Numlock issue?

* This isn't a Steam-enabled build, btw, and I'm not sure these dev builds will work in the Steam app location.

* Error 468 is MID_TTFInitFailed. This means it couldn't load the fonts, which makes sense if there was a datapath load issue. (I'd ignore this for now if the game works in the Caravel (non-Steam) build install location.)

* Here's a new build that may address any other MID issues and contains some new fixes. (There should have been a pop-up window containing the specific MID value that the game encountered on startup. If you see it under non-Steam-build play, just post the number here and I'll look into it.)

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 09-27-2020 04:34 PM]
09-27-2020 at 02:37 AM
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Registered: 02-12-2006
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+2)  
Yeah, I checked and it seems that it was a numlock issue. Also, you've attached the patch from the 24th.

Thank you for putting out this alpha patch when you did. My knowledge of drod may be rusty but doing this bug testing has been an interesting experience that I have found quite helpful.
09-27-2020 at 12:56 PM
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slimm tom
Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 10-14-2006
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+5)  
I've resolved any outstanding issues and am able to produce a working OSX build!

@mrimer, is there any special process I need to go through/flags I need to set to produces a suitable testing bundle for folks to try out?
09-28-2020 at 02:46 PM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+5)  
slimm tom wrote:
I've resolved any outstanding issues and am able to produce a working OSX build!
Excellent! Congratulations!

Can you post a PR documenting any changes or script/code updates required to get the game building these days?
@mrimer, is there any special process I need to go through/flags I need to set to produces a suitable testing bundle for folks to try out?
If you're using the Makefile and Config in Master/Darwin for building, then you probably want to build either "release" or "custom" variants. You can also use "debug" for running in gdb (etc). Note these all have the "CARAVELBUILD" compiler flag set, which enables the CaravelNet functionality. Without the CaravelNet API code, just remove that flag to get things building on your end (which it sounds like you might have already done).

I believe I was using "custom" for the official builds. You might check what's the difference in the flags set in Config for "custom" and "release" and use/modify the one that makes the most sense in your case, with the current state of code, third-party libs, your compiler and build setup, etc. I'm fine with the settings for either of these if it works.

There's also a "steam" build variant I used in building in Steam SDK functionality. We'll get to that one later when we're ready to create a package for Steam.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 09-29-2020 12:25 AM]
09-28-2020 at 06:37 PM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+5)  
Possibly a silly/ignorant question:

Is there a way to specify a room, download all demos on CaravelNet for that room and then verify the demos don't break in a candidate build?

It would be pretty handy to find all rooms containing, say, kegs and tarstuff, and then check all their demos to test a bugfix related to the interaction of those elements.

34th Skywatcher

Best to PM me, since I might miss your message on CaravelNet chat.

[Last edited by disoriented at 09-28-2020 09:01 PM]
09-28-2020 at 08:59 PM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+5)  
We can do stuff like that.for 5.1.1 we rechecked all of the demos in the database, running comcurrently 8 spiders or 12 spiders on 4 different machines. I think Schik wrote some cool tools for more precise targeting, but frankly I think we should run all the demos

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09-28-2020 at 09:33 PM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (0)  
Updated dev build to validate latest fixes.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
09-29-2020 at 12:39 AM
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slimm tom
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+10)  
OK, here goes. Attached is an OSX bundle built on today's master branch. This includes resources without any .dat file, so you need to pop one in yourself.

Fingers crossed this works on all machines and not just my own.
10-01-2020 at 07:15 PM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+10)  
Updated Windows dev build with fixes up to code change (PR) #97.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
10-01-2020 at 08:53 PM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (0)  
Did you also update the first post in the thread?

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10-01-2020 at 09:34 PM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (0)  
Yes, I'm updating first post with all the changes as they are merged and marked "fixed".

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
10-02-2020 at 12:57 AM
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slimm tom
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+5)  
Attached is a new OS X bundle containing code changes up to PR #127.
10-05-2020 at 02:12 PM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (0)  
Here's a new Windows dev build.

It should have everything fixed that's been merged in on Github up to PR 194.

Skell, what should I do to update topic flags?

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 10-17-2020 04:24 AM]
10-17-2020 at 04:23 AM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+1)  
@slimm tom - i was unable to run that Mac executable. Were you able to run it?

Error that I get

34th Skywatcher

Best to PM me, since I might miss your message on CaravelNet chat.
10-17-2020 at 05:37 AM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (0)  
@mrimer - status to "Fixed released" and version to "5.1.1 Alpha 1" (also might be good to change the name of the release to to the specific build name now, you can do it in admin panel or I will do ot later). Let's keep the version the same, I'll add a new one for the next alpha build, since we don't know when Slimm can make another Mac build.

Also, probably a good idea to link to the latest builds at the top of the first post

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[Last edited by skell at 10-17-2020 08:17 AM]
10-17-2020 at 08:10 AM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (0)  
skell wrote:
@mrimer - status to "Fixed released" and version to "5.1.1 Alpha 1" (also might be good to change the name of the release to to the specific build name now, you can do it in admin panel or I will do ot later). Let's keep the version the same, I'll add a new one for the next alpha build, since we don't know when Slimm can make another Mac build.

Also, probably a good idea to link to the latest builds at the top of the first post
Thanks. Okay, done!

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
10-17-2020 at 04:05 PM
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slimm tom
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+1)  
Looks like I made a mistake when linking a library, which made it run fine on my system but not on others. Attached is a new build up to PR #196 which (hopefully) works on systems other than my own.

@disoriented, can you verify this build works for you?

EDIT: removed bundle, working with disoriented to fix these issues

[Last edited by slimm tom at 10-20-2020 11:25 PM]
10-17-2020 at 04:47 PM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+1)  
No luck with this one either, sorry. Same error message as before.

34th Skywatcher

Best to PM me, since I might miss your message on CaravelNet chat.
10-18-2020 at 01:17 AM
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icon Re: TSS 5.1.1 (+1)  
Updated dev build up to PR 207.

Contains fixes that skell addressed, identified from Kieranmillar's testing of the last build.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
10-18-2020 at 03:07 PM
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