This is how clones replay:
Temporal clones record a sequence of successful actual moves. If a move attempt was blocked by an obstacle when the recording was being made, it will not attempt to make that move in the future, even if the blockage has been removed.
This is all fine, and is behavior for the player to figure out by trial and error.
However, I think there is a bug in the way that the temporal clone indicates what it is going to try next. Currently it isn't possible to distinguish between:
A. In the past I tried to go west, but the way was blocked.
B. In the past I successfully moved west.
Use Chronometric Ruins: 1N2W as an example
Click here to view the secret text
Here I brought the clone up to the closed door, and banged against it a few times, then walked away.
On replay, I see the clone tell me it is going to try and go west, but it doesn't do it. Then after a few moves it tells
me it's going to try east and it does do it.
The behavior I'd like to see is a short stutter if the way way blocked in the past, and the current behavior if the move was successful.
There's some discussion here:
karlpopper wrote:
But currently I'm feeling a bit cheated
76th SkyWatcher
When the only tool you have is a Really Big Sword, all problems start to look like Giant Roaches
[Last edited by karlpopper at 07-24-2014 05:52 PM : Added reference]