Hi Chaco,
You might indeed have found a bug. During playtesting this hold, I sometimes had strange things happen. However, gentryii are
complicated, so I've bassically ignored these occurances. Once or twice I tried to reproduce, but that did not work. I just blamed it on an oversight on my part and did not bother to analyse the movement.
Your statement that it might have to do with the updating of the pathmap seems to make sense. That's consistent with the difficulty of reproducing...
Regarding the move the gentryii should make in this case: NW should be correct.
Gentryii chains are simply brain-visible objects. A gentryii will, however, treat a
gentryii head as just another monster that it will happily pathmap through.
All this often does not really matter, because most rooms you encounter don't depend on predicting precise gentryii movement. And this is a *good* thing
Autocorrect is
not my friend. Apologies for the typos.