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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Holds : Elemental Showcase 5.0 (TSS game elements (contest compilation))
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Author Name:Aiko
Submitted By:Nuntar
Hold Name:Elemental Showcase 5.0
Theme:TSS game elements (contest compilation)
Author's Difficulty:
Number of Levels:11
Number of Rooms:91
Number of Monsters:767
Version:DROD: The Second Sky (5.0)
High Scores:View High Scores
Hold Karma:0 (+40 / -40)
Poster Message
Level: Legendary Smitemaster
Rank Points: 8
IP: Logged

File: Elemental Showcase 50.hold (82.2 KB)
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icon Elemental Showcase 5.0  
A compilation of the ten entries for Elemental Showcase 5.0, Caravel's contest for November / December 2014.
01-23-2015 at 08:45 PM
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icon Re: Elemental Showcase 5.0 (+1)  
I'm super excited that this is finally out! The entries on this contest were all really high quality. For those who did not get a chance to play through this during the contest, you're in for a real treat!

For those not familiar, each level in the contest was supposed to focus on one of the new game elements from TSS (or GaTEB minus shallow water) and create a series of puzzles illustrating the potential of that element. Because of this, the resulting hold really has an almost Advanced Concepts like vibe at times. You'll find yourself learning some of the deep properties of game elements that haven't been focused on before.

It's really interesting to see some of the great ideas people came up with for the different elements. You may be surprised to see not just one, but two different entries to use Thin Ice as their game element. What's even more surprising is that both holds manage to find different and exceptionally good puzzle ideas exploiting different aspects of thin ice. What seemed like an almost throwaway new element from TSS becomes an amazing new tool for puzzle dsign.

I don't want to give too much away, but there are some remarkable remarkable puzzles in this hold and I learned a lot just from playing through all the contest entries. Also, Kudos to Nuntar for running this whole thing and creating a terrific hub level.

Bottom line: Go play this now.

Links to neat forum tools that I always have trouble finding:
Click here to view the secret text

01-23-2015 at 09:29 PM
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icon Re: Elemental Showcase 5.0 (+1)  
Great Hold!

Lovely Hub by Nuntar. Beautiful mini-map and nice layout. Unfortunately I have not completed the hold so I don't knowwhat lies behind the final checkpoint:(

The entries were fantastic.
In the order I played them..

secreted to save space..
Click here to view the secret text

Really super entries EVERYONE!!!

[Last edited by larrymurk at 01-30-2015 11:42 PM]
01-30-2015 at 11:41 PM
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icon Re: Elemental Showcase 5.0 (0)  
OK, where is the secret room in Lord of Time? :P

34th Skywatcher

Best to PM me, since I might miss your message on CaravelNet chat.
01-31-2015 at 03:19 AM
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icon Re: Elemental Showcase 5.0 (+1)  
disoriented wrote:
OK, where is the secret room in Lord of Time? :P

It's not particularly hidden: just use the south tunnel in 1 South, 1 East, behind the green door, and it'll take you to the secret variant of that room.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

01-31-2015 at 05:10 AM
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icon Re: Elemental Showcase 5.0 (0)  
larrrymurk wrote:
Great Hold!

Lovely Hub by Nuntar. Beautiful mini-map and nice layout. Unfortunately I have not completed the hold so I don't knowwhat lies behind the final checkpoint:(

The entries were fantastic.
In the order I played them..

secreted to save space..
Click here to view the secret text

Really super entries EVERYONE!!!

Lol, now I feel like a dumbass as I've been looking for the secret room for the past hour lol.

I'm so happy I found your post as I was about to give up. :thumbsup

[Last edited by Porter at 05-25-2016 01:59 PM]
01-27-2016 at 12:21 PM
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icon Re: Elemental Showcase 5.0 (0)  
A compilation hold showcasing some of the new elements from the (then) newly released TSS. Level comments as follows:

Even More Fluff (Constructs): Some nice rooms here particularly 1W, secret room is really tough though.

Fluffy Factory (Fluff): Slightly easier than the other entries but still a nice little level.

Frosty Cabin (Thin Ice): Introduces concepts before featuring them in puzzles, very good entry.

Gears Within Gears (Constructs): Some tricky rooms here, really like the animated gears though.

Gentryii Prison (Gentryii): Good variety of rooms, a few tricky ones but not too frustrating.

Interlude: The Scorching Path (Firetraps): Some story wrapped around this makes a very good entry, could see this fitting into the official hold.

Lord of Time (Timeclones): Still struggle with timeclone puzzles as not had enough experience of them yet, some of the solutions here were very clever though, tunnel-blocking trick was a bit mean but this has been covered already.

Rise of the Machines (Constructs): Third construct level (obviously one of the more popular new elements), again a good variety of puzzles, well polished entry.

Temperature Anomaly (Thin Ice): Good solid entry, nice puzzles and not too difficult.

The Abandoned Beethro Place (Constructs): Probably the weakest entry here, although the map art for 1N is nice. 1E is a rather tedious room.

Overall a good mixture, worth playing for someone fairly new to TSS who's finished the main hold and wants to try out some more.

Difficulty: 7.5
Fun: 7

Without struggle, there is no progress, so get up, get out, and go make the rest of your life the best of your life; you deserve to live the life that YOU want to live...

Progress - Gavin G
06-16-2016 at 01:08 PM
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Level: Roachling
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icon Re: Elemental Showcase 5.0 (0)  
Porter wrote:
larrrymurk wrote:
Great Hold!

Lovely Hub by Nuntar. Beautiful mini-map and nice layout. Unfortunately I have not completed the hold so I don't knowwhat lies behind the final checkpoint:(

The entries were fantastic.
In the order I played them..

secreted to save space..
Click here to view the secret text

Really super entries EVERYONE!!!

Lol, now I feel like a dumbass as I've been looking for the secret room for the past hour lol.

I'm so happy I found your post as I was about to give up. :thumbsup

Same here, I guess that's why they called it the 'secret room' because the location was a damn secret. :D
10-20-2016 at 07:45 AM
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icon Re: Elemental Showcase 5.0 (+1)  
This compilation is a mixed bag. The puzzles are fine but the presentation is often lacking - lifeless or ugly layouts, a wraithwing on a black background, "Entrance 1" and so forth. The difficulty is all over the place from effective tutorial up to outright devious. It kind of fails as a showcase since solving the puzzles in some levels requires already knowing the quirks of the 5.0 elements.

The interlude and Doctor Who homage were sweet, but I'd still suggest skipping this and downloading a more cohesive hold by a single good author instead.
12-28-2016 at 02:26 PM
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