If you set an NPC to have Imperative Brain Pathmap Obstacle, and then do something to make said NPC die or disappear via scripting, it's then possible to walk through the tile it was on (duh, as it should be), but the Brain still regards that tile as an obstacle!
The attached hold demonstrates the issue. If you bump the NPC (which is pushable by weapon also if you want to move it around to experiment) it will disappear and die via scripting. But if you then open the door every brained roach movement will head to the east exit of the little box, even if Beethro is really close to the west end!
I strongly suspect the same thing would happen with an NPC's pathmap and those relevant commands, but have not specifically tested it. It MIGHT be interesting to allow something that's disappeared to still be an obstacle (so "
only brains see it"
and with a decent architect they'd have ghost display so the player knows where they are) but it DEFINITELY shouldn't still be an obstacle after it's died.
EDIT: I've discovered that the problem is even worse. With this "
pushable by weapon"
NPC, if you push him off of the tile he starts on but don't bump him to destroy him
that tile is still treated as a brain pathmap obstacle, AND
the new tile is NOT treated as a brain pathmap obstacle. This means the pathmap is not being properly updated on pushing a pushable character the way it is for normal pushables like mirrors and powder kegs, both of which do have the pathmap updated properly when pushed.
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[Last edited by Xindaris at 01-23-2017 09:36 PM]