Yeah, I guess the expected behavior would be for the doors to toggle twice, though I cringe at the thought of the room that requires that bit of technical arcana. I think it makes sense as long as the doors remain in the same state though (since there is no tarstuff in the room either before or after).
What's probably happening with the spike trap vs fire trap is that the spike traps get processed earlier in the turn than the fire traps. Oddly enough, spike traps are supposed to process
before tar gates toggle while fire traps are supposed to process after. This is according to skell's super cool master list of turn order processing:
The order is supposed to be
1) Tar grows
2) Spikes process
3) tar gates toggel
4) fire traps process
So I would have thought fire traps would have been the problematic element since they happen after gates toggle. Not sure what's going on.
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