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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : Contests : The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (A multiple question poll)
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1. Which hold-in-progress deserves the Most Promising Hold Award?
King Ashlocke's Gauntlet by Ben Miff PollPollPoll 5 12.50%
Porthole Demo by RoboBob3000 PollPollPoll 14 35.00%
I have no opinion in this category. PollPollPoll 21 52.50%

2. Which scripted creation deserves the Best Custom Game Element Award?
Fireballs (in Fireballs by Chaco) PollPollPoll 11 27.50%
Guardians (in Entropy by Dischorran) PollPollPoll 5 12.50%
Kolby (in Kolby's Challenge by Someone Else) PollPollPoll 9 22.50%
Salamanders (in Salamander by Jutt) PollPollPoll 8 20.00%
I have no opinion in this category. PollPollPoll 7 17.50%

3. Which hold deserves the award for Technical Design Excellence in Scripting?
not dr0d 2: DROD Tower! by Tahnan PollPollPoll 8 20.51%
RPG 3.0 by Jason PollPollPoll 11 28.21%
Under the Mountains by RuAdam PollPollPoll 3 7.69%
Val Unrich by The spitemaster PollPollPoll 10 25.64%
I have no opinion in this category. PollPollPoll 7 17.95%

4. Which hold deserves the award for Technical Design Excellence in Layout and Aesthetics?
Artful Architecture by Jutt PollPollPoll 0 0.00%
Beethro's Brain by Dischorran PollPollPoll 3 7.69%
Castle Steele by Elfstone PollPollPoll 11 28.21%
Directions of the Compass by brian_s PollPollPoll 0 0.00%
Entropy by Dischorran PollPollPoll 6 15.38%
Pathways of Witherwood by calamarain PollPollPoll 2 5.13%
The Goblin by Jacob PollPollPoll 2 5.13%
I have no opinion in this category. PollPollPoll 15 38.46%

5. Which hold deserves the award for Technical Design Excellence in Concept?
Advanced Concepts, compiled by jbluestein PollPollPoll 13 32.50%
Choose Your Adventure by Jacob PollPollPoll 3 7.50%
Different Methods by hartleyhair PollPollPoll 3 7.50%
Imperial Wandering by Chaco PollPollPoll 7 17.50%
not dr0d 2: DROD Tower! by Tahnan PollPollPoll 2 5.00%
RPG 3.0 by Jason PollPollPoll 3 7.50%
I have no opinion in this category. PollPollPoll 9 22.50%

6. Which hold deserves the award for Creative Design Excellence in Storyline?
Candy for Gramps by larrymurk PollPollPoll 2 5.00%
Castle Steele by Elfstone PollPollPoll 8 20.00%
Devilishly Dangerous Dungeons of Doom by calamarain PollPollPoll 5 12.50%
Entropy by Dischorran PollPollPoll 6 15.00%
Imperial Wandering by Chaco PollPollPoll 9 22.50%
I have no opinion in this category. PollPollPoll 10 25.00%

7. Which hold deserves the award for Creative Design Excellence in Difficulty?
Artful Architecture by Jutt PollPollPoll 1 2.50%
Candy for Gramps by larrymurk PollPollPoll 6 15.00%
Dungeon of Broken Orbs by Rheb PollPollPoll 4 10.00%
Entropy by Dischorran PollPollPoll 3 7.50%
Madness in the Spring by BoyBlue PollPollPoll 7 17.50%
Museum of Ooze by larrymurk PollPollPoll 7 17.50%
I have no opinion in this category. PollPollPoll 12 30.00%

8. Which hold deserves the award for Creative Design Excellence in Entertainment?
An Aumtlich's Quest by hartleyhair PollPollPoll 4 10.26%
Beethro's Brain by Dischorran PollPollPoll 7 17.95%
Castle Steele by Elfstone PollPollPoll 5 12.82%
Floor 33 by jdyer PollPollPoll 7 17.95%
not dr0d 2: DROD Tower! by Tahnan PollPollPoll 5 12.82%
Symphony by calamarain PollPollPoll 5 12.82%
I have no opinion in this category. PollPollPoll 6 15.38%

9. Which hold is so amazingly awesome all around, that it deserves the Hold of the Year award?
Advanced Concepts, compiled by jbluestein PollPollPoll 9 22.50%
Choose Your Adventure by Jacob PollPollPoll 3 7.50%
Entropy by Dischorran PollPollPoll 5 12.50%
Madness in the Spring PollPollPoll 2 5.00%
Museum of Ooze by larrymurk PollPollPoll 3 7.50%
The Goblin by Jacob PollPollPoll 7 17.50%
I have no opinion in this category. PollPollPoll 11 27.50%

10. Which artistic creation deserves the award for Graphics Design Excellence in a Modification?
Basalt by Jutt PollPollPoll 11 27.50%
GrimDROD Mod by Dictator Reverus PollPollPoll 2 5.00%
Sandstone by Jutt PollPollPoll 7 17.50%
I have no opinion in this category. PollPollPoll 20 50.00%

11. Whose voice acting deserves the award for Best Actor or Actress in a Leading Role?
Abbyzzmal as Tendry in Tendry's Tale PollPollPoll 22 55.00%
Elfstone as Rashonwe singing in Castle Steele PollPollPoll 4 10.00%
Snacko as Beethro in Devilishly Dangerous Dungeons of Doom PollPollPoll 6 15.00%
I have no opinion in this category. PollPollPoll 8 20.00%

12. Which new RPG creation deserves the award for Best DROD RPG Hold?
Fetch the Pie by Chaco PollPollPoll 8 20.51%
Nobard's Hold by Nuntar PollPollPoll 5 12.82%
The Test of Mind by Jeff_Ray... PollPollPoll 3 7.69%
Washed Ashore by Dischorran PollPollPoll 7 17.95%
I have no opinion in this category. PollPollPoll 16 41.03%

13. Which new architect deserves the coveted Novice Architect Award?
Dischorran (Beethro's Brain and Entropy) PollPollPoll 23 57.50%
lopsidation (Murder in the Basement) PollPollPoll 0 0.00%
mxvladi (seven holds published already!) PollPollPoll 9 22.50%
Pekka (Abel's Hold) PollPollPoll 1 2.50%
I have no opinion in this category. PollPollPoll 7 17.50%

14. Which talented young architect deserves the Most Promising Young Architect award?
hartleyhair PollPollPoll 4 10.00%
Jason PollPollPoll 6 15.00%
Jeff_Ray... PollPollPoll 7 17.50%
mxvladi PollPollPoll 9 22.50%
VIPCOOL PollPollPoll 2 5.00%
vittro PollPollPoll 2 5.00%
I have no opinion in this category. PollPollPoll 10 25.00%

15. Which architect deserves the very prestigious Lifetime Architectural Achievement Award?
BoyBlue PollPollPoll 4 10.00%
ErikH2000 PollPollPoll 9 22.50%
Jacob PollPollPoll 11 27.50%
Rheb PollPollPoll 8 20.00%
I have no opinion in this category. PollPollPoll 8 20.00%

(optional) Which categories should be continued or added for next year's SAPCHA Awards?
Most Promising Hold PollPollPoll 20 43.48%
Best Custom Game Element PollPollPoll 26 56.52%
Technical Design Excellence in Scripting PollPollPoll 28 60.87%
Technical Design Excellence in Layout and Aesthetics PollPollPoll 28 60.87%
Technical Design Excellence in Concept PollPollPoll 27 58.70%
Creative Design Excellence in Storyline PollPollPoll 31 67.39%
Creative Design Excellence in Difficulty PollPollPoll 30 65.22%
Creative Design Excellence in Entertainment PollPollPoll 30 65.22%
Hold of the Year PollPollPoll 33 71.74%
Graphics Design Excellence in a Modification PollPollPoll 19 41.30%
Best Actor or Actress in a Leading Role PollPollPoll 26 56.52%
Best DROD RPG Hold (would split into more categories, to be discussed then) PollPollPoll 30 65.22%
Novice Architect Award PollPollPoll 27 58.70%
Most Promising Young Architect PollPollPoll 19 41.30%
Lifetime Architectural Achievement Award PollPollPoll 28 60.87%
Best Hold with a non-Beethro Role (new suggestion) PollPollPoll 14 30.43%
Best Compilation Hold (new suggestion) PollPollPoll 12 26.09%
Most Overlooked Hold (new suggestion) PollPollPoll 16 34.78%
Best Single Room or Puzzle (new suggestion) PollPollPoll 22 47.83%
Yikes! Too many categories overwhelm me. PollPollPoll 11 23.91%
Total Votes 47 100%
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icon The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (+4)  
It's time to vote for the winners of the Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards!

2008 has been a terrific year for DROD holds. I'm very impressed with all the holds that have been nominated for this year's awards. Now that architects and players have become familiar with all the new TCB game elements, these holds really show the range of puzzles and atmosphere you can create with them. If you have limited time for playing DROD, these are the holds to play.

This year, we also have the new DROD RPG game, and there are already some very creative and surprisingly diverse RPG holds to check out as well.

Creating a great hold is a process that requires cleverness, creativity, artistry, a sense of humor, patience, persistence, and a love of the game. This year, our forum's architects have given all these things to create new holds enjoyed by our community. Please take some time to reward them, by voting for your favorites. :)

Oh, and remember, once you push the Vote button at the bottom of the poll, you can't go back and edit your choices, so please double-check your selections.
11-24-2008 at 02:44 AM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (+3)  
And here are the nominees...

1. Most Promising Hold
Click here to view the secret text

2. Best Custom Game Element
Click here to view the secret text

3. Technical Design Excellence in Scripting
Click here to view the secret text

4. Technical Design Excellence in Layout and Aesthetics
Click here to view the secret text

5. Technical Design Excellence in Concept
Click here to view the secret text

6. Creative Design Excellence in Storyline
Click here to view the secret text

7. Creative Design Excellence in Difficulty
Click here to view the secret text

8. Creative Design Excellence in Entertainment
Click here to view the secret text

9. Hold of the Year
Click here to view the secret text

10. Graphics Design Excellence in a Modification
Click here to view the secret text

11. Best Actor or Actress in a Leading Role
Click here to view the secret text

12. Best DROD RPG Hold
Click here to view the secret text

13. Novice Architect Award
Click here to view the secret text

14. Most Promising Young Architect
Click here to view the secret text

15. Lifetime Architectural Achievement Award
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by CuriousShyRabbit at 11-24-2008 05:50 AM]
11-24-2008 at 02:44 AM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (0)  
By the way: For ErikH2000 the deal is we do not take Dugans Dungeon into account, right? If we did I would have voted for him, since there obviously aren't any hold that's more important to DROD as a whole. Without it there would be no DROD.
11-24-2008 at 11:12 AM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (+1)  
Blondbeard wrote:
By the way: For ErikH2000 the deal is we do not take Dugans Dungeon into account, right?
That's correct, for the same reason The City Beneath and Journey to Rooted Hold were left out of previous People's Choice Awards. These awards are all about encouraging amateur architects to open up the editor and build cool stuff, not the professionals (who we already know are awesome).

If Erik doesn't win on the basis of Smallsome Swicks and Down the Grimmish Hole, what do you say we honor him by naming the award after him? Instead of the "Lifetime Architectural Achievement Award," we can have the "Erik Hermansen Lifetime Architectural Achievement Award." That way, we'd remember his lifetime of contributions to DROD every year when these awards come around.
11-24-2008 at 11:43 AM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (0)  
Sound a bit too long :) How about just the "Erik Hermansen Award"?
11-24-2008 at 11:57 AM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (+1)  
Somehow I can't see comparing Erik with everyone else. I'm an atheist, but if there is a god I have to believe it'd be Erik.

As far as honoring Erik, I think it'd be quite fitting to do a tribute to him in some way.
11-24-2008 at 01:48 PM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (+1)  
I feel like giving that award to Erik would be akin to stealing it from the community. That doesn't mean that I think he's not talented, because he obviously is. I just feel like we would be snubbing another very talented architect in a very big way if we did.

In my mind, Erik is ineligible.

11-24-2008 at 04:52 PM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (+1)  
Just to re-iterate, Erik is eligible for the award, but only on the basis of his user-made holds, Smallsome Swicks and Down the Grimmish Hole. His ground-breaking work on King Dugan's Dungeon does not count here, as these awards have never included the official holds.

If King Dugan's Dungeon did count, then you would have been choosing between Erik and Doom in the Third Annual People's Choice Awards, the first year the Lifetime Architectural Achievement Award was introduced. Or, if Doom really does have more of a lifetime of architectural achievement, then you would have been choosing between Erik and Larry in the Fourth Annual People's Choice Awards.

I understand that everyone wants to honor Erik, especially since he retired from Caravel this year. In my personal opinion, "fixing him up" with the third lifetime architectural achievement award, after Doom and Larry already won it, is not enough of an honor. Erik is our creator. We wouldn't have this game or this community or these awards without his work and ideas. In my opinion, we need to find another more appropriate way to honor him.
11-25-2008 at 12:42 AM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (0)  
And that's why I agree that the award should henceforth and retroactively be named after him.

Who, me?
11-25-2008 at 05:25 PM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (+1)  
An idea: If you have an architect wothy of a Lifetime Architectural Achievement Award you want to make it as easy as possible for said person to produce holds in the future (IMO). Therefore I think a prize for that award could include CaravelNet (for x years, so that the person could make beta boards, if he/she wanted to). It could even be somewhat profitable for the CaravelTeam, since such an architect could very well be a part of producing future SMS holds.

[Last edited by Blondbeard at 11-27-2008 03:13 PM]
11-27-2008 at 03:12 PM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (0)  
Nice ideas. I approve of the idea to give free CaravelNet service to architects who win the Lifetime Achievement Award. I would agree to take care of that -- just send me the winner's info. I'm fine with applying this retroactively to past winners of this category too so they may continue to create!

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 11-29-2008 03:20 AM]
11-27-2008 at 04:46 PM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (0)  
One question: are there any guidelines on voting in categories you have been nominated in yourself? I was planning on just selecting no opinion, but if CSR as FAPCHA coordinator has any advice, I'd like to hear.

Holds: An Architects Audition, Artful Architecture, Salamander, Elusive Exhibitions, Leftover Levels, Six Times Six
Collaborative: Way Forward, Advanced Concepts 2
Styles/Mods: Basalt, Sandstone, Garden, Clock using game elements
11-28-2008 at 05:51 PM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (0)  
Jutt wrote:
One question: are there any guidelines on voting in categories you have been nominated in yourself?
Nope, there are no guidelines. You are a well-respected forum member, Jutt, and your opinions are important. Please feel free to vote for the nominees that you honestly believe are the best in each category.

I'm not sure that we need voting guidelines, since the members of this forum tend to be exceptionally intelligent, mature, and tasteful. But if guidelines need to be added, I think we'll have to put that on the to-do list for next year. Many people have already voted this year. I'm fairly confident that we already have some nominees who have avoided voting for themselves and other nominees who haven't. I'm not sure how I would enforce voting guidelines if we had any. I am not able to see how individual forum members voted in this poll.

Blondbeard, regarding prizes, this is an unofficial contest (look ma, no sticky!) so it is up to us to provide them. I don't want to say too much about prizes at this point. I will see what I can do about getting a CNet subscription to this year's winner of the Erik Hermansen Award. I hate to add to the workload of those who are already drowning in their own to-do lists, but I think I will need the help of a forum admin for that.
11-29-2008 at 01:09 AM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (0)  
Jutt wrote:
CSR as FAPCHA coordinator
Is that another silly method of separating spambots from real people? :)

np: Gas - Track 1 (Pop)

"I'm not anti-anything, I'm anti-everything, it fits better." - Sole
R.I.P. Robert Feldhoff (1962-2009) :(
11-29-2008 at 09:55 AM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (+1)  
Briareos wrote:
Jutt wrote:
CSR as FAPCHA coordinator
Is that another silly method of separating spambots from real people? :)
I think it might have been the original name for the Hot Captcha.

Click here to view the secret text

11-30-2008 at 05:36 AM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (+1)  
Dischorran wrote:
I think it might have been the original name for the Hot Captcha.
And there I was, totally holding back on saying that it sounds dirty... but of course nothing that can be said stays unsaid on Teh Intarnets... :P

np: Squarepusher - Tensor In Green (Just A Souvenir)

"I'm not anti-anything, I'm anti-everything, it fits better." - Sole
R.I.P. Robert Feldhoff (1962-2009) :(
11-30-2008 at 10:35 AM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (0)  
Thanks everyone for all the votes! :)

I'm bumping this poll up to the top because there are less than 24 hours left for last-minute votes. While the winners in some categories are pretty much decided at this point, a last minute voter could change the outcome of some others. If there aren't any new votes that resolve the current ties, I'll post the tiebreaker poll tomorrow after this one times out.

EDIT: The tiebreaker poll is here.

[Last edited by CuriousShyRabbit at 12-15-2008 08:23 AM]
12-14-2008 at 12:51 AM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (+2)  
Aw, no awards for me! :(

But hey, at least I got nominated! Thanks everyone for the votes! :)

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12-16-2008 at 03:01 AM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (+1)  
The People have spoken. We now have winners in all the categories! :)

So many great holds were released this year, perhaps we should have had more categories, so they all could win something. It looks like there's enough interest in a "best single room or puzzle" category to add that one for next year, along with some new RPG categories. This would give very short but very good holds more chance to win something. Also, it might be worth expanding the "best mod" category to include more graphical creations.

A big thank you to all who participated in the nominations and voting process. More people participated this year than in any of the four previous years. 19 people helped with the nominations and more than 40 people took the time to vote. With this much voting participation, this year's winners can be especially proud of their achievements.

Awards ceremony coming soon...
EDIT: The awards ceremony is here. :)

[Last edited by CuriousShyRabbit at 12-23-2008 10:28 AM]
12-22-2008 at 02:17 AM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (+1)  
Just a kindly suggestion to take out/off/down the scrolling text which suggests that you might wish to vote in a contest that, um, you can no longer vote in.* :)
Click here to view the secret text

* Unless, of course, I'm the only one who is currently seeing it.

[Last edited by Lamkin at 02-07-2009 09:10 PM]
02-07-2009 at 09:10 PM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (0)  
I'm afraid this is because our official Marquee Poster's CaravelNet subscription has run out, and he can no longer see the text in game. Perhaps you, or another person involved with this month's contest could PM an appropriate new marquee to mrimer. I'm sorry that I don't know enough about this month's contest to do it myself.
02-08-2009 at 10:14 AM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (0)  
CuriousShyRabbit wrote:
I'm afraid this is because our official Marquee Poster's CaravelNet subscription has run out, and he can no longer see the text in game. Perhaps you, or another person involved with this month's contest could PM an appropriate new marquee to mrimer. I'm sorry that I don't know enough about this month's contest to do it myself.
Sure, forumites are always welcome to suggest appropriate, current news for the marquee.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
02-08-2009 at 10:48 PM
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icon Re: The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards - Vote Here! (0)  
mrimer wrote:
CuriousShyRabbit wrote:
I'm afraid this is because our official Marquee Poster's CaravelNet subscription has run out, and he can no longer see the text in game. Perhaps you, or another person involved with this month's contest could PM an appropriate new marquee to mrimer. I'm sorry that I don't know enough about this month's contest to do it myself.
Sure, forumites are always welcome to suggest appropriate, current news for the marquee.

How about, "the bar has been updated"?

Resident Medic/Mycologist
02-08-2009 at 11:01 PM
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