If your hold has been tested by multiple people and you are reasonably sure it is in a final form, press the button to continue"
, they said. "
Should be fine"
, I thought, "
I've only added a few little secrets to my version on the architects board, I don't need them to be tested"
Now I feel very dumb.
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×Somehow the fact that putting the sole roach next to the entrance of a room would make the level quite easy escaped my notice.
However, this is a secret, unrequired room and therefore does not affect the playability of the hold at all. So don't let this deter you, I am confident that the rest of the hold is fine.
My version of drod is now BROKEN (I was halfway through level 21), which I am very sad about, there's no way of me retesting this room and fixing it. Oh well.
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×The intended solution was to make your way to the 3rd room without hitting any bombs, put the mimic in the second, hit the bombs with the mimic in enough time to enter and leave the 4th room. All I needed to do was add in an extra exit and a couple of force arrows, and moved a couple of bombs, but can't now
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Holds and Levels:
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