After enjoying Aurora's Palace so much I decided to check out another Jacob hold and began this one. I've conquered it and think it's a terrific hold. Good solid puzzles: some tricky, some sneaky, nothing impossibly difficult with a few very simple rooms thrown in and all fun. I'm usually not a fan of orb puzzles, but here they were my favourite rooms. Slayer's Challenge was my favourite level, which was a pleasant surprise, because once I realized what it was all about I thought I would find it incredibly frustrating. It was quite actually very satisfying to figure out the correct level path and -- since I like to make an attempt at optimization -- work out the "
most efficient"
room solve. There's a very creative twisty mind at work in this architect's head.
However I would really like to master this and have come up against a wall. Well, more like some stubborn blue gates.
(secreted for length and non-relevance)
Click here to view the secret text
I noticed in the Architecture thread there was a similar issue, but I believe that was resolved since no one else seems to have this problem with the published hold, so I'm wondering what I'm missing. Here it my current state:
Return 100 3/3
Rest 100% 3/3
Ruined City 37% 0/1
Slayers Challenge 100% 3/3
Rescue 88% 1/1
In Ruined City I've completed 1N, Entrance, 1S, 1N1E, 1E and 1S1E. These are the only rooms I can find that aren't blocked by a blue gate. There are blue gates in 1N, 1N1E (which I'm pretty sure I reach once I go through the blue gate in 1N) and 1S1E. They haven't dropped so I assume there must be another required room on this level somewhere, but I'm stumped as to where it might be. Feel free to PM me if the answer would contain spoilers. Any help is appreciated.
And now I'm off to work on the previous holds in the series!