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icon The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+11)  
The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards

Welcome to the Ninth Annual People's Choice Awards (also known as The Deadlies)! This is clearly the most important Awards year so far, since it's The Eighth!

2012 was a pretty good year for DROD, not only seeing the release of Gunthro and the Epic Blunder and Flood Warning, but also the creation of Flash DROD. 2012 also saw the release of 35 user holds, 16 of which were created by new architects. Those user holds are what the Deadlies were created to honor.

Most of what follows is shamelessly ripped off from Trickster's post last year, which was in turn based on CuriousShyRabbit's work in previous years, so all due credit to them. Works eligible for the Ninth Annual People's Choice Awards are considered only for the time period of January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. See the links below for some history of the categories and their previous winners.

Although GatEB was released in 2012, as an official hold it is not eligible in most categories. However, I have decided to allow nominations for GatEB in the Voice Artist category as the performers in question are all forum members and not professional actors. Additionally, there were no new RPG level sets released in 2012, but I have included the RPG category below for historical purposes and in the hope that this year will see some new releases for RPG. Finally, I have chosen not to include the Young Architect category, as I have no way of verifying the ages of any of the architects.

The fifteen categories for the Ninth Annual People's Choice Awards are:

1. Best Custom Game Element
The versatility of the GatEB and RPG scripting engines have made it possible for innovative architects to create their own custom monsters, custom protagonists, or other custom elements. This award is for a published DROD hold with an excellent implementation of a custom game element. The game element should work predictably (and without errors), it should be interesting, and it should be showcased in excellent puzzles. Holds or level sets with "custom character" scripts may be nominated.

2. Design Excellence in a Modification or Addition
This award is for a modification to, or utility for, DROD or DROD RPG. It can be a whole new room style, a clock, or a “cheat” like transparent tar. It can be a modification for any DROD engine, or anything that works specifically in conjunction with DROD, like a separate program to organize DROD data. The most professional-looking and useful modification or utility wins this award. Modifications or utilities usable with multiple holds or level sets and first made available in 2012 may be nominated.

3. Technical Design Excellence in Scripting
This award is for a published DROD hold where innovative and original scripting is a prominent feature. In contrast to the best custom game element award, where a constant script is used throughout a hold, this award is for a hold where different scripts are used in different rooms or levels, and these need not include custom characters or game elements. Scripting may be used for puzzle and/or storyline purposes. Holds or level sets with scripting may be nominated.

4. Technical Design Excellence in Layout and Aesthetics
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and this award is for a published DROD hold that has a beautiful design. The rooms and levels must be attractive, and they must work together as a whole in an interesting way. Holds eligible for this award may (or may not) include hold art, original avatars or sprites, or original image floor, pit or wall. Players can't just rush through this hold; they feel somehow compelled to stop and just admire the beautiful rooms and levels. Holds or level sets may be nominated.

5. Technical Design Excellence in Concept
This award is for a published DROD hold that is the first (or only one) of its kind. It features unique puzzles that fit together in an equally innovative way. This hold is a leader, where others are followers. A player's reaction is, "I wish I had been the one to think of this!" Holds or level sets may be nominated.

6. Creative Design Excellence in Storyline
This award is for a published DROD hold that has a detailed and engaging storyline. Characters are well-developed. The player is motivated to solve puzzles just to find out what happens next. Holds or level sets may be nominated.

7. Creative Design Excellence in Difficulty
This award is for a published DROD hold that is difficult, yet still fun. Solving these puzzles requires the player to think in new ways. While many players give up on other difficult holds, they persevere and struggle through this one, because it’s just such an amazing hold. Holds or level sets with an average vote of 7 or more "brains" (at the time of this posting) may be nominated.

8. Creative Design Excellence in Entertainment
This award is for a published DROD hold of easy to medium difficulty that is the most fun to play. Playing through this hold is the perfect way to relax on a Sunday afternoon. Holds or level sets with an average vote of 6.5 or fewer "brains" (at the time of this posting) may be nominated.

9. Most Promising DROD Hold
This award is for an excellent work in progress, which began public beta in 2012 and remained in beta through the rest of the year (private betas are not permitted, unless they also include a public board). Please consider the progress of each work only as of December 31, 2012. The hold may feature an engaging storyline, beautiful custom artwork, a terrific layout, an interesting custom monster, an innovative use of scripting, or simply the best puzzles around. Holds which are published or abandoned after December 31, 2012 are still eligible for this award. Holds first placed into public beta in 2012 and neither published nor permanently abandoned during 2012 may be nominated.

10. Most Promising DROD RPG Level Set
This award is for an excellent work in progress, which began public beta in 2012 and remained in beta through the rest of the year (private betas are not permitted, unless they also include a public board). Please consider the progress of each work only as of December 31, 2012. The level set may feature an engaging storyline, beautiful custom artwork, a terrific layout, an interesting custom monster, an innovative use of scripting, or simply the best puzzles around. Level sets which are published or abandoned after December 31, 2012 are still eligible for this award. Level sets first placed into public beta in 2012 and neither published nor permanently abandoned during 2012 may be nominated.

11. DROD Hold of the Year
This award is for the best DROD Hold published in 2012. This beautifully polished and balanced hold features an excellent overall concept, creative and fun puzzles with just the right level of challenge, great level design, an engaging story, and perhaps just the right extra goodies (such as custom artwork or voice acting) to set it apart from the rest. If only one of this year’s holds could be preserved for future generations of DRODers to enjoy, this would be it. DROD holds may be nominated.

12. DROD RPG Level Set of the Year (none available this year)
This award is for the best DROD RPG level set published in 2012. This terrific level set is fun to explore, aesthetically pleasing, and the player encounters a variety of unique and interesting challenges. If you could take only one RPG level set to play and play again while stranded on a desert island, this would be it. DROD RPG level sets may be nominated.

13. Best Voice Artist in a Distinct Role
This award is for excellent voice artistry in a published DROD or DROD RPG hold. Good voice artistry sounds professional and adds another dimension to the character being played. When nominating an artist, please specify both the hold or level set, and the specific role played (each role is a separate nomination). Voice artists for distinct roles in holds or level sets may be nominated.

14. Novice Architect Award
This is the Rookie of the Year award for architects. This award is for an architect whose first stand-alone hold or level set was published in 2011. Excellent puzzles, well-designed levels, and possibly other architectural virtues such as well executed scripting, engaging storyline, and/or beautiful custom artwork show promise of great things to come from this architect. Architects who published their first stand-alone (non-compilation) hold or level set in 2012 may be nominated.

15. Erik Hermansen Award for Lifetime Architectural Achievement
This award is for architects who have been creating great holds for years. To create one good hold requires creativity and skill. But to keep on creating good holds, year after year, requires special dedication and inspiration, well worthy of an award. This award is so prestigious, it can only be won once in a lifetime. Previous winners of the Erik Hermansen Award are Doom (2006), LarryMurk (2007), Jacob (2008), BoyBlue (2009), Rheb (2010), and Chaco (2011). Architects who have not previously won this award, published their first stand-alone (non-compilation) hold or level set in 2010 or earlier, have published at least one stand-alone hold or level set in 2012, and have created at least four stand-alone holds or level sets with an average vote of 7.0 or higher "fun" (at the time of this posting) may be nominated.

Nomination Rules
A list of eligible nominees for each category will be posted in the following message. If you choose to nominate yourself, or a stand-alone hold or level set or modification or utility that you are the architect of, you must post the nomination here in public. All other nominations should be sent to RabidChild directly by PM, and shall remain private. You are permitted to nominate more than one nominee within each category. When the deadline is reached, all nominees will be revealed. If a category has no nominees, it will not be included in the voting this year. If a category has only one nominee, it will still be opened for voting, in which case the nominee must receive at least one vote to win.

Deadline for Nominations: April 15, 2013

Click here to PM RabidChild your nominations!

History of the People's Choice Awards
The First Annual People's Choice Awards | Voting | Tiebreaker
The Second Annual People’s Choice Awards | Voting
The Third Annual People’s Choice Awards | Voting | Final Round | Tiebreaker
The Fourth Annual People’s Choice Awards | Voting | Tiebreaker | Winners
The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards | Voting | Tiebreaker | Winners
The Sixth Annual People's Choice Awards | Voting | Tiebreaker | Winners
The Seventh Annual People's Choice Awards | Voting | Winners
The Eighth Annual People's Choice Awards | Voting | Winners

[Last edited by RabidChild at 03-14-2013 11:00 PM]
03-14-2013 at 02:12 AM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+10)  
Here are lists of potential nominees for the Ninth Annual People's Choice Awards!

(Please PM RabidChild if anything in these lists is missing or needs to be removed. Thanks!)

Full List of Holds and Level Sets Published in 2012 (in order of publication)
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1. Best Custom Game Element
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2. Design Excellence in a Modification or Addition
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3. Technical Design Excellence in Scripting
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4. Technical Design Excellence in Layout and Aesthetics
All listed holds and level sets are eligible.

5. Technical Design Excellence in Concept
All listed holds and level sets are eligible.

6. Creative Design Excellence in Storyline
All listed holds and level sets are eligible.

7. Creative Design Excellence in Difficulty
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8. Creative Design Excellence in Entertainment
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9. Most Promising DROD Hold (alphabetical by current project title)
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10. Most Promising DROD RPG Level Set (alphabetical by current project title)
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11. DROD Hold of the Year
All listed DROD holds are eligible.

12. DROD RPG Level Set of the Year
All listed DROD RPG level sets are eligible.
Once again, there are none available this year! Maybe 2013 will be a better year for RPG.

13. Best Voice Artist in a Distinct Role (alphabetical by artist: nominations must include hold or level set and role)
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14. Novice Architect Award
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15. Erik Hermansen Award for Lifetime Architectural Achievement
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Deadline for Nominations: April 15, 2013

Click here to PM RabidChild your nominations!

[Last edited by RabidChild at 03-15-2013 02:29 AM]
03-14-2013 at 02:14 AM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+1)  
I'd like to point out that I am technically not eligible for the novice architect award as I have already released a hold several years ago (though me from three years ago wasn't a great architect).

If you need to think outside of the box, then you didn't build a good enough box.
03-14-2013 at 02:41 AM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
blorx1 wrote:
I'd like to point out that I am technically not eligible for the novice architect award as I have already released a hold several years ago (though me from three years ago wasn't a great architect).

Not sure how I missed that, but thanks for pointing it out. I've edited the post to remove you from the list.
03-14-2013 at 02:51 AM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+1)  
03-14-2013 at 03:52 AM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
I still think I don't have a ghost of a chance against the other nominees. My history IS quite an unusual one, and to see it highlighted would make me quite happy and proud. But I'm sure people will capitalize on the actual holds themselves, so compared to Dischorran, Jutt and Penwielder, I have no hopes of winning. :P

Well, I guess we'll see what happens.

I make Let's Plays too!
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03-14-2013 at 02:31 PM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+1)  
ugh can think of good way to present idea just have it raw:

Is it really fair that 'Most Promising Level Set' isn't separate from 'Most Promising Hold'? Holds get more attention, have more experienced maker-people and are generally more supported than Level Sets. The rpg stuff is going to get stomped all over by the classic stuff, and the ways in which 'Most Promising' is decided varies for the two type of making, meaning they won't even be judged the same way.


[Insert witty comment here]
03-14-2013 at 08:45 PM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+3)  
Another year, another Deadlies, another reminder of a tool not currently occupying space in the little menu tab at the top of the forum:

Schik's DROD Hold Mega-MiniMap Viewer Thingy:

With it, you can look at most holds in a glorious zoomed-out view of each level. Perfect for reminding yourself about holds you played months ago, or for comparing aesthetics of architecture.
03-14-2013 at 09:06 PM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+1)  
A small question: shouldn't there be a post displaying how many nominations each entry has received? I'm quite sure I recall that being the case in previous Deadlies...

I make Let's Plays too!
Click here to find out my LPs' progress, and find out what I plan to tackle next!

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03-14-2013 at 09:34 PM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+1)  
Keep at Kisantury also had voice work! Someone Else didn't list who did what characters, though - I know Panther voiced the owner of the dungeon, but maybe Someone Else can fill in the rest?

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03-14-2013 at 10:00 PM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
hyperme wrote:
Is it really fair that 'Most Promising Level Set' isn't separate from 'Most Promising Hold'? Holds get more attention, have more experienced maker-people and are generally more supported than Level Sets. The rpg stuff is going to get stomped all over by the classic stuff, and the ways in which 'Most Promising' is decided varies for the two type of making, meaning they won't even be judged the same way.

This is an excellent point and I wish I had thought of it myself. While I'm reluctant to change the categories now that nominations have already started, I don't see how dividing holds and level sets could change the outcome and I've only actually received one nomination for that category so far. Most Promising DROD Hold and Most Promising DROD RPG Level Set are now separate categories and the lists have been updated accordingly. For the person who already submitted a nomination for the original category, feel free to submit an additional one. Also, I'd like to note that multiple nominations per category are allowed.

Dischorran wrote:
Keep at Kisantury also had voice work! Someone Else didn't list who did what characters, though - I know Panther voiced the owner of the dungeon, but maybe Someone Else can fill in the rest?

I actually realized this mistake last night and sent Someone Else a PM about it. I'm just waiting to hear back from him and then I'll update the post.
03-14-2013 at 11:20 PM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
I've updated the list of potential nominees for Voice Artist to include the roles from Keep at Kisantury. Also, it's been brought to my attention that 12th Archivist is not technically a novice architect, so that list has been updated as well. Hopefully everything is correct now (fingers crossed).
03-15-2013 at 01:41 AM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+1)  
Didn't look at the list before now but "Adventures of Nevada Smith" did have voice acting for multiple distinct roles, but since they were all played by me I'm not sure how to categorize that. Might not even be worth mentioning?

03-15-2013 at 01:51 AM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+1)  
Is Flood Warning really TFMurphy's first hold? I'd definitely like to nominate him for the novice architect then.

I'm sorry I can't really contribute much to this. I've been busy this past year and haven't done much DROD playing at all, therefore haven't kept up with the new holds :(

03-15-2013 at 02:15 AM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+1)  
west.logan wrote:
Didn't look at the list before now but "Adventures of Nevada Smith" did have voice acting for multiple distinct roles, but since they were all played by me I'm not sure how to categorize that. Might not even be worth mentioning?

The list is updated once again!

Jeff_Ray... wrote:
A small question: shouldn't there be a post displaying how many nominations each entry has received? I'm quite sure I recall that being the case in previous Deadlies...

This wasn't done last year, although it has been done in the past. I'd prefer not to reveal the nominations so as not to influence anyone's vote.
03-15-2013 at 02:32 AM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+17)  
I would like to nomitate my hold "Conspiracy" for the following categories:

4. Technical Design Excellence in Layout and Aesthetics
5. Technical Design Excellence in Concept
7. Creative Design Excellence in Difficulty
11. DROD Hold of the Year

Thank you.

Nothing to say. I just play the game. And you, sir, should play it too.

Conspiracy, my new hold, has just been released.
03-17-2013 at 07:52 PM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
RabidChild wrote:
I don't see how dividing holds and level sets could change the outcome and I've only actually received one nomination for that category so far.
1) I would like to come out in strong support of that flagging category. I really enjoy DROD RPG, and pending finishing this gawd-awful educational-thingie, I will be releasing (for the first time not counting that compilation thing) four holds for near-certain this year: two in DROD (a short one and a long one), and two in DROD RPG (the long one I started in 2011, and an experimental one). Maybe more than this, but time will tell.

(Also, clearly pitting level sets against holds would mean any level set recognition would be unlikely, so I'm not sure how you can say it makes no difference. It does to the RPG architects.)

2) There's a nomination? The list above is empty and says something out-of-date about 2012/3...

I am dumb. I get it now, having looked back at the Eighth. :P


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[Last edited by Trickster at 03-17-2013 10:05 PM]
03-17-2013 at 10:02 PM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+2)  
Neather2 wrote:
I would like to nomitate my hold "Conspiracy" for the following categories:

4. Technical Design Excellence in Layout and Aesthetics
5. Technical Design Excellence in Concept
7. Creative Design Excellence in Difficulty
11. DROD Hold of the Year

Thank you.

I'd like to nominate "Conspiracy" for a few new categories:

??: Hateful and Spiteful Difficulty
??: Made Pearls Rip Out More Of His Hair Than Every Other Hold Ever
??: Successfully Used Aumtlichs More Cruelly Than Dischorran

Hey, w-wait, that's the guy who shamelessly promotes his own...

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[Last edited by Pearls at 03-17-2013 10:18 PM]
03-17-2013 at 10:18 PM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
In addition to my other nominations, I would like to nominate my own hold: Buried Dungeon for the category: Creative Excellence in Difficulty.

If you need to think outside of the box, then you didn't build a good enough box.
03-18-2013 at 03:42 AM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+2)  
I'd like to nominate Pearls' mom for excellence in layout and aesthetics.

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03-18-2013 at 04:36 AM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
Hello :)
I'd like to nominate myself for the Novice Architect Award.
My hold Frozen Land for Creative Design Excellence in Entertainment.

P.S. I have a question since this is the first time I partecipate; RabidChild, you said that:
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These "other nominations" means that one person can nominate a hold of another architect?

There's not some other world out there where everything's gonna be okay.
There's just this one, just this rock.
-33th Skywatcher
03-18-2013 at 10:30 AM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
If I understand it, the intent is that nominations should be private, but if an architect is nominating themselves, then they should post it publicly. That way it keeps all of the architects from nominating themselves for everything.

Or not, from what I've seen earlier in the thread.

If you need to think outside of the box, then you didn't build a good enough box.
03-18-2013 at 02:28 PM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+2)  
The only rule is there are no rules.

Also, I'd like to nominate myself for "Most Unacceptably Absent Architect"

Hey, w-wait, that's the guy who shamelessly promotes his own...

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03-18-2013 at 02:48 PM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+1)  
Pearls wrote:
Also, I'd like to nominate myself for "Most Unacceptably Absent Architect"
I nominate me for that. Game on, Fluffle Puff.


Official Hold Progress
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Favorite Unofficial Holds (I need to play more!)
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My Holds
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03-18-2013 at 04:23 PM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
I would like to publicly nominate my hold "The Adventure of Nevada Smith" (which sadly still has no reviews) for:

8. Creative Design Excellence in Entertainment
and to a lesser extent:
4. Technical Design Excellence in Layout and Aesthetics

03-18-2013 at 04:41 PM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+1)  
Pearls's strategy of winning contests by not actually entering them has proven surprisingly successful in the past.

Also, I'd like to shamelessly nominate myself in the Voice Artist category for the role of Petri in Flood Warning.
03-18-2013 at 11:58 PM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (-1)  
Nominate new category, Most Annoying Person In the Forums.

See ya later losers!

[Last edited by mako at 03-20-2013 12:03 PM]
03-19-2013 at 04:42 AM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
I would like to nominate my hold "Confusing Puzzles Building" in
8. Creative Design Excellence in Entertainment
03-19-2013 at 07:32 AM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+1)  
I'd like to suggest that we add a new category for "Best New Hold LPed by Pearls".

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
03-19-2013 at 05:39 PM
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icon Re: The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards (+1)  
mrimer wrote:
I'd like to suggest that we add a new category for "Best New Hold LPed by Pearls".

Annnnnd accepting all bribes.

Hey, w-wait, that's the guy who shamelessly promotes his own...

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03-19-2013 at 06:20 PM
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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : Contests : The NINTH Annual People's Choice Awards
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