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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Holds : Cube of Memories (Rooms Not Forgotten)
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8.4/10 (25 votes)
σ 0.89
Author Name:Penwielder
Submitted By:Penwielder
Hold Name:Cube of Memories
Theme:Rooms Not Forgotten
Author's Difficulty:
Number of Levels:4
Number of Rooms:30
Number of Monsters:275
Version:DROD: The City Beneath (3.3)
High Scores:View High Scores
Hold Karma:1 (+1 / -0)
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
Rank Points: 8
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File: Cube of Memories.hold (17.7 KB)
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License: Other
From: Unspecified
icon Cube of Memories  
Cube of Memories is a collection of relatively easy rooms which were created at many different times for several different reasons. Some are new and some are old, but all to me are worth looking back on.

Undoubtedly, there will still be other holds made in DROD 3.2/3.3; nonetheless, this hold stands as my final tribute to the TCB era.
08-19-2012 at 03:45 PM
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icon Re: Cube of Memories (+1)  
This hold was very nice and deceptively easy at times. It's the type of hold I wish I could make. Good job!

I just don't understand why you have a master wall if there are no secrets.

5 brains, 9 fun because those are the numbers I am picking that feel right.
08-21-2012 at 07:07 PM
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icon Re: Cube of Memories (+1)  
Another tasty offering from Penwielder where it's important to figure what to do first. The rooms are well designed, puzzle-wise and aesthetically. And you'll definitely be missing out if you don't take a good look at the levels in the minimap, or better yet, with Schik's map thingy or on H&S. Each level sort of looks like some kind of Rube Goldberg steampunk device.

Difficulty: 3 to 6, all very manageable
Fun: 9.5
08-22-2012 at 05:05 AM
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icon Re: Cube of Memories (0)  
Awesome hold!

I wish I made this hold.

Beautifully designed rooms/levels.

No craziness, just good, solid puzzles. My favorite had to be leading the roach around and around on floor 2-2N.

Many thanks for the fun hold!

08-24-2012 at 01:25 AM
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Level: Master Delver
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icon Re: Cube of Memories (+1)  
A very, very, nice hold.

No rooms with 300 roaches and no ideas.
Just well designed rooms which require to figure out the hidden solution.

I give it a 6 for difficulty and a 9 for fun.

As we say in German - Hut ab :)


pauca sed matura
08-29-2012 at 12:00 AM
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slimm tom
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icon Re: Cube of Memories (+1)  
This is a very cool, very fun, and very accessible hold. It took me around 90 minutes to finish, so this hold is not too long, but it's not too short either. No fillers here.

9 for fun, 5 for brains!
09-06-2012 at 08:12 PM
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icon Re: Cube of Memories (0)  
Eh, I honestly don't think there's much to see here. The puzzles required thought but they were all straightforward without anything particularly clever or unique. Most of the puzzles are plain 'roach and yellow door' kind (expect to reach for the mouse a lot), with a couple of evil eye and one decoy puzzle thrown in. The difficulty rose smoothly from 'easy' to 'not so easy'. Room design was neat, but there were a lot of differing tiles and lighting used for aesthetic flair without any overlying theme, to the point where it actually distracted me at times.

If you love simple roach puzzles, you will love this hold! Otherwise I wouldn't recommend it against the many more interesting holds available.
04-28-2013 at 10:07 AM
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icon Re: Cube of Memories (+1)  
After reading the last comment and comparing it to the others, I thought I'd take a look at this hold. Frankly, thanks to this, I have had a very enjoyable, relaxing Sunday morning.

I think this is a fantastic hold. All rooms are very cleverly designed lynchpin-style puzzles. I'd highlight the following rooms:
*Second Floor: 2N
*Second Floor: 1N2W
*Third Floor: 1N1E
as my favourites, and I'd say they're unique in concept.

The aesthetics of each level had certainly been paid attention to. Personally, I liked the light-tricks as you solved various stages of each room or just walked through a section (I'd also say that is unique).

Difficulty-wise, nothing was immediately obvious, but it didn't take too long to figure out each room, and it was fun doing so. I had to get a couple of hints, so I put the difficulty at 6 brains.

Admittedly I certainly haven't played the majority of user-made holds, and have been away from DROD for a while. However this is surely one of the best I've played. Overall I think this should be worth at least 9, so that's what I gave it. I'd recommend this hold to anyone.
04-28-2013 at 01:35 PM
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da rogu3
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icon Re: Cube of Memories (0)  
OneMoreNameless wrote: Otherwise I wouldn't recommend it against the many more interesting holds available.
Such as.... ?

I disagree, and think this is an excellent hold, both for people who are fed up with all the high difficulty holds, and for experienced players who want to play something less challenging but still fun.
04-28-2013 at 03:36 PM
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icon Re: Cube of Memories (+1)  
Gotta disagree with OneMoreNameless that there's nothing "particularly clever here". I found most of puzzles here pretty clever. Not too hard, but still pretty clever.

Gotta agree, though, that there's "nothing particularly unique" in this hold. And nothing particularly challenging. With that said, it's still a high quality hold, and it is worth playing, but it's obviously not aimed at experienced players looking for a challenge.

Such as.... ?

I've got no idea what interesting holds OneMoreNameless has in mind, but the most obvious example is Penwielder's previous hold, "Archipelago". Which is completed by so much fewer people than this hold, by the way *sigh*

[Last edited by mxvladi at 04-28-2013 05:44 PM]
04-28-2013 at 05:39 PM
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Someone Else
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icon Re: Cube of Memories (0)  
I'll get on it, mxv. Give you a challenge, steal some of your scores. :P
04-29-2013 at 04:48 AM
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Lucky Luc
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icon Re: Cube of Memories (+1)  
So, since everybody's sharing their opinion about this hold lately, I'll do so, too, from a slightly different perspective:

After finishing JtRH and TCB, this was the very first custom hold I've ever played, and for that, it is just perfect! The puzzles in here might not be unique, but they are all well designed. The difficulty level is excatly right to show the less "official" puzzle style without discouraging newbies like me. Plus, the aesthetics are superb. Having playes some of his other holds too, now, I know that Penwielder is a master of lighting and aesthetics, and this one is a good example.

I can't say what this hold is like for veterans, but for beginners, it is great. I gave it a total 9/10, with 5.5 brains. I always love building my own levels for games, but this hold really made me want to start designing my own holds.

I agree that Archipelago is a great hold, but even only halfway through it, I find it very hard. I look at it from time to time, but I think I'll still need ages untily I manage to conquer it.
04-29-2013 at 10:24 AM
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icon Re: Cube of Memories (+1)  
Lucky Luc wrote:
I always love building my own levels for games, but this hold really made me want to start designing my own holds.

I totally agree with this!
It's pretty obvoius that this hold is perfect in its genre but it also has something more, it gives me a lot of inspirations for my holds and this thing happened (at least to me) only with a few custom holds.

It's hard to give a single vote for difficulty, I'd say something from 4.5 to 6.
For fun I have no doubt, it's a 10, I really enjoyed playing this!

There's not some other world out there where everything's gonna be okay.
There's just this one, just this rock.
-33th Skywatcher
04-29-2013 at 10:43 AM
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da rogu3
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icon Re: Cube of Memories (0)  
mxvladi wrote: I've got no idea what interesting holds OneMoreNameless has in mind, but the most obvious example is Penwielder's previous hold, "Archipelago".
True, although I was more refering to other holds of the same 4-5 brain difficultly. Because there aren't a massive number of very high quality holds aimed at that level - so I'm struggling to see how there are "many more interesting holds available".
05-03-2013 at 06:03 PM
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icon Re: Cube of Memories (0)  
Someone Else wrote:
I'll get on it, mxv. Give you a challenge, steal some of your scores. :P

Good luck - you will need it :)


pauca sed matura
05-03-2013 at 08:56 PM
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icon Re: Cube of Memories (+1)  
This is a nice little hold with fairly simple puzzles and nice aesthetics (I like the fact the lights come on and off as work your way through it.)

There's no story since it's a collection of previously unused rooms but there doesn't need to be as it's only small and the puzzles are fairly simple to work out.

This is a nice hold and well worth the time to play it.

Difficulty: 5.5
Fun: 7

Without struggle, there is no progress, so get up, get out, and go make the rest of your life the best of your life; you deserve to live the life that YOU want to live...

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07-24-2015 at 02:16 PM
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