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icon The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (+3)  
No, this isn't September's official contest, but it has become a welcome staple of the DROD community. With that spirit, put on your best dress attire, and let's take a more detailed look into this ceremony. For past winners and a brief history of the award show in general, be sure to read The History of the People's Choice Hold Awards.

2006 has been a relatively slow year in comparison to 2005. TCB is still in progress, and is seemingly going to be released sometime in the first quarter of 2007. The Smitemaster's Selections keep on coming, with the summer one shortly on the way. But all in all, a bit uneventful in the way of commercial sucess.

But that doesn't stop the community from slowing down at all. We have had a number of new architects come out, and we've had veteran architects continue to create outstanding holds. I've only played a small fraction of the holds, but I'm been blown away at what some people have managed to do. I only wish I had such talents...

I also want to emphasise that this award show isn't about popularity or the awards, it's about acknowledging all the people who keep this community alive and to bring awareness to all of the amazing creations that are out there. Just because your hold doesn't win an award or get nominated, it doesn't mean that no one enjoyed it. As far as I'm concerned, if only one person enjoyed your hold, than all of the hassle that you went through was justified and well worth it. Be proud of your creations!

Now then, let's move onto the aspects of this show, shall we?

The Main Section:

The steak and potatoes of the award show are the awards themselves. Once I finish posting this topic, I'll be creating a separate submission topic allowing people to make their nominations. They will be accepted until Local Time:10-01-2006 at 12:59 AM. You are able to edit/delete/modify your submissions until that date, but all entries created or edited after that date will not be accepted. C'mon, you'll have a month! You should be able to make up your mind before then!

Categories open for nomination this year (Note: Published holds constitute any hold published to the Holds board from December 11th, 2005 to September 28th, 2006):

1. Most Promising Hold

This category is open to any hold made in any version that has been in a public beta test for at maximum of two hundred (200) days. You are looking for a hold that, while still a work in progress, shows promise in puzzle design, storyline, concept, and/or aesthetic design

2. Storyline Excellence

This category is open to any published hold that shows an excellent and engrossing storyline through detailed character development, careful planning of an indepth plot, and an interesting style. These holds are the ones that give you incentive to solve the current room just to find out what will happen next.

3. Technical Design Excellence for Scripting

This category is open to any published hold that exhibits both innovative and unexpected uses for scripting, whether they affect the storyline or actual gameplay. A hold like this doesn't just use previous scripting techniques, it creates them.

4. Technical Design Excellence for Layout and Aesthetics

This category is open to any published hold that is both visually appealing and/or uses a clever and unexpected layout. A hold like this would have a very accessible layout, and would look visually pleasing, possibly in an attempt to create a distinct environment outside of the typical dungeon. Custom floor designs in a hold fall under this category.

5. Technical Design Excellence for Concept

This category is open to any hold that uses DROD's engine in ways never imagined before. This can be done via interesting puzzles, or an interesting way to tie in normal puzzles. Holds that are nominated for this category are the only kind out there like it.

6. Creative Design for Difficulty

This category is open to any published hold that manages to create puzzles that are diffucult and require new ways of thinking without being tedious. These holds push your mental limit to the edge, while still managing to maintain an element of fun.

7. Creative Design for Entertainment

This category is open to any published hold that you feel was the most fun to play. A hold eligible for this category would be of medium to low difficulty range, and while it wasn't overly difficult, was entertaining enough to make you want to complete it.

8. Graphics Design Excellence for a Modification

This category is open to any modification made for any version of DROD that looks the most professional and the most useable. This can be in the form of either clock, generaltiles, or styletiles availible freely on the forum. Any custom floors included in a hold are to be nominated for the fourth category.

9. Best Actor/Actress in a Leading Role

The category is open to any voice acting in any hold that sounds the most professional and entertaining. When nominating an actor or actress, please nominate both the hold, and the character that the person played.

10. Novice Architect Excellence
This category is open to any architect who's first publically released hold, either still in progress or released in the last year, showed promise in design of puzzles and other architecting skills. This person can not have released a published hold by the time of nomination close. The hold may be either privately tested or publically tested, but the name of the hold must also be included with the nomination.

11. Lifetime Architectural Achievement Award

This category is in special recognition of architects who have dedicated years to this game. Specific criteria will be released below.

12. Hold of the Year

This category is open to any published hold that combines both difficulty, creativity of puzzles, professionalism, concept, entertainment, and story into a hold that you feel shows exactly the kind of quality we should expect from holds. This hold is the best that we have seen in the past year, and would be the one hold that you would want to show future generations to show how talented builders from this time period can be.

The Lifetime Architectural Achievement Award

This one's going to be handled a bit differently. I had to bump the requirements up a bit so that the emphasis on "Lifetime" was kept. So, when nominating a person for this hold, keep in mind all of these points:

1) The authour's first hold must have been published before October 15th, 2004. In other words, they've been around since the first award show.
2) This authour must have created and published at least two holds, both of which have been rated higher than 7.
3) The authour must be in good standing with the community. (I know that everyone fits this category, but I figured that it's a nice way to round the number of point to three.)

The other stipulation of this category is that you must nominate a person for this category before Local Time:09-15-2006 at 12:59 AM. Why? Well, if I'm gonna prepare a tribute for this person, I'm gonna need some time to make it grand, dang it!

The Pre-Show Festivities

I also want this ceremony to be a time of reflecting on all of the good times that we've had both in the past year, and throughout your entire time playing DROD. Have a special memory of DROD that you'd like to share? Well, be sure to share it with us! Remember the first user made hold you'd ever played? Remind us of it! Have any funny or memorable converations from the forums? Tell us of them! Everyone, whether they want to admit it or not, have some kind of great memories of DROD that they won't forget.

I'm officially out of writing ideas, so start scoping out the list of holds and getting your nominations ready! You have a bit less than a month, so time shouldn't be a factor at all. Have fun!

-Patrick Fisher

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.

[Last edited by gamer_extreme_101 at 09-04-2006 05:14 PM : Revised Category 10]
09-03-2006 at 10:09 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (+1)  
gamer_extreme_101 wrote: put on your best dress attire
You mean I have to wash my jeans? :-O
TCB is still in progress, and is seemingly going to be released sometime in the first quarter of 2007.
I'm hoping for pre-ordering, so I can extort obtain TCB from my folks this Christmas.
The Lifetime Architectural Achievement Award

This one's going to be handled a bit differently. I had to bump the requirements up a bit so that the emphasis on "Lifetime" was kept. So, when nominating a person for this hold, keep in mind all of these points:

1) The authour's first hold must have been published before October 15th, 2004. In other words, they've been around since the first award show.
That's a bit mean. I'd hate for some talented architect who has actually been publishing much of the time he/she has had DROD to miss out because of an arbitrary deadline.
larrymurk (first hold published 16.12.2004) is an excellent example of such an architect, and certainly the sort I would nominate; I mean, look at the holds list & he takes up a page, with every hold rated above 7 except one at 6, and that's not counting beta-testing and Smitemasters' Selections.

DROD has some really great music.
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09-03-2006 at 10:50 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
It's not mean - it's just silly to give someone an award for long-term excellence when they've not been around, well, long-term. he can win it in the future.

09-03-2006 at 10:52 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (+2)  
Here is the list of holds available for the contest.

The bottom few are not eligible for the awards, but I added some extra leeway for some newer holds (and I don't want to update this list every day...)

-- Tim
09-03-2006 at 10:55 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
I'm not sure the contest compilations should count...
silver wrote:
It's not mean - it's just silly to give someone an award for long-term excellence when they've not been around, well, long-term. he can win it in the future.
I think nearly 3 years is long-term. If it were a relative amount of time, say "2 awards ceremonies back, and not a previous recipient", I'd have no objection, but a static date is a silly and unrealistic standard for a growing architectural community.

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
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[Last edited by Jatopian at 09-03-2006 11:00 PM : saw Tim's post]
09-03-2006 at 10:56 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
Heh heh, I'm going to put Big Wide World back up as an open beta so I have a chance at the Promising Hold category. Or is that too evil? ;)
09-03-2006 at 10:57 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
I think his intention was that that was a static date for this year's awards, not for eternity. that next year the date would be moved up a year.

so it represents "more than 2 years" (a relative target, which you admit is okay), and that that "static" date happens to be the cutoff date for "2 years ago" this time.

(note also in there have only been 2 previous award ceremonies, and this is the first to include lifetime achievement)


[Last edited by silver at 09-03-2006 11:06 PM]
09-03-2006 at 10:57 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
Thank you silver - essentially, that date is set to two years previous, which is a good span of time. Next year, the date will be October 15, 2005, and it will keep increasing by a year every year. So, a person like larrymurk would definitely have a shot at it next year. (I'm actually a bit annoyed at myself for that date...I could have sworn that Odyssey was published in early October. My bad.)

Nevertheless, despite my ignorance, there are plenty of good architects that would qualify for this category. My apologies to larrymurk, though. That date was based on the approximate anniversary of DROD: AE.

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
09-03-2006 at 11:12 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
So there's basically 2 awards for holds in beta (but nothing for people who first published this year), and I've having troubles distinguishing them - what would be examples of things in one category but not the other?


[Last edited by silver at 09-03-2006 11:23 PM]
09-03-2006 at 11:21 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
Are we allowed to nominate ourselves? :blush
09-03-2006 at 11:30 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
After a lot of thought, plenty of research, a touch of care, and ironing my tie, I have sent in my nominations, confident that the architects and holds mentioned truely deserve them. :)

Personally, I think I shouldn't qualify to be a Novice Architect, as even if you don't count my One Room Hold Compilation, I've published several entries into contests and have more rooms in my works in progress than several published holds.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 09-04-2006 03:19 AM]
09-04-2006 at 03:17 AM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
Ezlo wrote:
Heh heh, I'm going to put Big Wide World back up as an open beta so I have a chance at the Promising Hold category. Or is that too evil? ;)

By my standards, it's legal, because it "that has been in a public beta test for at maximum of two hundred (200) days. You are looking for a hold that, while still a work in progress, shows promise in puzzle design, storyline, concept, and/or aesthetic design."

"Has been in a public beta test for a maximum of 200 days"
Check. It didn't say it still had to be.

"work in progress"
09-04-2006 at 03:57 AM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
silver wrote:
So there's basically 2 awards for holds in beta (but nothing for people who first published this year), and I've having troubles distinguishing them - what would be examples of things in one category but not the other?

Promising Hold nominates a hold, but can be any hold still up for test.
Novice has to be their first hold (they can't have any published holds)
09-04-2006 at 03:58 AM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
Tim wrote:
Here is the list of holds available for the contest.

The bottom few are not eligible for the awards, but I added some extra leeway for some newer holds (and I don't want to update this list every day...)

-- Tim

There are also the Smitemaster Selections:
Beethro and the Secret Society
Halph has a Bad Day
Beethro's Teacher
+ the next two if they come out this month

[Last edited by Rabscuttle at 09-04-2006 06:30 AM]
09-04-2006 at 04:55 AM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
silver makes a good point, so I've revised the category of Novice Architect Excellence. Everything italicised has been added to the describtion:
This category is open to any architect who's first and only publically released hold is either still in progress or has been released in the last year, and shows promise in design of puzzles and other architecting skills. This person can not have released a published hold by the time of nomination close. The hold may be either privately tested or publically tested, but the name of the hold must also be included with the nomination.
So, basically, they can have released their hold to the Holds board, but it must be the only hold they've publically released on the forum. So, if I was an example, I can have published my hold Puzzle Adventures 1, but if I've released Puzzle Adventures 2 in either a public or private test, I'm no longer eligable for the award. Does that clear things up a bit?

And by the way, no voting for yourself.

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
09-04-2006 at 05:13 AM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (+1)  
I'm not sure why publishing a second hold should disqualify you for an excellence award for the first hold. If I made a really great first hold, and then I made a second hold, does that make my first hold any less of an achievement?

I'd suggest removing the "and only" clause, and rewording the category to allow people who released more than one hold to be nominated, but stipulating that only the first award should be considered for the purpose of the prize.

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09-04-2006 at 06:12 AM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
You should have something fun like 'Best Avitar'

"...and now for something completely different"
"*BangBang* Did you send out those invitation?
I told you NO more the 50 people!" - Luis Sera
09-04-2006 at 06:43 AM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (+1)  
"best avatar" would come under the first annual Drod Forum Awards, along with categories like "most helpful hints" (excluding downright solutions), "best new forum game" and such. different Major Category... all out of scope of these, which are based on the Drod _game_ rather than the Drod forums.

and I agree with eytanz - if a new architect makes a first hold (beta or released) since the last awards, then by definition the architect is new this year. and that person should be nominable on the basis of that first hold for the "promising new architect" category. a second hold doesn't make the architect any less new this year.

(/me about to get a raspberry de-ward for most nitpicking jerk in the thread)


[Last edited by silver at 09-04-2006 06:50 AM]
09-04-2006 at 06:46 AM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
gamer_extreme_101 wrote:
Nevertheless, despite my ignorance, there are plenty of good architects that would qualify for this category. My apologies to larrymurk, though. That date was based on the approximate anniversary of DROD: AE.

No offence taken. As you said, luckily we do have plenty of good architects to choose from.

[Last edited by larrymurk at 09-04-2006 02:45 PM]
09-04-2006 at 02:45 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
gamer_extreme_101 wrote:
And by the way, no voting for yourself.

Do you mean voting? Or nominating?

Keep posting,

"The leaf, still green, must someday fall.
Such grief, such joy, to live at all."
- T.A. Barron, The Lost Years of Merlin
09-04-2006 at 03:35 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
Nominating and voting.

And yes, I will change the description of the Novice Architect Award to adapt to eytanz's point. Now do people see why I'm giving people a month to nominate?

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
09-04-2006 at 04:35 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
I think we should be able to vote for ourselves, but not be able to nominate. In hold making contest we are supposed to give ourselves a 10, why should this be any different? -_-
09-04-2006 at 05:03 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
It depends on how the poll will be run. If forum polls are used, then probably it's best to allow self-voting for the simple reason that it will be impossible to enforce a ban and thus it's best to level the playing field by allowing everyone to vote for themselves. Otherwise, honest people will be at a disdvantage and dishonest people can get ahead.

If the voting is done by, say, PMing Patrick, then he can enforce the ban and then it makes sense.

The difference between this and contest polls is that you need to only vote for one candidate per prize, not give relative judgements for all of them. The "give 10 to yourself" basically levels the playing field, but if everyone here was forced to vote for themselves that would mean that nominees lose their voice.

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09-04-2006 at 05:14 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
Then give them a choice, if I think that a hold is better than mine, I would vote for it. But if I think my hold is better, I don't want to not be able to vote for it.
09-04-2006 at 05:23 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (+2)  
I think the point is that for this sort of award, you should win it because of the impact it had on *other* people. If you think that your hold is best, just don't vote for any hold in that catagory. But this isn't meant to be an objective vote based on some external criteria, but rather a subjective vote, and whether or not you think your own holds are better than other holds, you're bound to feel differently about them than you would for the same hold by someone else.

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09-04-2006 at 05:28 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
So maybe then you should prohibit people who get nominated from voting at all, to stop all possible vote tilting. That seems to be the only fair solution.
09-04-2006 at 05:38 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
Also not enforcable in a forum poll (well, not easily at least). But that seems like throwing out the baby with the bathwater - first, you certainly wouldn't want to rule out people voting in other catagories.

Second, most people who are nominated probably still have ideas about which other holds are better than others. And I don't think there's too much of a risk of people trying to manipulate votes by voting for the holds they feel least likely to win or something like that...

Anyway, there's no perfect solution here, I'm just saying that I think Patrick's decision makes sense, even if it has some issues.

I got my avatar back! Yay!
09-04-2006 at 05:45 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
I believe in other similar things, you could still vote in categories to which you weren't nominated. (all this is assuming Patrick wants to take on the vunderburden of hand-tabulating PMd votes. I don't necessarily want to volunteer him.)

but, either way, I feel kinda dirty that we even have to address that here. it's not classy to say "I'm better than everyone else" and one of the reasons I like DROD forums is that for the most part, we have a hipper set of forumers.

09-04-2006 at 05:46 PM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
So, is there a list of who can be nominated for Novice Architect?
09-06-2006 at 08:12 AM
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icon Re: The Third Annual People's Choice Awards (0)  
Well, there's Chaco, if you don't count the compilation he did. There's me. There's, uh, Jeff_Ray I believe, and others I forget.
09-06-2006 at 12:55 PM
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