In both of the wings, I got only two of the rooms each conquered. 3N1W and 3S1W still elude me, unfortunately.
Room comments:
Entrance: Fine starting room.
Once West: The checkpoint placement for this room is terrible, since my solution did not involve stepping on it once I cut the gel. Could it be moved to (25,14), perhaps?
Once North, Once West: Good room! I liked the idea a lot.
Twice North, Once West: I also liked this room a lot. Nearly identical to the previous, yet the puzzle is totally different. Neat!
Thrice North, Once West: Stuck on this one. I know what the solution is, but I just have trouble implementing it.
Once South, Once West: Not a very interesting room, unfortunately.
Twice South, Once West: I solved the room with two soldiers alive in the end.
Even so, I think there should be a checkpoint somewhere.
Thrice South, Once West: This one is totally stumping me. Should I try standing at (12,25) as long as possible?
Once North: I looked ahead in the editor at this room, and looks can be decieving, since the player has to keep making diagonal moves to progress. Well done!
This is a good hold so far. What wonders will the next level hold? (No more wraithwings?)
It was going well until it exploded.
~Scott Manley
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[Last edited by 12th Archivist at 05-05-2012 02:55 AM]