Welcome to the forum Beethroid.
For a first hold, I thought the puzzles in this were quite impressive. I was once a budding DROD Architect like you (but then I took an arrow to the knee...), so I know how great it is to recieve feedback on your hold, so I wrote up a small selection of notes on the hold for you to take a look at which you can find below in the Secret Tags or in the attached notepad text file. I hope they help you out, because I would love to see this hold go further
Click here to view the secret text
I noticed there are a few missing voices, namely the female in the first room of the first level, I have lent my voice to games before (DROD and other titles), I have a good/great quality microphone (Logitech G35 7.1 Surround Sound Headset) that has voice morphing capabilites, if you wanted some extra help in voice acting for the hold, I'd be happy to help, it would be a great way for me to slide back into the DROD Community after being away for too long
Also (more personal issue), I am pleased to see you added a bit of a tutorial like theme to the first few rooms, saved me running through the DROD Tutorial again
Level 1.1
No problems there, everything worked perfectly, all rooms are compelteable, nice architecture,
a few small puzzles, was a great introduciton to the hold.
Level 1.2
All puzzles were quite good, namely the one in 1S2E with the roaches behind the orb doors.
All in all this looks like the makings of a great first hold, cannot wait to see more from you
I believe in everything until it's
disproved. So I believe in fairies,
the myths, dragons. It all exists,
even if it's in your mind. Who's to
say that dreams and nightmares
aren't as real as the here and now?
John Lennon
[Last edited by Samuel at 02-26-2012 10:32 AM : Preview Message Unnatached File.]