Hi all, after complete my first hold (Suwako prizes), i'm doing this hold very slowly (two days every 2 weeks). I think everyone like to see new holds here so i put it here.
I was expecting to end it before put here, but the feedback and opinions are the best things to make a good hold,so before proceeding too far i would like to know if you like it and what things should i change.
Finally, have fun
EDIT 9/6/12
PS: Levels done : Prologue, Ground, first, second, third, fourth floor, the pits, mud chambers, tar stores, and forgotten tunnels.
Now there is nine playable, added the fourth floor and a prologue
EDIT 4/8/12
Two levels added, goblins lands and the frozen storages,now there are eleven levels playable
EDIT 15/10/12
Level added, First level of the forgotten Dungeon and removed the frozen storages because them are unbalanced, still 11.
EDIT 15/12/12
Increased the hold difficult, actually up to the forgotten tunnels.
EDIT 11/2/13
Some balance and ensured that forgotten tunnels are possible.
EDIT 16/2/13
Balanced tar stores, fourth floor and forgotten dungeon. It's possible enough to get to goblin level, but I don't know if it's too easy or hard.
EDIT 9/3/13
Balanced goblins land and done the second level of the dungeon, looking how to balance those in the gel level.
Take care in the dungeon when you move the platforms in 1W, you can be still stuck
EDIT 24/3/13
Balanced gel level and the second level of the dungeon, added the fifth floor and started the third level of the dungeon. There is a total of 14 levels playable (counting level 1 and 2 of the dungeon are separate each).
EDIT 4/4/13
Ended the third level of the dungeon, levels playable are 15. Going to check the entire hold.
EDIT 6/4/13
Hold is now completed, I played it during the entire morning and fixed every bug i found. There are a total of 16 playable levels.
EDIT 9/4/13
Bug fixing, some changes, and longsword secret room isn't now a big secret.
EDIT 25/4/13
Problably final version, if there isn't any bugs left.
EDIT 9/5/13
Final version if there isn't any bug left.
EDIT 2/8/13
I'm going to submit the hold. Mrimer give me permission to use the elixir graphic. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this hold.
EDIT 14/8/13
It seems that the hold had some bugs with the build and the Nuntar edit, I've(hope that) corrected all of them and now it's perfectly playable until the end.
A moment last forever, an eternity passes in an instant, the time I spent here was inevitable...
[Last edited by Suwako at 08-14-2013 06:37 PM]