Thanks, everyone, for your input!
A new version is now attached. New in beta 2:
2 more secret rooms, for a total of 4, located at:
Click here to view the secret text
Click here to view the secret text
× 1E, reached through D&N secret
Click here to view the secret text
Click here to view the secret text
Click here to view the secret text
D&N 1N1E is new; after looking at the old version again, I agree with Chaco. The old version is now the C&C secret room. I'll settle for some unoriginality in D&N 1S1W as long as it's still a decent puzzle.
C&C 2N has yet more arrows; there are just far too many ways to screw up the room with decoys.
R 3N now has bombs to clear out the top alcove to make the room slightly less tedious.
That roach queen's appearance was a scripting bug, now fixed.
And I really need to remember that the "
button on the editor screen deletes levels, not rooms. That, or I need to read dialogs before hitting OK. Good thing I've been making backups...
Barring the need to replace another room, this is probably the last update with significant new content; I'll keep making tweaks and fixing bugs as long as people are still willing to run through it, and am putting off the acknowledgements scrolls until the final update.
Click here to view the secret text
[Last edited by Dischorran at 01-15-2008 08:06 AM : Fixed unintended solution]