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icon Hold The Riddle of the Bar (+3)  
You asked for it, so you're getting it! You remember the winning submission from last month's contest, which I called Beethro Travels in the poll but the author later said should have been called The Riddle of the Bar? Your mission this month, should you choose to accept it, is to create a hold that tells the story of The Riddle of the Bar (pasted in the first reply in this thread, for easy access).

Rules of the Contest

1. You must use a DROD game to build your hold.
2. It must tell the story of The Riddle of the Bar.
3. Since the official number of The Eighth is pi, which is approximately 3.14159etc, your hold must be exactly 14 rooms, spread over exactly 3 levels. (Is anyone else absolutely loving that pi is the official number?)
4. Play through your hold before submitting it and make sure it is completable. It would suck to submit a fantastic hold only to find out that it can't be won.
5. Let's keep this one to a single entry per person. All entries must be posted in the submission topic no later than Local Time:06-23-2011 at 10:00 PM, which should give you two weeks. If you submit a second hold, it will replace all your previous submissions as your official entry, meaning if you find a mistake or make any improvements, you can update your entry.
6. Voting will take place from Local Time:06-24-2011 at 03:00 PM to Local Time:06-30-2011 at 10:00 PM, and will be based on how fun the hold is to play, and how well it tells the story.


First place winner gets any item of his/her choosing from the Prize Pile and 100 rank points. The second- and third-place runner-ups get 50 and 25 rank points, respectively.

Now, what did I miss...

Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!

[Last edited by DiMono at 06-10-2011 12:43 PM : Added rule 4]
06-09-2011 at 04:05 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 09-13-2003
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (+2)  
Beethro Budkin was passing through Tueno one day when he realized, as he often does, that he was hungry. Fortunately, this realization came just as a village appeared on the horizon, so he hurried down the path, cursing his luck that he had already used his last pair of speed potions.

Once in the village, Beethro made a roachline straight to the tavern. It seemed like a nice building, though it looked unfinished, and for some reason most of the village seemed to be gathered around, staring at it. "What's going on?" Beethro asked.

"Hm?" responded the nearest citizen. "Oh, we--there! It moved! Did you see it move?" Beethro looked around, not sure what moved, but the other villagers were nodding in agreement. "It's 79% complete now."

"Hold on," said Beethro. "Do you mean to tell me that everyone is just sitting around watching the progress of this bar?"

"More or less," the citizen agreed. "Well, that's not all we do. Sometimes we poke the bar to see if anything happens. We've been counting; so far we've poked it...hey, you've got a Really Big Sword! Did you get that from poking a bar?"

"No." Beethro put his hand on the sword's hilt, wondering if threatening the villagers was the fastest way to get fed. "Look, I'm really hungry. Even if it's not finished, I'd really, really like to get some food in there. Any chance I can get in?"

"Well..." The villagers' attention had shifted to the newcomer by now, and there was murmuring and shuffling around. Finally someone came forward and held up a worm. "Is this a worm?" she asked.

Beethro stared at her. "Yes."

"You'll swear to that?"

"Yes! How does this..."

A cheer went up, and the citizen Beethro had first spoken to said, "Congratulations! You have attested to the fact that this is bait, and now that you're a 'Bait-attester', you can go in early. But..."

"Oh, Jeebus," said Beethro. "Now what?"

"Well...there's a problem. Come with me." The citizen led Beethro around to the back of the bar and pointed to a shed with a fence around it. "The food's in there, behind that fence."

"Yeah?" growled Beethro. "So what?"

The citizen looked down and shuffled his feet. "Well, we don't really know how to get in there. Our architect put that gate in the fence--"

"This one? Made of glass?"

"Yeah. And it's stuck."

"No problem," said Beethro, and drew his sword. "If it's glass, I can just go over and...Jeebus! Are those oremites on the ground around it?"

The citizen nodded glumly. "It seemed like a good idea at the time. The architect insisted."

Beethro put his sword away and stared at the fence, wondering if it was edible. "Well, look," he said. "If that thing's misaligned, then there's no wonder it got stuck, and we're going to need to tear down the whole thing."

"No good!" the citizen wailed. "I watched the architect build it, using a straightedge and T-square and various other carpentry tools. It's perfectly parallel to the ground. So there's simply no--"

"Brilliant!" shouted Beethro, and the citizen took a step back. "I know exactly how to get into that shed. Come with me!"

Beethro led the citizen into the bar. "Now, you see, Halph," he began.

"My name isn't Halph, it's--"

"Don't care," Beethro said. "You're following me around, I get to call you Halph. Let's start by looking over the rooms in here. There's this one, there're a couple of doors over there. Go open those."

"Going," the citizen whined, and opened them. Meanwhile, Beethro pointed with his sword at the ceiling. "Looks like your architect was careless when he built the roof. For one thing, never use living tar as a building material."

"Yeah," said the citizen. "We've been poking at the corners of it, but that glob's just stuck up there."

Beethro sighed. "Idiots." He thrust his sword into the center of the glob, and a small horde of tar babies poured out. His companion shrieked, but Beethro made quick work of them. "Ha!" he cried. "Now, to the other rooms."

The first room, to Beethro's dismay, was full of food, but a crowd of citizens was eating it as fast as they could. "All right," said Beethro, "now I'm just angry. Angry, hungry, and...something else ending with 'gry'."

"Really ugry?" suggested Beethro's companion.

"Shut up," Beethro explained, and started beating the citizens into submission. One by one they fled the room, clutching half-eaten sandwiches and half-drunken drivescrewers (three parts leafjuice to one part mimic potion). Finally, Beethro was left surveying the wreckage, in which nothing looked edible, which didn't stop the remaining denizen from eating everything he could find. "OK, we're done here."

"What about that guy?" asked the citizen.

"No need," answered Beethro. "He's better than anyone else at eating this stuff. That makes him the gobblin' king, which means he isn't necessary."

"Yeah," the citizen agreed as they made their way to the final room. "He's a real character, that one. I--whoa."

Beethro was almost physically knocked back by the dense fog in the room, which smelled strongly of...something. It reminded him of his days in Smitemaster's College, when he and the other students would sneak behind the wraithwing pens....

"You know," the citizen said, a little dreamily, "I think I've got the munchies too."

"We need a cross-breeze. Halph, go open that door in the back."

The citizen was sitting on the ground, staring at his hands. "Not possible," he muttered.

Beethro groaned and started looking around. "Well, here's the problem," he said, and grabbing a trash can, he started picking up all the cigarette butts lying on the ground. The trail led to a woman leaning against the wall, smoking a half-finished joint. "All right," he said to her. "I've trashed all of the roaches, and I suppose you're the roach queen?"

"No way, man," the woman said, blowing smoke at him. "No kings and queens in here. We're all equal, you know? It's like we're all one, and we're one with the Eighth, which makes us one-eighth. But sometimes I feel like that's too rational, you know? Like, instead of the Eighth, what if the world is really, like, pi?"

"I like pie," Beethro said.

"I lick pie," came the response from the floor behind Beethro, followed by a series of giggles.

"So you can't kill me, man," the stoner continued. "It's like killing yourself, and killing the world, and that's...ow." This last part was said as she sunk to the ground, as a result of Beethro hitting her in the head with the hilt of his sword.

"Whoa," said the citizen, standing up slowly. "If you couldn't kill her, what was that about?"

"Well, there was clearly one last thing to do," Beethro explained. "Conk 'er, tokin'."

"I don't get--" the citizen began, but Beethro was already out the door, and the citizen rushed to follow. "Here I am again!" he declared when he caught up with Beethro, back in front of the shed. "I...hey! What did you do?"

Beethro was already at the shed's entrance; the glass doorway in the fence swung freely behind him. "It was obvious," he said. "If you want to open a level, clear gate, you just have to clean out all the nearby rooms."

Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!
06-09-2011 at 04:07 PM
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Rat Man
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
Finally, a hold-based contest!

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06-09-2011 at 04:14 PM
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da rogu3
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
Very interesting. I love the links between this and previous contents. It's an achitectural contest, so I will probably be submitting an entry :)

A question - will the voting criteria be completely subjective to the player, or will it be more specific? (say, 1-5 for story and 1-5 for puzzles)
06-09-2011 at 04:15 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
I have a question too:
Is any collaborative effort allowed or is it to be strictly one architect per hold?

06-09-2011 at 04:32 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
Neat contest! Having a story allows us both some interesting restrictions and some free reign over puzzle design, and I'll be very interested to see all the tavern designs and "clear gate" implementations. In addition, the story lends itself to short, small holds so it shouldn't take too long to make four or seven rooms.

I might end up making an entry, but I'm not sure yet.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

06-09-2011 at 04:36 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
da rogu3 wrote:
Very interesting. I love the links between this and previous contents. It's an achitectural contest, so I will probably be submitting an entry :)
I've got an entire year of directly linked contests all planned out; some of the early ones were there to set groundwork.

A question - will the voting criteria be completely subjective to the player, or will it be more specific? (say, 1-5 for story and 1-5 for puzzles)
I haven't decided yet. For now, I'd recommend assuming an even split.

west.logan wrote:
I have a question too:
Is any collaborative effort allowed or is it to be strictly one architect per hold?
One architect per hold. If you want to get people to do voices, that's fine, but you should make sure to tell them that any prize you get goes to you alone.

Hey Mike, is there a known pool of people who are willing to do voices for holds? It might be a good idea to offer people a few rank points for helping out architects for contests, maybe with a bit of rank point incentive.

Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!
06-09-2011 at 05:07 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
Ah, thanks. That's what I was planning on doing: voices. The reason being because I really am not confident in my ability to become a competitive architect in two weeks.

With that being said, I'd be willing to participate in any way I could by doing voice-overs. Someone PM me if interested. Will work for points or a copy of DROD:RPG :)

06-09-2011 at 05:18 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
Sounds like a fun contest, for both entrants and voters. But am I the only one who thinks the voting period might be a bit short? Depending on the number and difficulty of the entries, one week might not be enough to get through them. Real life and all. (And in my RL, I'm going to be in Ireland without laptop over the whole period, so I won't be able to vote.)

[Last edited by noma at 06-09-2011 06:14 PM]
06-09-2011 at 06:04 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
noma wrote:
Sounds like a fun contest, for both entrants and voters. But am I the only one who thinks the voting period might be a bit short? Depending on the number and difficulty of the entries, one week might not be enough to get through the all. Real life and all. (And in my RL, I'm going to be in Ireland without laptop over the whole period, so I won't be able to vote. :()
If it looks like there won't be enough time for voting, I'll make the voting period longer. I'm pretty sure I can't adjust it once I open up the polls, so it will have to be based on what I think of the holds before the voting period.

Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!
06-09-2011 at 06:06 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (+1)  
Well, hey, at least I wrote a story based on the idea of clearing monsters out!

I was looking forward to an architecture contest, but I kind of feel like I ought to sit this one out, on the grounds that I just won one, and that it'd feel a little strange to make a hold based on my own writing. (Plus, if I want to pour my energy into a hold, I've still got not dr0d 3....) But I'm really looking forward to seeing what people do with this.
06-09-2011 at 10:17 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (+1)  
Wonderful a hold contest. I just sat out the writing contest. It was the first time I missed a contest since I started entering them, but I just could not do puns. :lol

You said build in any DROD game, I just love working in RPG these days but with the limited size I may have to go back to TCB. This is what you meant by "any DROD game" right?

It never even crossed my mind to add real audio. I play with my sound turned off (I know all the good music gone to waste). So, if any of you add voices or special music you want me to hear PLEASE say so on the entry screen or leave a scroll or something laying around to tell us to turn on the sound, or we may not give you the score you truly deserve.

DROD RPG Released!! You must try it out it is Great!!
Click here to view the secret text

06-10-2011 at 06:29 AM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
techant wrote:
You said build in any DROD game, I just love working in RPG these days but with the limited size I may have to go back to TCB. This is what you meant by "any DROD game" right?
As long as the game you choose will let you meet the story requirements, you should be okay. I had TCB in mind when I wrote up the contest, but if there are elements of the story that you think will require RPG to get right, then by all means use RPG. Just make sure you specify that when you submit your hold.

It never even crossed my mind to add real audio. I play with my sound turned off (I know all the good music gone to waste). So, if any of you add voices or special music you want me to hear PLEASE say so on the entry screen or leave a scroll or something laying around to tell us to turn on the sound, or we may not give you the score you truly deserve.
This is a fantastic idea, not only for this contest but I think for holds in general. I fully support this.

Also, unrelated to the post I'm replying to, I've edited the rules to add a new number 4, which essentially says "play your hold before submitting it to make sure it can be finished."

Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!
06-10-2011 at 12:47 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (+1)  
For the sake of all of us, I'm glad I didn't win that last contest. What would we do? Tack on a section at the end in which the kid cleans out the whole valley?

Anyhow, this contest sounded like something I could do at first, but the more I think about it, the more I'm struggling with how to work the puzzles into the story. One solution would be to elaborate on the story considerably, treating the original text as a mere summary, but by my nature I'd rather follow the thing to the letter. Just in case I can get something to work out, I'll start on the storyline aspect of my entry and worry about the puzzles later... I guess.

EDIT: Could we establish a convention for the holds' names? You know, "Riddle of the Bar - Author" or something like that. I don't particularly want to go hunting through the 100+ holds I've got on here every time I switch to a different entry, nor do I want my list cluttered with contest entries to begin with.

Penwielder's Palace, Detention Complex, Archipelago, Cube of Memories

[Last edited by Penwielder at 06-10-2011 05:17 PM]
06-10-2011 at 05:02 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (+2)  
Penwielder wrote:
EDIT: Could we establish a convention for the holds' names? You know, "Riddle of the Bar - Author" or something like that. I don't particularly want to go hunting through the 100+ holds I've got on here every time I switch to a different entry, nor do I want my list cluttered with contest entries to begin with.
That's when the Filter: non-CaravelNet and Delete Hold buttons come in handy. :)

Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Dischorran at 06-12-2011 01:32 AM]
06-12-2011 at 01:32 AM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
True; I'm generally too hesitant to delete holds. Maybe I should go delete the entries from the Copycat 2010 contest, which I still have around despite compiling them myself. :rolleyes I forgot about the filter system, though. Unfortunately, none of the CaravelNet-based filters work properly for me because I don't have a current subscription.

Anyhow, I'm quite likely to be entering this contest at this point. We'll see how it goes.

Penwielder's Palace, Detention Complex, Archipelago, Cube of Memories
06-12-2011 at 02:13 AM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
... "Made a roachline for the tavern"... Is that a normal roachline, or a brained roachline? :D

Revisiting old Project: ZelDROD 1 / ZelDROD RPG (If I can ever find the custom graphic files that I made for it.)
06-13-2011 at 01:41 AM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (+1)  
Well I tried RPG but got to end and realized that there is no level finished reward (clear gate), so back to TCB :?

DROD RPG Released!! You must try it out it is Great!!
Click here to view the secret text

06-15-2011 at 01:41 AM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
Um, doesn't "Level Clear Gate" = Blue gate?

New to DROD? You may want to read this.
My Holds and Levels:
Click here to view the secret text

06-15-2011 at 06:57 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
Jacob wrote:
Um, doesn't "Level Clear Gate" = Blue gate?
No, it's a gate made of glass that's parallel to the ground. Didn't you read the story?

(But more to the point, techant's problem is that a blue gate isn't a "level clear" gate in RPG; it's just a different-colored door.)
06-15-2011 at 08:29 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
It's a clear gate that's level. A level, clear gate. It was a pun for Level Clear Gate, meaning Blue Gate. I leave it to each entrant to determine how to interpret that in their entry.

Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!
06-15-2011 at 08:33 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
Tahnan wrote
(But more to the point, techant's problem is that a blue gate isn't a "level clear" gate in RPG; it's just a different-colored door.)
Ah, it's been a while since I played RPG, I'd forgotten that.
P.s. Yes, got that pun the first time! ;)

New to DROD? You may want to read this.
My Holds and Levels:
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Jacob at 06-15-2011 09:09 PM]
06-15-2011 at 09:02 PM
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da rogu3
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
Penwielder wrote:
Anyhow, this contest sounded like something I could do at first, but the more I think about it, the more I'm struggling with how to work the puzzles into the story. One solution would be to elaborate on the story considerably, treating the original text as a mere summary, but by my nature I'd rather follow the thing to the letter. Just in case I can get something to work out, I'll start on the storyline aspect of my entry and worry about the puzzles later... I guess.
I've missed out like half the dialogue because cutscenes are so frustrating and time consuming to set up. And I've added bits to the story just to get the puzzles in :P
EDIT: Could we establish a convention for the holds' names? You know, "Riddle of the Bar - Author" or something like that. I don't particularly want to go hunting through the 100+ holds I've got on here every time I switch to a different entry, nor do I want my list cluttered with contest entries to begin with.
FTR, mine is called Riddle of the Bar - da rogu3

And I just thought level clear gate was another name for blue gate, didn't think beyond that or catch the pun.

[Last edited by da rogu3 at 06-15-2011 11:18 PM]
06-15-2011 at 11:17 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
da rogu3 wrote:
And I just thought level clear gate was another name for blue gate, didn't think beyond that or catch the pun.

Yeah, same here. I wonder how many more brilliant puns went over my head...(though I suppose one really had to think of the implications of a glass gate that was perfectly parallel to the ground). Holy Level Clear Batman!

06-15-2011 at 11:26 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
Other puns?
Well, you do have all the Roaches on the ground around the Roach Queen.
You also have the guy who's the best at gobble-ing up all the food, the goblin' king.

But other than that, I didn't really see many puns, just inside jokes like the Bar.

Revisiting old Project: ZelDROD 1 / ZelDROD RPG (If I can ever find the custom graphic files that I made for it.)

[Last edited by Casebier at 06-18-2011 02:25 PM]
06-18-2011 at 02:24 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
Jeebus, there's probably nothing worse to do to a joke than explain it, but just in case you need annotation:
Click here to view the secret text

(That's skipping the various references to watching/poking/getting swords from The Bar; to Halph; to the fact that you can't cut living tar by poking at the corners; and so forth.)
06-19-2011 at 12:09 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
Only a few days left to get your entries in, folks.

Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!
06-20-2011 at 03:14 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
Alright guys, it's the home stretch. I know most of you are probably making sure to get your holds as complete as possible, so I'm not going to be totally rigid on the submission time, but they will all have to be in tomorrow, as I'm putting up the poll on Friday.

I am so looking forward to these submissions.

Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!
06-22-2011 at 03:20 PM
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
I'm still wondering how I'm ever going to be able to play through all the submissions. Hopefully the puzzles aren't too complex :)

06-22-2011 at 07:07 PM
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Rat Man
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icon Re: Hold The Riddle of the Bar (0)  
DiMono wrote:
Alright guys, it's the home stretch. I know most of you are probably making sure to get your holds as complete as possible, so I'm not going to be totally rigid on the submission time, but they will all have to be in tomorrow, as I'm putting up the poll on Friday.

I am so looking forward to these submissions.
that does it. I won't be able to get this done in time. :weep

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[Last edited by Rat Man at 06-23-2011 02:54 AM]
06-23-2011 at 02:53 AM
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