My comments so far (there may be overlap with other people's comments, I've not read them all)
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×Level 1. 1N: There’s some error with scripting here; if you run up to the doors at the top straight away, the guards don’t open the doors for you. Fixable with widening the area for “Wait for player at…”?
Level 2. Very nice introductory level, with basics skills introduced. Why all the blue doors leading nowhere? I assume you’ll take out the scrolls saying, “This wing is new”? Plus, all the inaccessible stairways and aesthetic rooms throughout the hold will mean that no-one can get 100% explored on the restore screen, and people will complain.
Particularly liked: 1S2W and 4S
2S2E: The roaches appear on rocky squares so you may want to change the scroll text, or the flooring.
2S1E, 1S2E are ok rooms but if you’ve already done the rooms in the west wing they seem fairly trivial.
1S4W: Not a difficult room, but I image it might be for a beginner unfamiliar with movement order issues.
3S1W: A bit too easy - just involves making a beeline for the orb, basically. Ideally have more roach cages, forcing the player to make a more elaborate barrier rather than just a straight line.
3S2W: Interesting idea - tunnel-using roaches. But the last set at the top behave oddly: I killed them by stepping onto the left tunnel, causing the left bunch to vanish into the tunnel. A bit counterintuitive.
4E: Where’s the puzzle/challenge?
Level 3. Another very good level.
1S2E, 2S2E, 2S3E are great. But there’s quite a large range of difficulty on this level.
The first few levels really give the impression (which I think is correct) that you made most rooms a while ago, and then added rooms later when you’d become a more experienced architect - resulting in a lot of beginner-level rooms, with some more challenging advanced rooms interspersed. While most rooms are great, I think it undermines the learning curve of the hold. Notably, 4S1W, 2S4W, 2S5W, 1S5W, 3S3W are a fair bit harder than a lot of the rest of the level. A few rooms, like 3S3W could use (more) checkpoints.
1S1E: The diagonal arrow section in the middle is pretty frustrating. Maybe reduce the number of roaches coming at you there?
4S1W: Ouch. Not great fun, and pretty tough for a level two room.
2S2W: I thought to myself: I’m sure this is possible without the doors. So I didn’t use the doors. Then I found 3S2W, grrr. I think the way to avoid this is to enforce the use of the doors in 2S2W (more queens, or doors that must be opening using those orbs?)
1S2W: Nice, but if a puzzle involves counting tiles it’s a lot nicer if you use tiled floors, otherwise it becomes trial-and-error.
Level 4. More excellent puzzles.
2S1E et al. A very cool puzzle, but do you really need four versions? It gets a bit repetitive.
1S2E: Very cool idea.
1S4E: Surprisingly tough. Not really that much fun though. I’m not a fan of pure hack-and-slash.
1N4E, 3E, 2S2E: Nice puzzles.
Level 5. Again, more great puzzles, but a two-tiered difficulty level where you’ve come back to add in more complex rooms.
2N1W. I paid no attention to whether I was waking the eyes or not.
3N: Nice, but…a bit of déjà vu here.
4N: Only one trapdoor dropped. What are they for?
Level 6: Nowhere as good as the other levels. I think that this was mostly made on your first run of levels and has not been altered much since. Mostly has basic, beginner level puzzles.
I’m pretty sure that entering 3N1E on the green doors at the top was not intended and you can continue to travel “down” the ladder, rather than up, making some rooms easier.
1N2W. Just stay in the entrance until the snake is dead. Kill the roach. Fairly trivial.
4N1E. Is a really good puzzle.
4N2W was fairly painful.
Level 7: Overall another great level. I enjoyed all the movement/direction restriction rooms. But there is some tedious mimic manipulation on the east side.
2N4W: Association is spelt wrong in the scripted speech. How does one get here from the North?
4E: This looks like it’s going to be a clever puzzle, but I think something’s gone wrong. Use the mimic to hit the top right orb. Drop all trapdoors and kill all monsters yourself, without needing to hit any other orbs. What am I missing?
2N4E: Very nice. Like it.
1N2E: Feels and looks very messy. Also, I can’t beat the timer. Grr.
Level 8: Some more great rooms here. But a very short feeling level.
1N2E: Doesn’t really justify the invisibility potion. Not too much of a puzzle here. This level could do with some good invisibility puzzles, otherwise why put the potion on the level at all.
2N2E: You really have to explain the scripting here. Put a scroll or something.
3S2E: Don’t need two of the decoys here. Also this room seems fairly redundant if you have 1N4E. Speaking of which…
1N4E: The bottow right section had me stumped for a while. Great!
1N3E: Nice. My instinct was to rush in and kill all roach eggs, which meant I couldn’t get the queens, confused me for a bit.
1S: Not got this one yet. You can access the top tunnel using the decoy, but it doesn’t go anywhere.
1S3E: You don’t need the potion, making the speech, and the potion, kind of pointless.
Level 9. Only played the tar side, since I’m not all the way through level 10. My forthcoming SmS actually uses mirrored tar-mud rooms too. Developed independently, of course. I like the idea of a blue door corridor, used here and in level 10.
Entrance: Stairs end the hold.
1S: Yucky. Needs more checkpoints.
2N1E: If you come back via the secret wall you need to clear all the tar again. Which is annoying.
4E: Does anyone like tar mazes?
Level 10: Still some rooms in the east section to go.
2S7W: Stairs end the hold.
All the trapdoor puzzles on the west side are great, but I found 2N7W quite painful.
Can’t really say I’m enjoying the hack-and-slash rooms on the east-side, but then I’m just not a fan of these sorts of rooms in general.
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