'Roach Queens run away from you.'
'But what else do they do? Why are they called queens?'
'Roach Queens run away from you.'
'Oh, ok. Why's the floor here all dropped yellow doors?'
'Roach Queens run away from you.'
'Ooh, a Roach Queen! I'll chase her down and kill her!'
-turn 30-
'Hey, what did she just do?'
-turn 35-
'Aaaaah! Run away! Run away! Why didn't the learning zone guy tell me about that?'
Caravel Official Holds Progress:
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×KDD 2.0: Mastered!
JtRH: Mastered!
The Choice: Mastered!
Perfection: Mastered!
Halph has a Bad Day: Mastered!
Beethro & the Secret Society: Mastered!
Beethro's Teacher: Mastered!
Smitemastery 101: Mastered!
Master Locks: Mastered!
Master Locks Expert: Mastered!
TCB: Mastered!
DDDoD: Mastered!
Tendry's Tale: Homeland
Complex Complex: Stuck on the first puzzle

Suit Pursuit: Mastered!
Finding the First Truth: Mastered!
Gunthro and the Epic Blunder: Mastered!
Flood Warning: Mastered!
The Second Sky: Perfected!
[Last edited by Hikari at 08-09-2006 11:34 PM]