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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : Contests : The Second Annual Deadlies! (An Architectural Award Ceremony)
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icon The Second Annual Deadlies! (+8)  
The vote has already occurred and the list of winners can be found in this thread.

It's been a little over a year since gamer_extreme_101 hosted the People's Selection Hold Awards, and plenty has happened since then...

*cue Architects' Oath*

In April 2005, Beethro Budkin re-emerged from the shadows to partake in his most treacherous journey yet... the Journey to Rooted Hold.

*roll footage*

With the help of his mischevious nephew...

Halph: I can zig! Also... I can zag!
Beethro: Knock it off! We gotta go home!
Halph: But I can't zig while I'm zagging.

Beethro tackled the mysteries of the deep...

Goblin: Lesgo lil bumpy! I knows the way.

Negotiator: There are some places for Budkins to be, and this isn't one of them.

And faced danger the likes of which he had never seen before...

Slayer: The wisp will find you... the hook will follow!

The emergence of new tools with the introduction to Journey to Rooted Hold has made this a landmark year for architects and delvers alike.

*montage of seeps, golems, rattlesnakes, mud, and poppies*

And this is the time of year that we gather to pay tribute to those gifted architects who fill the Eighth with inspiration and innovation. Welcome to the second annual Deadlies!

Inspired by last year's DROD awards, I have decided to play host to this year's contest. I'm going to run it in a similar fashion to gamer_extreme's version. If we're lucky, perhaps we can get mods to dish out some rank points. I'll accept nominations via PM for each of the award categories. Everybody can nominate one thing for each of the categories, but no more.

The nominees will be the five holds that receive the most nominations in each category. If there ever happens to be a tie of several holds with only one nomination apiece in a particular category, I'll likely not include them. But believe me, the process will be done as fairly as I can do it, it's just hard to forsee how exactly the nominations will roll out right now. Oh, and no nominating your own work.

I'll accept nominations for about a week or so, I guess. No solid deadlines. Good luck to everybody!

Without further ado, here are the categories!

Best Storyline:
Simple enough. Whichever hold you thought told the best story through whatever medium it chooses, whether it be scrolls, scripts, or chunky words sculpted from colored doors.

Best Voice Acting:
Admittedly there aren't many holds which take advantage of this feature, but what's an awards ceremony without the actors? Because of the small number of potential entrants, I propose that SS holds should be eligible for this award as well. You can nominate either an entire hold or a specific speech within a hold.

Best Use of Scripting:
The most powerful new feature in JtRH is the addition of scripting. This award will go to whoever uses it the best. You can nominate either a specific room or an entire hold.

Best Visual Design in a Hold:
From custom floor styles to rocks, statues, and piles of skulls, artistry in hold design has been taken to a new level with the latest release of DROD. This award will go to the one hold that is the most visually appealing.

Best Mod:
We've seen new clocks and tilesets aplenty this last year. (And perhaps even sound mods? I don't remember.) This trophy will go to the best DROD mod of any sort.

Most Innovative Hold:
Which hold reinvented DROD for you? Which one had the most unique puzzles, or the most fascinating scripted characters? Which hold broke outside the box and used our set of tools in a brand new way?

Best DROD:AE Hold:
Many DROD:AE holds were released since the last awards ceremony. In the interest of not being overlooked by JtRH holds, I've given them their own category.

Best Novice Hold:
Many potential DRODiacs are turned away by the game's steep learning curve. However, many holds have been produced that are more accessible to the average player. This award will go to the hold that best fits this description. Only holds of a voted difficulty of five brains or fewer will be considered eligible for this award, unless someone stages a convincing write-in campaign.

Most Challenging Hold:
The name says it all. Vote for the hold that you think has been the most difficult of the year.

Hold of the Year:
This one's the doozy. This'll get your name etched in stone. Is your hold good enough to be considered... Hold of the Year?

If anybody wants to suggest any further categories, by all means bring it up. It's not too late to add!

Edit:I forgot to mention that holds are only eligible if they were created in the month of October 2004 or after. This is because the last awards were started in September 2004. I'm also going to place the restriction that they have to be published on the holds board. And I also didn't mean to suggest that SS holds shouldn't be included, although I will admit I thought about it. The only hold I can think of removing from eligibility is KDD 2.0. It probably also won't be ideal to nominate "updated" holds, although if substantial improvement has been made, it might be worthwhile.

I should also note that this is in no way affiliated with the official December contest.

Edit Again: Gamer_extreme_101 has proposed another category. Check out his post below for further stipulations. In his own words...

Novice Architect Award: "For the most promising hold that has yet to be released. The requirements are that it is publically availible, and it has to have been updated within the past 4 months. No dead holds in this one."


[Last edited by RoboBob3000 at 01-23-2006 03:44 AM]
11-28-2005 at 11:57 PM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (0)  
What is the cut-off date for holds to be eligable?


If so, shouldn't voting wait until Jan. 1, 2006?
11-29-2005 at 12:16 AM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (0)  
RoboBob3000 wrote:
Best Voice Acting:
Admittedly there aren't many holds which take advantage of this feature, but what's an awards ceremony without the actors? Because of the small number of potential entrants, I propose that SS holds should be eligible for this award as well. You can nominate either an entire hold or a specific speech within a hold.
I'm not quite sure now. You mean that for the rest of the awards, SmS holds are not eligible?

The best way to lose customers is to let little kids running loose on a forum with too many mod points.
11-29-2005 at 12:32 AM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (+1)  
Those two questions are now addressed in the final paragraph of my original post.

11-29-2005 at 04:26 AM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (0)  
Since I've never really used any of my unlimited mod points for this sort of thing, I'll provide mod points to the winners and let the real mods take a rest.

I don't know - say, +4 rank points for any award an author gets, except for "best hold" which will be worth +10 points?

I got my avatar back! Yay!
11-29-2005 at 05:11 AM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (+1)  
Thanks Eytan, but it seems that Schik already showered me with a substantial sum of mod points to use, so I'll use those up just to keep things balanced.

Your award scale sounds appropriate though. I think I'll steal it from you.

11-29-2005 at 05:20 AM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (0)  
There's an option in the admin page to award an arbitrary amount of rank and/or mod points to any user. I've been trying to convince Schik that it should be a moderator thing, but apparantly it's not trivial.

Also, woo deadlies!

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11-29-2005 at 03:07 PM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (+1)  
Well, in all honesty, I was going to start it this weekend, but if RoboBob3000 wants to, I fully knight him as the host for this year's edition. As the person with exclusive rights to it, I want to make a couple of changes to add on to it.

1. I want to add the Novice Architect Award for the most promising hold that has yet to be released. The requirements are that it is publically availible, and it has to have been updated within the past 4 months. No dead holds in this one.

Send your nominees to me, not Robobob3000. I'll give him the list when I'm finished.

2. Anyone who nominates one hold per category will receive two rank points from me personally.

3. As a bit of side fun, after the poll is finished, I'm going to do a write-up for a special architect to receive the "Lifetime Achievement in Architecting" memorial. It'll be selected by me, and while no points will be awarded for it, you will get a nice little mini-bio made up by me. After all, what's a ward ceremony without someone going on about someone's life for an hour?

With that, let's show some enthusiasm! And thanks again for taking over the reigns, Robobob3000.

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
11-29-2005 at 11:01 PM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (+1)  
Ooh, rookie hold award. I better get mine done. :)

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
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12-03-2005 at 12:27 AM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (0)  
Chaco, thanks for bumping. Just sent my list :)
gamer_extreme_101 wrote:
2. Anyone who nominates one hold per category will receive two rank points from me personally.
Easy for you to say, now tell me which hold I can nominate for best mod?

-- Tim

The best way to lose customers is to let little kids running loose on a forum with too many mod points.
12-03-2005 at 01:09 AM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (0)  
I'd like to remind everybody that this is still going on. I've received very few nominations so far and, well, I kinda need those to run this properly. Thanks.

12-08-2005 at 08:31 PM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (0)  
*is still working quickly, but is not sure if the hold will get done on time*

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

12-09-2005 at 11:41 AM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (0)  
I'll try and get some nominations in soon. However, I've never used any mods...

New to DROD? You may want to read this.
My Holds and Levels:
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12-09-2005 at 02:07 PM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (+1)  
A list of this year's holds would help remind people which ones are in the running ...
12-09-2005 at 08:49 PM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (+1)  
Mouse wrote:
A list of this year's holds would help remind people which ones are in the running ...

That's a good idea. Here are the holds published since October 2004, in chronological order.

A Collection of Constant Room Templates
KDD First Level Remake
City of Queens
Garlonuss' Galley
Rowthro's hold: How To Keep Idiots Busy
Simon's Dungeon
Tom's Dungeon
Tackersmoore 1
Tackers Tomb
The Tackers Tower
Egg's Dungeon
JO's First Hold
Egg's Treasure Tower
Tacker Triology (DVD Architects Cut)
Labyrinthitis expanded
Caverns of Animus
Meckmecks World
King Dugans Tomb
king dungans lost ice castle
Krishh's Castle.
The Domain of the Grinfidel
Deep Hold
King Meckmecks Dungeon
Blast Castle
The Palace of Puzzles - JtRH Remake
Rassa palace
Unfortunate Architect Compilation
Pelcho's Puzzles
Confusing Hold
The Hunt for The Grinfidel
Whispering walls
Delver's Demise
Spherical Hold
Idiot's Dungeon
Experimental Hold
The Final Confrontation
The traitors
The Puzzle Boat
Beethro's Bad Dream
Dodecahedral Hold
The Puzzlebox
Nanfro Budkin's First Dungeon
Easy or Hard
Diago's Dungeon: A Delver's Delight
Treasure Hunt Master Quest
Beethro Budkin in "That Really Annoying Hold"
Labyrinthitis (JtRH edition)
Beethro Goes Fourth
Ben Chisel's Five-Sweet Speeking Grauns 2.0
Great Uncle Yurgess' Hold
Deja vu...
not dr0d
MetDROiD Prime
Seeds Dungeon
Odd Jobs Expert
Odd Jobs Medium
Odd Jobs Novice

This doesn't include the SS holds (which weren't on the holds listing), but those holds are very much in the running too. The Choice and Perfection.


[Last edited by RoboBob3000 at 12-10-2005 04:14 AM]
12-09-2005 at 09:01 PM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (0)  
Knock An event #1: it's my worst hold.

Except for the "Worst Hold Award", which doesn't exist, it will get nothing from it unless someone is really crazy.

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12-10-2005 at 02:38 AM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (0)  
This will be my final bump of this thread before I release the nominees. I'll probably do that in about a week or so. I still haven't a whole lot of nominations, so hopefully I won't have to do much improvisation.

PM me with whatever nominations you might have.

01-01-2006 at 12:13 AM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (0)  
Sorry, I mistakenly PM-ed Patrick. Has he passed my nominations onto you, or do you want me to resend them?

New to DROD? You may want to read this.
My Holds and Levels:
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01-01-2006 at 12:14 PM
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icon Re: The Second Annual Deadlies! (+1)  
Whoa....I have a PM!

I can send them to Robobob3000, Jacob. No worries.

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
01-01-2006 at 09:04 PM
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New to DROD? You may want to read this.
My Holds and Levels:
Click here to view the secret text

01-02-2006 at 03:14 PM
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