I've played as far as I can get in the new version of the hold. The attached demo file should contain all my demos for the entire hold, so you can check for unintended solutions.
Starting from Time Warp
Gredgedon Mines - complete
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×Entrance - The movable obstacle for pushing the mimic is a nice idea. Someday I'm going to try to do it without exploding the fegundo more than 3 times.
1E - I got the snakes stuck before entering.
2E - Similarly, I arranged the wubbas before entering.
1S1E - A very logical room. I demanded that the goblin dance at sword point.
1S - I had a tough time getting the builders out of sync in this room. A lot of trial and error.
2S - A tricky room that requires a good knowledge of snake movement rules.
1S1W - I used the brain just enough to get the babies where I wanted them.
1W - A tricky golem manipulation puzzle. It seems that one of the golems was extra... or was I supposed to use the contraption in the middle of the room?
1N1W - Blocking the guard with lots of monster bodies made him act dumb.
Barrel Keep - complete
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×1E - Theme and variations. I found the two western puzzles very similar.
1N1E - Tight fegundo timing in here. Nice puzzle.
1N - I had some golems left over after making walls in front of the bad force arrows. And I didn't have to break any crumbly walls. But it was cool to see a puzzle where I had to wait for a baby to form in an "inaccessible" alcove, rather than the opposite.
1N1W - It took a bit of trial and error to find a configuration that saved the life of one stalwart.
1W - I like the interactions between the different parts of this room a lot. 3 of the golems were extra.
1S1W - Timing the roach queen's release to kill the serpent was tough.
1S - I didn't cheat this time!
1S2W - This room is different from the last time I saw it. Last time, I replaced the roach queens with adders. This time I killed the adders right away, and was very careful going around the corners of the western path.
(Eastern World) - passed through Entrance, 1E, 1W (Why does Beethro ask the guy to open the door to Barrel Keep?)
Flooded Crevasse - complete
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×1W - I tried to do this room without using the turners, but realized it was more fun with them.
Entrance - The extra roach queen didn't fool me. My demo is very similar to your demo.
1E - I arranged the skippers conveniently...
1N1E - Interesting room. I'm glad there was a way to get rid of the skipper nest half way through, as switching to the clone every 10 turns would have gotten annoying.
2E - There are more than enough rafts to make a path for the guard.
1S2E - Was I supposed to need the goblin to kill the second snake? I don't think I did.
1S3E - Argh! Even backswiping stalwarts are so stupid. It took forever to get the rafts in just the right configuration.
3E - A very forgiving room. As long as I hit the NE orb right away, I could do other things at random.
1S1E - My favorite of the water skipper arranging rooms. Getting to the western pressure plate was quite a trick.
(Eastern World) - passed through 1W
Tar Forest - complete, and I've already commented on this level
(Eastern World) - passed through 2W in player role tar baby. As Josh mentioned, I think you wanted to change back to Beethro here.
Historical Hallways - impossible as tar baby
Starting again from Time Warp
Historical Hallways - As Josh mentioned, the room after the blue door (3N) is required, so it is impossible to complete the level. That means I didn't go to Tormel or the other levels connected only there.
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×Entrance - Nice, not-too-hard, not-too-easy golem manipulation puzzle. I love the scrolls by the statues.
1N - It took a few iterations to get this room timed right. Were the green sister gates supposed to cut the fuses when the roaches were dead? The green gates went up, but the fuses kept burning...
1N1W - Thanks for that extra crumbly wall square. Now I can use the yellow door exit.
2N - As Josh said, trivial solution here.
2N1W - I did the same thing, many times over. Maybe the roach's path could be made a lot shorter.
1N1E - A race against brained skippers. The timing worked out perfectly.
2N1E - Good puzzle! Getting those eyes out of the center was a lot trickier than it looked initially.
Starting again from Time Warp
Crumbling Sanctum - complete
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×Nice to see the guide back again! Don't forget to put vittro in the credits for the avatar.
Entrance - The cut scene is an interesting lead-in to the level. But what's going on with the player roles. When Beethro killed the roach, I head a monster's breath, rather than Beethro's "Clear!". And then a guard avatar appeared for a moment when the guide stepped on the scroll.
1E - Nice fegundo puzzle. I had to be careful clearing the tar so as not to create a baby that killed the guide.
1S1E - Easy. There wasn't much choice in what to do, and doing it solved the room.
1S - I found getting through the large mass of gel to be tedious at the end. Should I have used the guard more to reduce the mimic's work?
1S2E - I liked this puzzle, as it required just the right amount of good timing and careful stepping.
1W - Yup! You tricked me into using the extra invisibility potion the first time, but you won't trick me again. It was fun figuring out what to do here.
1S1W - The builder got confused and waited in the SE corner for the snake's tail to move out of his way. In that time, the guide made it safely to the pressure plate.
2S - Good idea for a puzzle. But it was hard work killing all the seep. Couldn't you have made the same statement in a room half the size?
1S2W - Another good puzzle idea that was hard work to solve.
The Roach Shelter - complete; end-of-level stairs end the hold
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×I'm not sure I'd like it much if an alien seeped inside me and made me kill a whole bunch of humans. I wonder if the roach felt the same way?
1N1W - I'm not sure what I did to wake up the drowning roach and make him move with the raft. Did I have to bump into him?
1N, 2N, 2N1W - Good timing and a knowledge of vertical movement preference was key in these rooms.
2N1E - I found a neat way to kill roaches by dancing around the brain.
3N1E - I used the brain dance in this room too, and didn't need the power token or bomb.
Starting again from Time Warp
Mellasten - complete; end-of-level stairs end the hold
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×Entrance - The briar timing in this room is very tight. Have you tested it in I had to exit and re-enter from the south in order to kill the rattlesnake in time. It's on the difficult side for an entrance puzzle.
1S - A much easier room, similar to some Flooded Crevasse rooms.
1S1E - I liked this puzzle, using the mimic to open the fegundo's access to the rattlesnake's head.
1E - I feel like I've solved this puzzle in many other holds, using a rattlesnake to create a dead end for a serpent.
2E - Briar timing is tight but manageable in this room.
1S3E - What, no snakes? The guard kindly killed the goblins for me, and then Beethro killed him for his trouble. I tried for a while to go down the stairs, but realized I wasn't meant to.
1S2E - The briar is very fast in this room too, but the mimic potions made killing the rattlesnake possible.
2S - With the blue door up, this room is possible, and quite easy.
Starting again from Time Warp
The Pit Village - complete; end-of-level stairs end the hold
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×Entrance - Killed the eyes and brain and made it to the mother in time.
1E - Arranging the wraithwings properly at the beginning was tricky. That part of the puzzle was very good. The scripting in this room is not really necessary though. You could have the builder encased in a yellow door, and the eye could open it by stepping on a pressure plate.
2E - This room is very forgiving, as it's possible to lead the babies to their target in several separate trips.
1N1E - I found the shape of the tar blob very convenient.
1N - The mimic makes a very long trip in this easy room.
1W - This room required both precision and efficiency in tar cutting.
1S1E - A moderate degree of roach queen timing was necessary here. I'm sorry, but I didn't read the scroll about not killing the queens until too late.
1S2E - This was a tough room to get right, getting the adder in just the right place to eat the mud mother but not get blown up. I would have appreciated a checkpoint in the southern part of the room, where Beethro spent the most time.
Starting again from Time Warp
Crater of the Dead - 1N2W is now impossible, so I couldn't finish the level
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×I love the spooky wind noise on this level.
1N - I see that the guard in the north is a character and not a required target. I used the mimic to destroy the tar, and left, which seemed trivial to me.
1N1W - This room is now possible, and very easy! Just step on the new pressure plate to turn off the timer, and complete the room at my leisure.
1N2W - You've given me one mimic and one decoy and three separate things they need to do. A mimic or decoy needs to kill the roach in the far NW corner, a mimic or decoy needs to kill the roach queen that's surrounded by water, and a decoy needs to lure the southern roach one square SE. Help!
1W - Killed the snake with the spider. Not a bad puzzle, but not terribly exciting either.
1S1W - Clever decoy placement (to group eyes and to block eyes) is the key here. Good room.
1S2W - Interesting play on baby movement order and movement rules.
2W - I buried the aumtlich in golems before entering.
1S - Tricky finding good places for all 8 dead golems. It seems there are several ways to do it.
Starting again from Time Warp
I took the stairs labeled "
Mirror Mansion,"
and ended up in Sun-Basking Desert, which I completed, and the end-of-level stairs end the hold.
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×I understand the Sun-Basking Desert is a level in progress. When you're done, make sure you put obstacles on the room edges, so we don't waste turns trying to go to rooms that aren't there.
1W - The trick was figuring out when Beethro should release his pressure plate.
1N1W - A fun idea, sneaking the guide through so Beethro can blow up to room from the one safe spot. A funny bug is that Beethro can kill the western change station! It needs to be made invulnerable.
1S2W - This mimic puzzle works fine.
1S1W - So I had the adder eat the eyes without waking them up. I didn't understand what the complicated western contraption was for. I didn't get nearly close enough to risk trapping the roaches.
Starting again from Time Warp
Boiling Core - complete
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×Cool - fireballs! Except you call them lava comets... Don't forget to put Chaco in the credits for their sprites and scripts.
Entrance, 1N, 1W, 1S1W - All easy.
2W - My favorite puzzle of the level. I used the wraithwing to make the fireball block the roach, so it would cook on the pressure plate.
3W - I didn't use the fireballs at all in my solution. Did you want me to use them to block the squares next to the west-pointing force arrows? I didn't have to because those squares are all within range of the bombs.
1N2W - My second favorite room of the level. I used the fireball to keep the eye within reach of the mimics.
(Poxipon) - passed through the Entrance
Poxiponal Dungeon - 2S1W is impossible, so I couldn't finish the level. That means I didn't pass through the other parts of Poxipon
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×Entrance - Was this room meant to be trivial. I didn't do anything with all those pressure plates. I just stood on the green sister gate until the rattlesnake died.
1S - Also trivial. The serpent died right away when I closed the yellow door.
1S1W - A challenging room. It took me a good bit of trying to figure out how to use the decoys to keep the queens in smitable positions.
2S1W - I can't get out after dropping the green door.
1W - I killed the rattlesnake, blew up the bombs, and put a mirror on the pressure plate. Something tells me it was supposed to be trickier than that.
2W - Tricky figuring out exactly what to cut and where to put the central clone so I could kill the brain in time.
1N2W - I got the giant stuck on force arrows, then dealt with the roach and brain.
1S2W - A cool little play on brained golem movement. It took a bit of trial and error to get started, but I didn't mind because it was so quick.
1S3W - Fun and easy. I had to be careful not to lock myself in!
Starting again from Time Warp
I took the stairs labeled "
Ocean Capture,"
but they ended the hold, so that's everything I can play for now.
[Last edited by CuriousShyRabbit at 04-01-2008 03:42 AM]