The Architest wrote:
So, these "unhidetime" tags work like spoilers too? Or do I have to add spoiler tags, anyone would like to explain?
The tags work properly, so it is unnecessary to add spoiler tags. Unhidetime tags will completely hide the concealed information until the specified time comes. At that time, the information is revealed for everyone to see.
Anyway, I would like to contribute
a cake to this party.
The Rasarun Court
Ancient legend states this was once an old temple of worship. Priests would lead prayer for the local residents and guide them through various hardships. Ironically, when the priests betrayed their principles in the quest for treasure and slew the villagers, the court became a place not of hope but rather fear. The former temple became the seat of modern Rasarun authority, made up of those priests.
But Gunthro knew none of this history, instead choosing to walk ignorantly into the metaphorical foyer of darkness. And the literal foyer of roaches.
Skondusk Marshes
Frankthro groaned as his boots sank into the soggy, unstable mud that threatened to keep his boots permanently. Looking ahead, he saw only deeper, wetter mud broken only by a few stony outcroppings. Being the resourceful smitemaster that he was, Frankthro realized that walking would not get him across the area. Rather, the strange, flat boats that glistened blue looked like they could glide across the mud with ease. They seemed rather cumbersome and bulky -- it would be difficult navigating narrow passages with these -- but they were his only option at this point.
Daskeran Caves
Buzur the goblin disliked crawling through the dark, wet caves. So, when the goblin chief asked him to scout the entrance, he immediately tried to refuse, saying no one in their right minds would pass through the cave system. The goblin chief personally dragged Buzur to the edge of the goblin village and scowled, saying sane men or goblins were not the problem. He then sent Buzur on his way to watch the entrance.
Funny how it was at this time that Frankthro stumbled through the slick rocks that surrounded the cave mouth just as Buzur appeared at the same place.
“You crazy man?” Buzur asked when the strange man raised his head.
“Yeah, probably,” Frankthro replied, still dazed.
“Ahh! Intruder! Intruder!” Buzur screamed and ran off.
“Oh, glub.” Frankthro thought to himself.
Inauro Canyon
Inauro is a large city bound by giant mountain peaks and plateaus. Massive canyons etch lines through the mountains, and the greatest of these is named after the city it tunnels into. Some say gypsies wander through the wastes of the bottom of the canyon, but this is only a myth. One thing was for certain, though. Frankthro realized he was not the only person to have ventured into the dusty flat.
Wraithwing Swamp
Frudu was a renowned explorer, cartographer, and analyzer in his time. Drawing upon his hard work, Benedict made the Master Map of the Eighth that marked the start of “civilized” times when people thought about things before doing them. During one of his adventures, Frudu found a collection of winged creatures that almost resembled mythical creatures known as “wraiths”. Thus, he named them “wraithwings”. He learned a lot about wraithwings, such as how they ate and interacted with each other. Much to his surprise, he noticed that their behavior mimicked that of wraiths; they were cautious and wary alone but became dangerous foes when working together. Also like wraiths, they used their large claws to shred prey.
Rock Giant Lair
Rocks are strange things. They are incredibly dense and heavy and can resist very hot temperatures. With effort and knowledge, one can even make them come alive. Of course, one rock is not much. An organized collection of rocks functions better, but is still ineffective.
Then we get to rock behemoths. Dozens of rocks of titanic proportions blending together in a chaotic harmony of strength and anger can form the most powerful beings ever to lurk within the Eighth. Even the strongest of sword strikes -- strikes that could cut an ordinary rock golem cleanly in half -- could not bring down one of these legendary beings. Not in one blow, anyway, as Frankthro would soon realize.
I feel I did well, but the more experienced folks will probably beat me out since they have, you know, experience.
It was going well until it exploded.
~Scott Manley
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