Tim wrote:
Every stupid architect can probably make an interesting hold using new elements, but how many architects do you know who can make a good roach only hold?
First of all, I'm going to refer to the group you're thinking of as "
architects, which I think is a less rude term.
I respectfully disagree with this part of your argument. So providing initiate architects with movement options will make them automatically make interesting holds? We've seen bad holds with a lot of elements and bad holds with fewer elements. Bad Evil Restaurant and Deep Hold (the two worst holds I can think of right now) didn't even
need rattlesnakes, scripting, or builders. And I'm of the opinion that initiates will still probably not squeeze all the puzzle potential out of that group.
What this scripting request does is allow us to make /new/ monsters that behave differently than is possible without using scripting. Custom monsters don't necessarily have to mimic the current monster moveset - they can expand it and provide new behavior, which with the wise use of variables, player location, and self location, is probably limitless. I think that good architects can use these preferences and still make the entities predictable, without "
the players.
Feature requests are made so that good architects can make better holds, not so that initiate architects can make less bad holds. And in this case, if you believe that custom monsters used in only one hold is a waste of time, that's fine. You don't have to play those holds. If it's a waste of time for you to play Deep Hold, you don't have to play it! There will still be a lot of "
holds using completely predictable elements by "
architects, whatever your arbitrary qualifications for "
but how many architects do you know who can make a good roach only hold?
Several - you aren't the only one.
There also have been many good roach only levels too - King Dugan's Dungeon First Level, Phil's Dungeon First Level, Simon's Dungeon First Level, and Nanfro Budkin's First Dungeon First Level ring any bells?
Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
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