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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : Contests : Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (A multiple question poll)
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RankEntryAverageStandard Deviation
1Entry #21 - Professor Gooles Goolean Dungeon7.62962962962962.213563377405
2Entry #25 - The Pyramid of Doom7.37037037037041.590437818784
3Entry #4 - A Vist To Mellenfral72.0367003088693
4Entry #17 - Level200610226.9629629629632.1513386268826
5Entry #9 - Bugged6.92592592592592.0353528391162
6Entry #18 - Moebius Hold6.85185185185192.0494570862603
7Entry #26 - Under the Trapdoor6.74074074074071.9358717548699
8Entry #13 - Hold Of The Hour6.59259259259262.2154216931464
9Entry #19 - Nightmare Roses6.55555555555562.6573912762448
10Entry #8 - Beethros Shortcut6.29629629629632.0694392658813
11Entry #6 - Beethro Budkin Stars in6.25925925925931.9166443011756
12Entry #20 - Oct2006 Contest - Spider Invasion6.14814814814811.6932043630611
13Entry #1 - 60 Minutes6.0370370370371.5748364167014
14Entry #2 - A decision of no Choice5.74074074074072.1010154968419
15Entry #10 - Chambers Holds Al Dente5.70370370370372.2246899878046
16Entry #24 - The Crossing Holds Al Dente5.62962962962962.1282604294161
17Entry #27 - Valley of Nowhere5.55555555555561.9309052441092
18Entry #14 - Holds Al Dente by Tokyokid5.33333333333332.1602468994693
19Entry #5 - Al Dente North Carolina5.29629629629631.9965676995472
20Entry #11 - Hold Al dente by Timo0065.22222222222221.9309052441092
21Entry #15 - Holds Al Dente Jason5.18518518518522.0734125929301
22Entry #3 - A story about a man5.14814814814812.2394394752342
23Entry #16 - Holds Al Dente Jeff_ray5.11111111111112.0427529234278
24Entry #7 - Beethro the Gatherer4.85185185185191.9187901995539
25Entry #23 - Shortness4.33333333333332.4037008503093
26Entry #22 - Puzzling Limits4.29629629629631.9015552078509
27Entry #12 - Hold Al dente Lst64.25925925925931.8577683265162
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Yessir! Napkin, check! Sextant, check! PollPollPoll 12 52.17%
Yeah, I'll have a Quarter Pounder with fries, and super-size it. PollPollPoll 7 30.43%
What? PollPollPoll 4 17.39%

Entry #1 - 60 Minutes
Average Vote 6.037037037037
Standard Deviation 1.5748364167014

Entry #2 - A decision of no Choice
Average Vote 5.7407407407407
Standard Deviation 2.1010154968419

Entry #3 - A story about a man
Average Vote 5.1481481481481
Standard Deviation 2.2394394752342

Entry #4 - A Vist To Mellenfral
Average Vote 7
Standard Deviation 2.0367003088693

Entry #5 - Al Dente North Carolina
Average Vote 5.2962962962963
Standard Deviation 1.9965676995472

Entry #6 - Beethro Budkin Stars in
Average Vote 6.2592592592593
Standard Deviation 1.9166443011756

Entry #7 - Beethro the Gatherer
Average Vote 4.8518518518519
Standard Deviation 1.9187901995539

Entry #8 - Beethros Shortcut
Average Vote 6.2962962962963
Standard Deviation 2.0694392658813

Entry #9 - Bugged
Average Vote 6.9259259259259
Standard Deviation 2.0353528391162

Entry #10 - Chambers Holds Al Dente
Average Vote 5.7037037037037
Standard Deviation 2.2246899878046

Entry #11 - Hold Al dente by Timo006
Average Vote 5.2222222222222
Standard Deviation 1.9309052441092

Entry #12 - Hold Al dente Lst6
Average Vote 4.2592592592593
Standard Deviation 1.8577683265162

Entry #13 - Hold Of The Hour
Average Vote 6.5925925925926
Standard Deviation 2.2154216931464

Entry #14 - Holds Al Dente by Tokyokid
Average Vote 5.3333333333333
Standard Deviation 2.1602468994693

Entry #15 - Holds Al Dente Jason
Average Vote 5.1851851851852
Standard Deviation 2.0734125929301

Entry #16 - Holds Al Dente Jeff_ray
Average Vote 5.1111111111111
Standard Deviation 2.0427529234278

Entry #17 - Level20061022
Average Vote 6.962962962963
Standard Deviation 2.1513386268826

Entry #18 - Moebius Hold
Average Vote 6.8518518518519
Standard Deviation 2.0494570862603

Entry #19 - Nightmare Roses
Average Vote 6.5555555555556
Standard Deviation 2.6573912762448

Entry #20 - Oct2006 Contest - Spider Invasion
Average Vote 6.1481481481481
Standard Deviation 1.6932043630611

Entry #21 - Professor Gooles Goolean Dungeon
Average Vote 7.6296296296296
Standard Deviation 2.213563377405

Entry #22 - Puzzling Limits
Average Vote 4.2962962962963
Standard Deviation 1.9015552078509

Entry #23 - Shortness
Average Vote 4.3333333333333
Standard Deviation 2.4037008503093

Entry #24 - The Crossing Holds Al Dente
Average Vote 5.6296296296296
Standard Deviation 2.1282604294161

Entry #25 - The Pyramid of Doom
Average Vote 7.3703703703704
Standard Deviation 1.590437818784

Entry #26 - Under the Trapdoor
Average Vote 6.7407407407407
Standard Deviation 1.9358717548699

Entry #27 - Valley of Nowhere
Average Vote 5.5555555555556
Standard Deviation 1.9309052441092
Total Votes 45 100%
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Just so everyone knows, there is currently a tie for third place, so make sure to get your votes in!

11-03-2006 at 05:13 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Speaking of votes:

We've detected a voting irregularity. If anyone would like to come clean, talk to me over PM or e-mail.

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11-03-2006 at 07:06 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Ooooh, voting irregularity. I blame Diebold.

(OK, actually, I'm now intensely curious. Lots of holds don't have #1's; so what could the irregularity be, I wonder?)
11-03-2006 at 10:11 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Tahnan wrote:
Ooooh, voting irregularity. I blame Diebold.

(OK, actually, I'm now intensely curious. Lots of holds don't have #1's; so what could the irregularity be, I wonder?)

Probably someone who thought they could be clever and vote 2 for everyone except one person, or something similar.
11-03-2006 at 10:47 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
I'm not going to give people any ideas by saying what, exactly, happened.

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11-03-2006 at 02:14 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Mattcrampy wrote:
I'm not going to give people any ideas by saying what, exactly, happened.

I admit it. It was me. I voted 10 for everyone, and 1 for my own hold. I thought I was clever enough to get away with it.

Not that anyone but me cares, but I did make two corrections to my hold, "Beethro Budkin Stars in..." These are not intended to in any way influence the contest, more that I actually spent quite a bit of time on the hold, and figured that 2S should at least be posted somewhere in the form I intended it, without a trivial solution. The second change is a secret. Has to do with "certain death" actually leading to certain death. So for any who care I've posted that update in the architecture section.


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11-04-2006 at 12:25 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
captainzakku wrote:
Mattcrampy wrote:
I'm not going to give people any ideas by saying what, exactly, happened.

I admit it. It was me. I voted 10 for everyone, and 1 for my own hold. I thought I was clever enough to get away with it.


why in the hell would you want to do that?
11-04-2006 at 12:36 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
He was joking.

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11-04-2006 at 02:13 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
See? This is exactly the reason as to why we need to smilie in my signature on the forum. :)

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
11-04-2006 at 04:42 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Mattcrampy wrote:
I'm not going to give people any ideas by saying what, exactly, happened.
Well whatever happened, it seems to have un-happened...!


[Last edited by Kevin_P86 at 11-04-2006 06:10 AM]
11-04-2006 at 06:10 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0) Insofar as the "undoing" changed the results significantly (and, er, pardon my saying aloud, but not so much in my favor), I have to say I'm more curious than before as to what exactly it was that happened.
11-04-2006 at 07:41 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Indeed. There is one less vote than there was (there was 26, and is now 25). However, mine in particular changed much more drastically than just removing one (although not especially drastic), and from what I remember of the others, that seems to be fairly what happened to most of them. Specifically, it seems a number of mid-range votes (4 - 7) have been removed and/or changed.

11-04-2006 at 07:53 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Only 18 hours left, and there's still a third place tie! If you haven't voted, do so quickly!
11-05-2006 at 03:17 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
I'm thinking probably every hold that scores above about a 5, maybe 5 and a half, will be a candidate for the Lunchbox Special. I'm inclined to encourage the more complete holds to go it alone, but I'll make that call as I go through the list.

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11-05-2006 at 05:51 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Just FYI, of the 26 non-duplicate entries, there are currently 4 holds rated less than 5, and 5 holds rated between 5 and 5.5.

Therefore, 22 of the 26 are above 5, and 17 of the 26 are above 5.5

11-05-2006 at 05:55 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Yeah, not really interested in excluding all but the least valuable entries from consideration. There'll be a couple of other factors.

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11-05-2006 at 06:18 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
well I don't know about the others, but for holds that got a mark less than 5 from me meant that I would rather stab myself in the hand rather than replay/complete.

Well, there was 1 exception, but that's because I couldn't define it as a hold.
11-05-2006 at 06:22 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
It seems he's implying that he's going to only include those which are rated above 5 or 5.5, and also satisfy some other conditions (i.e. he's planning on including a subset of those rated above 5 or 5.5).

11-05-2006 at 06:34 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
I thought I was flat-out saying it, but okay:

Yeah, holds under 5 are certainly not going to be in consideration, holds under 5.5 are very likely to not be included, and I'll be taking other things into consideration, such as authorship, the difficulty of the hold, the size of the hold and the variety of challenges in the hold. If the top 12 rated entries are all roach and goblin challenges and hold number 13 is a tar-based hold, for instance, I'm more likely to include a tar-based hold that's not quite as good over yet another goblin puzzle. (I'm also thinking 12 holds will probably be the limit.)

I don't intend to include every hold entered into the competition. I'd prefer to give the space to holds that aren't likely to make it to the Holds board on their own, instead of holds that can stand on their own, or holds that the authors would like to develop into holds that can stand on their own. I'm still thinking about this, though, so I'd appreciate people's thoughts.

What do you call an elephant at the North Pole?
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11-05-2006 at 06:48 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Your rating of 5.5 questionable would put Entry #5 - Al Dente North Carolina on that list as it currently stands. Now I really liked this one. I thought it was a moderate level game which was the point of the contest. I do think some of my fellow players here who have voted like the play to be more challenging so they rated it lower, but if you want your compilation to appeal to players who want moderate challenges then please include this one. :D

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[Last edited by techant at 11-05-2006 08:19 AM]
11-05-2006 at 08:08 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (+1)  
I'm not really sure I like Mattcrampy's choice to only compile a few holds. I mean, yes, it's a good idea to just give high-quality holds so you have fewer to play through, but I think that, for posterity and historical preservation (which the Empire is all about!) compilations should include all entries, no matter the quality or puzzle type.

After all, (no offense to Jason here) even though Jason's entry scored the absolute lowest in the Death to Death contest, I still included it in the Death to Death compilation so that future delvers would know that the architect Jason had entered the contest, and made rooms which are playable. Speaking of the compilation, yes I have a good reason for not publishing it yet, but that's another story.

However, I agree with you in that authors should be allowed to pull their entries from the compilation if they want to use them for other purposes.

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[Last edited by Chaco at 11-05-2006 01:44 PM]
11-05-2006 at 01:43 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Is the voting locked already?

Grrr... I've just played all of the holds. A lot of them were not solvable. But perhaps it was just me...

Congratulation to the one that won. It was very fun, although I was stuck on that one. Was that hold solvable? (I was stuck with that big sword clue)

The best way to lose customers is to let little kids running loose on a forum with too many mod points.

[Last edited by Tim at 11-05-2006 11:21 PM]
11-05-2006 at 11:19 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
You mean Professor Gooles Goolean Dungeon? Yes, it's possible - I completed it.

11-05-2006 at 11:21 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Kevin_P86 wrote:
You mean Professor Gooles Goolean Dungeon? Yes, it's possible - I completed it.
Can someone help me with 5N1W then? I found the hint, but I don't understand it.
11-05-2006 at 11:35 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
11-05-2006 at 11:38 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (+1)  
Yes, that one took me a little while to figure out. The number 23, it turns out, did not mean what I originally assumed it meant.

The 23 refers to the fact that
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11-05-2006 at 11:47 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Argh! I just logged on to vote.
That means I missed the chance to vote my hold 10, how unfair! Oh well.

New to DROD? You may want to read this.
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11-05-2006 at 11:53 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Jacob wrote:
Argh! I just logged on to vote.
That means I missed the chance to vote my hold 10, how unfair! Oh well.
Yes, for whatever reason the poll closed 2 hours before it was reported to close in the first message (and apparantly Matt set the poll close time to the same time which he reported in the first message)... There is a thread about it in the Site board, but no answer yet.

11-05-2006 at 11:56 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
And a final vote has broken the tie!

1st place: Professor Goole's Goolean Dungeon
2nd place: Pyramid of Doom
3rd place: A Visit to Mellenfral
11-05-2006 at 11:58 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
I'm kind of surprised that Ezlo's entry did that well, but the other two were holds I voted high.

Nice job the three of you!

*looks around, grumbles, then finds a piece of paper and a pencil*

Now go look at my comments. Page three.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
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[Last edited by Chaco at 11-06-2006 12:23 AM]
11-06-2006 at 12:19 AM
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