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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : Contests : Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (A multiple question poll)
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New Topic New Poll Post Reply
RankEntryAverageStandard Deviation
1Entry #21 - Professor Gooles Goolean Dungeon7.62962962962962.213563377405
2Entry #25 - The Pyramid of Doom7.37037037037041.590437818784
3Entry #4 - A Vist To Mellenfral72.0367003088693
4Entry #17 - Level200610226.9629629629632.1513386268826
5Entry #9 - Bugged6.92592592592592.0353528391162
6Entry #18 - Moebius Hold6.85185185185192.0494570862603
7Entry #26 - Under the Trapdoor6.74074074074071.9358717548699
8Entry #13 - Hold Of The Hour6.59259259259262.2154216931464
9Entry #19 - Nightmare Roses6.55555555555562.6573912762448
10Entry #8 - Beethros Shortcut6.29629629629632.0694392658813
11Entry #6 - Beethro Budkin Stars in6.25925925925931.9166443011756
12Entry #20 - Oct2006 Contest - Spider Invasion6.14814814814811.6932043630611
13Entry #1 - 60 Minutes6.0370370370371.5748364167014
14Entry #2 - A decision of no Choice5.74074074074072.1010154968419
15Entry #10 - Chambers Holds Al Dente5.70370370370372.2246899878046
16Entry #24 - The Crossing Holds Al Dente5.62962962962962.1282604294161
17Entry #27 - Valley of Nowhere5.55555555555561.9309052441092
18Entry #14 - Holds Al Dente by Tokyokid5.33333333333332.1602468994693
19Entry #5 - Al Dente North Carolina5.29629629629631.9965676995472
20Entry #11 - Hold Al dente by Timo0065.22222222222221.9309052441092
21Entry #15 - Holds Al Dente Jason5.18518518518522.0734125929301
22Entry #3 - A story about a man5.14814814814812.2394394752342
23Entry #16 - Holds Al Dente Jeff_ray5.11111111111112.0427529234278
24Entry #7 - Beethro the Gatherer4.85185185185191.9187901995539
25Entry #23 - Shortness4.33333333333332.4037008503093
26Entry #22 - Puzzling Limits4.29629629629631.9015552078509
27Entry #12 - Hold Al dente Lst64.25925925925931.8577683265162
Have you read the [s]menu[/s] voting rules?
Yessir! Napkin, check! Sextant, check! PollPollPoll 12 52.17%
Yeah, I'll have a Quarter Pounder with fries, and super-size it. PollPollPoll 7 30.43%
What? PollPollPoll 4 17.39%

Entry #1 - 60 Minutes
Average Vote 6.037037037037
Standard Deviation 1.5748364167014

Entry #2 - A decision of no Choice
Average Vote 5.7407407407407
Standard Deviation 2.1010154968419

Entry #3 - A story about a man
Average Vote 5.1481481481481
Standard Deviation 2.2394394752342

Entry #4 - A Vist To Mellenfral
Average Vote 7
Standard Deviation 2.0367003088693

Entry #5 - Al Dente North Carolina
Average Vote 5.2962962962963
Standard Deviation 1.9965676995472

Entry #6 - Beethro Budkin Stars in
Average Vote 6.2592592592593
Standard Deviation 1.9166443011756

Entry #7 - Beethro the Gatherer
Average Vote 4.8518518518519
Standard Deviation 1.9187901995539

Entry #8 - Beethros Shortcut
Average Vote 6.2962962962963
Standard Deviation 2.0694392658813

Entry #9 - Bugged
Average Vote 6.9259259259259
Standard Deviation 2.0353528391162

Entry #10 - Chambers Holds Al Dente
Average Vote 5.7037037037037
Standard Deviation 2.2246899878046

Entry #11 - Hold Al dente by Timo006
Average Vote 5.2222222222222
Standard Deviation 1.9309052441092

Entry #12 - Hold Al dente Lst6
Average Vote 4.2592592592593
Standard Deviation 1.8577683265162

Entry #13 - Hold Of The Hour
Average Vote 6.5925925925926
Standard Deviation 2.2154216931464

Entry #14 - Holds Al Dente by Tokyokid
Average Vote 5.3333333333333
Standard Deviation 2.1602468994693

Entry #15 - Holds Al Dente Jason
Average Vote 5.1851851851852
Standard Deviation 2.0734125929301

Entry #16 - Holds Al Dente Jeff_ray
Average Vote 5.1111111111111
Standard Deviation 2.0427529234278

Entry #17 - Level20061022
Average Vote 6.962962962963
Standard Deviation 2.1513386268826

Entry #18 - Moebius Hold
Average Vote 6.8518518518519
Standard Deviation 2.0494570862603

Entry #19 - Nightmare Roses
Average Vote 6.5555555555556
Standard Deviation 2.6573912762448

Entry #20 - Oct2006 Contest - Spider Invasion
Average Vote 6.1481481481481
Standard Deviation 1.6932043630611

Entry #21 - Professor Gooles Goolean Dungeon
Average Vote 7.6296296296296
Standard Deviation 2.213563377405

Entry #22 - Puzzling Limits
Average Vote 4.2962962962963
Standard Deviation 1.9015552078509

Entry #23 - Shortness
Average Vote 4.3333333333333
Standard Deviation 2.4037008503093

Entry #24 - The Crossing Holds Al Dente
Average Vote 5.6296296296296
Standard Deviation 2.1282604294161

Entry #25 - The Pyramid of Doom
Average Vote 7.3703703703704
Standard Deviation 1.590437818784

Entry #26 - Under the Trapdoor
Average Vote 6.7407407407407
Standard Deviation 1.9358717548699

Entry #27 - Valley of Nowhere
Average Vote 5.5555555555556
Standard Deviation 1.9309052441092
Total Votes 45 100%
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Tahnan wrote:
(By the way, Chaco, for the sake of keeping the thread from being hard to read: you did put the long part of your post in a secret tag, in addition to behind a revealtime tag, I hope? I'll likely do the same...)

Yep, yep. That's what I did. I'm considering that I should have put each individual comment paragraph in between secret tags, but that still would have taken up a large amount of space.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

10-25-2006 at 02:49 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Mattcrampy wrote:
Plase vote the same for #14 and #24, and if there are differences we'll deal with it. I may average the two scores if it's particularly varied.

Sounds good. Now I can vote with a clear conscience!
10-25-2006 at 05:44 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
I've read through all of the comments so far, and there are lots of them. Is it possible to put together a section for comments on each hold. I know where my hold is, by the name in the list, and have read where players have finished a group of holds that are not challenging, or fun and I think mine is one of them. I would like to know what to do to make better holds in the future. I know with so many entries, 27 :yikes, it's hard to get comments together on all of them without taking up a lot of space. I'm looking forward to playing them all, :blink but I think I'm going to need glasses:glasses afterwards.

"Know what I mean? Know what I mean? Nudge, nudge! Know what I mean? Say no more!" - Monty Python
10-25-2006 at 06:56 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
OK, putting my monkey where my mouth is.

Click here to view the secret text

There you go--more than you wanted to know about my opinions.

[Last edited by Tahnan at 11-05-2006 08:40 AM]
10-25-2006 at 08:02 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Also, separate from the above, because I feel like being just a little self-indulgent, some designer's notes on my own.

Click here to view the secret text, that was actually incredibly self-indulgent, not just a little. Well, you don't have to read it, after all.

[Last edited by Tahnan at 11-05-2006 08:41 AM]
10-25-2006 at 08:30 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
I downloaded the zip file and noticed there was only 26 holds in it. Was the duplicate hold removed from the zip file?

Thanks, Jim

"Know what I mean? Know what I mean? Nudge, nudge! Know what I mean? Say no more!" - Monty Python
10-27-2006 at 01:32 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
(Incidentally, now that I've posted my opinion of everyone else's holds, I should add that I'm all too happy to hear anyone else's opinion of mine, positive or negative. By all means PM me, if you like, and tell me what you thought of it.)
10-27-2006 at 01:37 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Ok, what about me? I'm gonna be a cheater because if it takes more than 1 hour, i wouldn't care.

This is like, i'm a project buster, and as a way to help me stop, you say to focus on one project at once. It doesn't work; i will forget after a while.

I make Let's Plays too!
Click here to find out my LPs' progress, and find out what I plan to tackle next!

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10-27-2006 at 01:39 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
jjohn7418 wrote:
I downloaded the zip file and noticed there was only 26 holds in it. Was the duplicate hold removed from the zip file?

Thanks, Jim


What do you call an elephant at the North Pole?
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10-27-2006 at 03:20 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (-2)  
Ya totally
Let someone else talk
10-27-2006 at 03:53 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Person wrote:
Ya totally
Let someone else talk
There are some posts that people disagree with, others that are extremely off topic and then there are some posts that people find offensive. Then, there are the rare posts that earns a 'What the Hell?' rank.

But there is one rank that beats them all, which is similar to "What the Hell" where people aren't sure which one is applicable.
10-27-2006 at 06:03 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Jeff_Ray... wrote:
Ok, what about me? I'm gonna be a cheater because if it takes more than 1 hour, i wouldn't care.

This is like, i'm a project buster, and as a way to help me stop, you say to focus on one project at once. It doesn't work; i will forget after a while.

Time to use that strawberry clock alarm - set 1 hour from when you start ...hee heee :lol

Only two more to go... :w00t then I can post my votes.

DROD RPG Released!! You must try it out it is Great!!
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10-27-2006 at 10:26 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Good idea! ^_^

Though, i won't try right now...

I make Let's Plays too!
Click here to find out my LPs' progress, and find out what I plan to tackle next!

Currently playing:
Click here to view the secret text

My Holds:
Click here to view the secret text

-Work in Progress:
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Jeff_Ray... at 10-27-2006 01:09 PM]
10-27-2006 at 01:09 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (+1)  
Mattcrampy wrote:
Person wrote:
Ya totally
Let someone else talk
I think that's what Person was referring to. Forum humour is tricky.
10-27-2006 at 02:44 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Bah! Here I am trying to be concise for once, and, and, ah never mind.

I'm glad to hear we've got some voters going through. It's tough, I know, but it's clear at least to me that we've got enough people on the forums these days that throwing everything into one topic is going to cause problems. Who would have thought we'd get so big over just a few years?

What do you call an elephant at the North Pole?
Click here to view the secret text

10-27-2006 at 04:12 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
...14th person to vote! I wasn't expecting that many votes so early when there was quite a gigantic mass of holds to play.

My personal favourites aren't doing quite as well as I expected, but that probably just shows that some people like different things more than the others.
10-27-2006 at 06:13 PM
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Someone Else
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
concerning my hold (shortness):
1. It is a test version, and therefore the wrong version.
2. It has an error.
10-28-2006 at 01:01 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Ack! The tie between Doom and I has been broken! I was in the top three for a while! Rats! :P
10-28-2006 at 02:44 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Ezlo wrote:
Ack! The tie between Doom and I has been broken! I was in the top three for a while! Rats! :P

Whereas I've dropped considerably from the earlier ratings. (To, I admit, my mild surprise; I suppose I knew my hold wouldn't be to everyone's taste, but I wasn't expecting it to be as dislikeable as some found it. Well, live and learn.)
10-28-2006 at 05:55 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Well, hum... seems that many of you have a very different concept of difficulity then I do...hum and some of you are allergic to having saves in your holds...hum... I had lots of fun though ;)

Voted will tell you how if you want to know..but not till later.

How do you do that reveal tag anyway? :blush THANKS!

No, for me the enjoyment of looking at a puzzle and intuiting the solution, trying to work out where the solution lies, working out the steps involved. I like my puzzle solving like I like my pasta, in bite-sized chunks with meaty goodness wrapped inside. And that's what this contest is all about....
..your hold should be able to be finished by a not-very-good-player in an hour..
I am not an expert player so most of the time the entries in these contests stump me and I wave my white flag. I had lots of hope for this one expecting many easy/medium to medium type holds. It was too bad so many were just to hard. :weep
Comments and votes for 1-9
Click here to view the secret text

Comments and votes for 10-19
Click here to view the secret text

Comments and votes for 20-27
Click here to view the secret text

November 5, 2006 11:00pm is when it will be revealed in a secret tag to save space.

DROD RPG Released!! You must try it out it is Great!!
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[Last edited by techant at 11-05-2006 08:21 AM : change reveal time earlier]
10-28-2006 at 08:55 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
(unhidetime=November 6, 2006 11:00pm) and (/unhidetime). (I can never remember how to show brackets.)

That was the time I used, anyway.
10-28-2006 at 10:02 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Tahnan wrote:
(unhidetime=November 6, 2006 11:00pm) and (/unhidetime). (I can never remember how to show brackets.)

That was the time I used, anyway.

Yeah, use [these] brackets(to be found near the backspace key) instead of ( and ).
10-28-2006 at 10:41 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
And now I've edited my post to stop confusion!

[Last edited by Ezlo at 10-28-2006 01:45 PM]
10-28-2006 at 01:30 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Maybe discussion of how the poll is going could be stopped? I haven't voted yet (not sure if I'll have time to play through them all) and I don't want my vote to be swayed by discussion. Like if I thought [person]'s was much better than [other person]'s, I might give [other person] a very low rating to try to boost him above you.

Hypothetical, I don't even know if I've played either yours or his.

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[Last edited by Schik at 10-28-2006 02:05 PM : Edited to remove names]
10-28-2006 at 01:41 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
10-28-2006 at 01:45 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Tahnan wrote:
(unhidetime=November 6, 2006 11:00pm) and (/unhidetime). (I can never remember how to show brackets.)

That was the time I used, anyway.
From the FAQ:
Also, [leftbracket] and [rightbracket] evaluate to [ and ], respectively. Just in case you wanted to know.
And I used those very tags to make that display properly. :smile

DROD has some really great music.
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10-28-2006 at 07:13 PM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
Jatopian wrote:
Tahnan wrote:
(unhidetime=November 6, 2006 11:00pm) and (/unhidetime). (I can never remember how to show brackets.)

That was the time I used, anyway.
From the FAQ:
Also, [leftbracket] and [rightbracket] evaluate to [ and ], respectively. Just in case you wanted to know.
And I used those very tags to make that display properly. :smile

But where do I put my comments so that other can't see them until the reveal time passes?

DROD RPG Released!! You must try it out it is Great!!
Click here to view the secret text

10-29-2006 at 12:35 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
techant wrote:
Jatopian wrote:
Tahnan wrote:
(unhidetime=November 6, 2006 11:00pm) and (/unhidetime). (I can never remember how to show brackets.)

That was the time I used, anyway.
From the FAQ:
Also, [leftbracket] and [rightbracket] evaluate to [ and ], respectively. Just in case you wanted to know.
And I used those very tags to make that display properly. :smile

But where do I put my comments so that other can't see them until the reveal time passes?

you put your text (unhidetime=November 6, 2006 11:00pm) right here.(/unhidetime) if your still unsure, hit preview reply before posting.
10-29-2006 at 01:14 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
NiroZ wrote:
techant wrote:
But where do I put my comments so that other can't see them until the reveal time passes?

you put your text (unhidetime=November 6, 2006 11:00pm) right here.(/unhidetime) if your still unsure, hit preview reply before posting.
No, do this:
[unhidetime=November 6, 2006 11:00pm]TEXTGOESHERE[/unhidetime]
assuming November 6, 2006 11:00pm is when you want it revealed.

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
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10-29-2006 at 01:32 AM
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icon Re: Holds Al Dente - Voting Topic (0)  
As hard as it is to say, I think I'm going to have to view the results and not vote. I will not have time to finish playing the rest of the holds before the close date, so it wouldn't be fair for me to vote on any of them, even my own.

Best of luck to everyone. Thanks, Jim

"Know what I mean? Know what I mean? Nudge, nudge! Know what I mean? Say no more!" - Monty Python

[Last edited by jjohn7418 at 11-02-2006 04:45 AM : spelling]
11-02-2006 at 04:44 AM
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