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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : The Illumination : Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (Our News for November.)
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icon Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (+3)  
These days you can't get anyone to read anything on the internet unless it is in the form of one of those top 10 lists. At least that's what I heard. Well, no problem! I'm already a big fan of bullet points, and have been arranging my thoughts into lists for some time now. If I can bulletize, then surely I can top-ten-ize.

Top Ten Ways To Improve Your Goblin Dialogue

I don't claim to be an expert on writing dialogue, but for writing Goblin dialogue, I am the premiere authority! That's the plus side of inventing weird junk--you automatically get to know more about it than anyone else. I'm ready to pass on my knowledge so that you can see writing words for Goblins to say isn't really that hard at all.

10. Avoid past and future tense. Mostly stick to the present.

9. Add "s", "um", "sum", or "zit" to any word that seems too straightforward. And definitely throw some "z"'s into words occasionally, i.e. "Yes" becomes "Yez".

8. Goblins are emotional. They have strong feelings about most everything.

7. Establish a pattern of speaking with one phrase and then reuse the pattern. "I gotsum crunchies for eat! I gotsum gurgles for drink!"

6. Words that suggest education or intelligence needed to get simplified or mangled up, i.e. "We begin construction!" could become "We buildzit now!".

5. Goblins favor the visceral and concrete. "I attack you!" is improved by "I gives you a toothing!".

4. Some complex thoughts will need a lot of expansion to be expressed by a Goblin. "My philosophy is nihilistic" obviously becomes, oh... jeez, hmm... "You thinksum dis and dat, but does you knowzit? Heh heh. I deep thunkzit. I deep thunkzit long time! And I sezzit now, you don't knows nuddin, I don't knows nuddin, nobud knows nuddin. So wutza should I do? Goodstuff? Badstuff? Bleh. Nobud knows wutza goodstuff or badstuff. I jez be dosum wutz I wants!"

3. Add "I sezzit!" to the end of statements the goblin feels strongly about. Similarly, "deysezzit!" to other people's statements to which the goblin reacts strongly.

2. When the dialogue is getting too weird, put some of the words back to normal human speech. Goblin grammar isn't consistent, so you can "cheat" as long as it still feels Goblinesque.

1. Speak Goblin in real life for practice. Total immersion, baby!

Top Ten Reasons Why Doom Gets "Don't Ask" Award

"Doom", by the way, is the handle of a forum user named "Henri" who's been here for a while. The top 10 reasons why he should get a "Don't Ask" award:

10. Because Doom almost has more rank points than posts! (1967 posts and 1955 rank points as I write this.) Now, I don't want to encourage people to get all munchkiny about these numbers, but it is interesting that he's accomplished a near 1:1 ratio after so many posts.

9. He made a bunch of holds that people really like: Nightmare Dungeon, Fortress of Eternity, KDD First Level remake, Simon's Dungeon, Spider Well, and, of course, the award-winning Beethro's Teacher.

8. He and Patrick Fisher made a DROD mod of Wolfenstein 3D. I stopped short of putting it on the CD with DROD: Journey to Rooted Hold because there were still some swastikas peeking through here and there.

7. Doom is an articulate and intelligent forum poster. When I read something he's written, it usually seems well-considered. I view it as neither good or bad, but merely interesting, that he very seldom starts a new topic. Nearly all of his posts are replies.

6. Doom made the first fan-made Wonderquest level, Forest of Doom.

5. The guy has participated in... gasp... nineteen contests. And that's just the official monthly contests.

4. He has the habit of providing "supplementary materials". Like for the Angry Man contest he posted an image that clarified the situation. And for another example among several, he supplied a rather interesting graph of progress on DROD: The City Beneath based on bar movements.

3. Doom has posted helpfully about a number of bugs he found in DROD. And not just to complain about them--he always gives good descriptions and sticks around to answer questions about the bugs.

2. Doom started and maintained the ever-popular list of confirmed TCB features.

And the #1 reason why Doom gets a "Don't Ask" Award...

1. Because he didn't ask!

Clearly the man deserves something for all of that. I try to specialize each "Don't Ask" award a little bit. Here's what I'll do: If Henri makes a reply to this post before December, perhaps to give an acceptance speech, I will mod up that post so that his rank points will be one more than his post count. I will further suggest that as a show of appreciation, everyone here continue to mod up Doom's posts for the rest of this month such that at all times he will have more rank points than posts.

Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Enter the Second Grand Audition

10. The deadline for entering is (as I write this) tomorrow! (I'm actually going to ask Ezlo to change the deadline to be the end of the weekend, since I'm so late getting out this Illumination newsletter.)

9. All you gotta do to enter is make a recording of yourself saying one of the audition lines. Easy!

8. If you've never entered a contest before, you'll automatically get 10 rank points, because everybody loves a fresh face.

7. You might win! In that case you get even more rank points and a real prize--like a free copy of DROD: The City Beneath!

6. Even if you don't win and you don't get the 10-point rookie bonus, you'll still get contest participation credit. And if you are in 8 official contests, you can get a nice prize for that.

5. You always wanted to get on stage and bask in an audience's adoration, but never had the courage to follow that dream.

4. It's fun to make silly voices.

3. Ezlo will feel bad if you don't enter his contest.

2. It is still possible to get shoulder-tapped for a voice acting role in DROD: The City Beneath. We haven't cast all the parts yet.

1. Your voice is a gift and now is the time to bring it forth for the world to receive.

contest info

Top Ten Posts on the Forum At This Very Moment

10. Unintended solutions?
How do you feel about trampling all over an architect's puzzle design?

9. It's Just a Big Popularity Contest
Go to the last page of this topic for Patrick Fisher's final results of the annual People's Choice awards.

8. Don't Kill The Messenger, The Slayers Revenge, Beethro Is Getting Home, Beethro's Generic Quest, Catacombs, Jesse's World, Tar Superstar V.2, SSSlitherin Expert, SSSlithering, war12, The Murder Mystery
These are all the holds (level collections) that have been released since last month's Illumination newsletter. Did Larry Murk overhype his hold with excessive preannouncements? You won't know until you've played it!

7. Unlimited Undo: The Ancient Controversy
Should you be allowed to undo all of your mistakes? Even the unbelievably stupid and reckless ones?

6. Unlimited Art: Pilchard Will Do It For You
Okay, he might not be doing it for too much longer. Hurry and get your request in!

5. Karaoke Night
It's easy to make fun of amateurs, but hey, when was the last time you got up and sang a DROD song?

4. Make DROD Even More Old School
Coppro wrote a little program that outputs a text representation of DROD rooms.

3. Google Threatens To Take Over Our Website
They can make a faster search page for our website than we can. I hate them.

2. A Simple Plan for World Domination
It's about time people started figuring out what exactly I gotta do to be king of the world.

1. An Invitation of Interest
Wow, another DROD: The City Beneath leak! It's almost like someone is orchestrating them.

Top One Ways to End an Illumination

1. Man, it's been like two hours typing this. I gotta go use the bathroom.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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[Last edited by ErikH2000 at 11-18-2006 02:19 AM]
11-18-2006 at 02:01 AM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (+1)  
I just have to say that I think Erik's monthly updates are one reason the forum is so great. I don't know of anywhere else that takes care of its members so much. Or goes deep into the art and form of goblinspeak.

Plus, DROD rules.

And congratulations Doom!

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11-18-2006 at 02:18 AM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (0)  
Congratulations to Doom.

That's a very good reference for goblin speech too. I think I might actually start talking like that for a week just to confuse people. A well-planned Illumination theme.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
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11-18-2006 at 02:22 AM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (+1)  
ErikH2000 wrote:
10. Because Doom almost has more rank points than posts! (1967 posts and 1955 rank points as I write this.)
Ooh, I can top that! I have more rank points than posts, and more mod points than rank points!

But seriously: Congratulations Henri, you deserve it! :yes

11-18-2006 at 02:23 AM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (0)  
Yeah, Illuminations or something I look forward to as well.

And you better start getting those last minute entries in. Or else I'm going to cry! :angry

Call me Citrus.
11-18-2006 at 02:24 AM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (0)  
I don't know where you got the top 10 format idea, but, I liked it anywase! I really look forward to these, can't wait til next month!

Quick! Mod Doom up so that he has a perfect 1:1 ratio! Hurry! Look for posts that have not been modded up!

[Last edited by tokyokid at 11-18-2006 02:29 AM]
11-18-2006 at 02:28 AM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (+1)  
tokyokid wrote:
I don't know where you got the top 10 format idea, but, I liked it anywase!
From reading Slashdot and Digg over the last year, I've seen soooo many top 10 articles. I think we passed the apex of their online popularity earlier this year. On American cable TV you see a lot of "Top X" shows too, like "Top 30 Metal Moments", "Top 30 Scariest Movies", "The Countdown With Keith Obermann". The current issue of a magazine called Mental Floss is entirely devoted to top ten lists. Basically, I ripped off Mental Floss with the "make everything top ten" idea. I think the appeal of top 10 lists is...

10. You feel like its going to be easy to digest even if you have a short attention span.
9. The "top" adjective implies that someone has done an exhaustive survey of everything in the category and is presenting you with the very most worthwhile.
8. If the list is organized least-to-greatest, in the classic "countdown" style, the promise of better items as you go through the list compels you to continue.
7. Humans naturally feel that ten is a number of satisfying wholeness, because they have ten fingers.
6. The numerical points give a feeling of progress as you go, or at least calm your fears that the list might go on for too long.
5. Occasionally, listmakers will repeat items for a cheap laugh. But that's gotten pretty old.
4. Occasionally, listmakers will repeat items for a cheap laugh. But that's gotten pretty old.
3. Adding numbers to the beginning of points is slightly better than mere bullets. A prefixing bullet says you have a distinct point within a group of other points. A prefixing number says you have a distinct point with a group of other points that have been properly counted.
2. If you have to interrupt your consumption of a top 10 list, you can just remember the last number you were on. So it's very easy to return to the list.

(drum roll)

1. Nothing beats the rush of hearing the very last item of a top ten list. Wheeeeeeeeee!


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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11-18-2006 at 02:49 AM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (0)  
I´m glad I waited for this one. This was great! I can´t wait to hear what the goblins in TCB are like!
11-18-2006 at 02:51 AM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (0)  
coppro wrote:
I´m glad I waited for this one. This was great! I can´t wait to hear what the goblins in TCB are like!

There'll be goblins in TCB?! Total leak! Potential spoiler!

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11-18-2006 at 02:54 AM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (+1)  
Top Ten Rejected Ideas For This Newsletter

10. Top Ten Things I'd Rather Do Than DROD Right Now

9. Top Ten Internet Slang

8. Top Ten Ways To Improve Your Sihmpuhl Englihsh

7. Top Ten Ways To Rip Off David Letterman

6. Top Ten Ways To Get Yourself Arrested

5. Top Ten Favourite People On The Forum

4. Top Ten Things I'm Just About To Spoil For TCB

3. Top Ten Waiys To Impove Yur Speeling

2. Top Ten Excuses For Why I've Been Late

1. Top Ten Rejected Ideas For This Newsletter

What do you call an elephant at the North Pole?
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11-18-2006 at 03:09 AM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (0)  
Mattcrampy wrote:
6. Top Ten Ways To Get Yourself Arrested

Ooh! Ooh! I want to hear them!

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Twice (adv.): Once too often.
~Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
11-18-2006 at 03:14 AM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (+1)  
ErikH2000 wrote:
Top Ten Posts on the Forum At This Very Moment

10. Unintended solutions?
How do you feel about trampling all over an architect's puzzle design?
You poor fellow. You must be desperate for material if you have to resort to my posts. :D Then again, one could say that I merely provided a stimulus for others to make good posts. And it is dead last.

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
DROD architecture idea generator

[Last edited by Jatopian at 11-18-2006 04:09 AM]
11-18-2006 at 04:08 AM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (0)  
Ezlo wrote:
And you better start getting those last minute entries in. Or else I'm going to cry! :angry
Make sure you post a few recordings of it, so we can adds it to the audition poll... :P

"I'm not anti-anything, I'm anti-everything, it fits better." - Sole
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11-18-2006 at 07:40 AM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (0)  
ErikH2000 wrote:
Top Ten Reasons Why Doom Gets "Don't Ask" Award
8. He and Patrick Fisher made a DROD mod of Wolfenstein 3D. I stopped short of putting it on the CD with DROD: Journey to Rooted Hold because there were still some swastikas peeking through here and there.

First of all, congratulations Doom!

Second of all, where's that mod? ;)
11-18-2006 at 10:28 AM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (+1)  
Wow. Thanks a lot! The fact that I've stayed here for so long tells something about awesomeness of Drod. It has to be the single game I've spent the most time with. And there's definitely no end at sight with TCB coming soon.

A few words about the WolfenDROD mod, since I don't think it's been mentioned very accurately in public before. I'm afraid I don't have the files anymore, but it was pretty fun trying to implement Drod elements in a FPS. Before deciding to go for Wolfenstein, I made some fooling around in Doom with lowering platforms as trapdoors and such. Iirc, the reward/effort ratio didn't seem high enough in the end, so we just stopped working on it. We had already made several code changes (enemies don't drop ammo, game begins with only sword instead of pistol and knife, and maybe something small besides that), a couple of sprites like a roach and a sword, and menu graphics based on AE. The raygun was intented to be an easter egg. :)
ErikH2000 wrote:
I will further suggest that as a show of appreciation, everyone here continue to mod up Doom's posts for the rest of this month such that at all times he will have more rank points than posts.
Ooh, sounds like I'll need to be particularly careful not to get 'unearned' mods ;)

And finally, here's a much more impressive rank points : posts ratio for you!
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11-18-2006 at 10:37 AM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (0)  
Interesting. I just found another one, albeit not quite as impressive as yours,

[Last edited by NiroZ at 12-05-2006 10:38 PM]
11-18-2006 at 11:06 AM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (0)  
How did Wolfcastle do it? He must've deleted all his posts, becuase I've seen him online ocassionally.
11-18-2006 at 03:03 PM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (0)  
He clicks the bar. I made a topic about it a while ago. We didn't get a response, but that's the only reason we came up with.

Call me Citrus.
11-18-2006 at 03:05 PM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (0)  
It's unfortunate - I don't have any of those files either save for the actual executable, which only holds some of the code changes that were made. From what I remember, when we finally unspokenly scrapped the project, I had finished a couple of different walls along with finishing up my first roach. It seemed like it would have worked out well, (And I'll point out that when we sent Erik the version he speaks of, it was not intended to be released at all, only shown to him as a technical demo) but alas, JtRH came out and neither of use had the time or interest to finish it.

So, in a small way, Caravel kinda killed the project indirectly. (I'm kidding - Erik seemed to love the idea.)

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
11-18-2006 at 04:27 PM
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icon Re: Everything is Better in Top Ten Format. (0)  
Wow... that was impressive... but yeah, either he removed his posts or he clicked the bar...

But i liked the normal format more, though... even though top ten is good for a change...

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[Last edited by Jeff_Ray... at 12-05-2006 11:40 AM]
12-05-2006 at 11:39 AM
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