Have you ever wanted to be part of a high-performing team while working passionately in a field you love? Have you ever wished you could bestow a sense of purpose upon those around you? Have you ever named an entire litter of kittens?
We are currently seeking bright and talented individuals to fill some vacancies in our Naming Office! This opportunity is your everyday, run-of-the-mill job opening. Nothing unusual about it. Just the result of typical workplace attrition. Nothing at all to do with that terrible gossip you've been hearing about that incident at the tar vats. We know that tar babies, each a component of a whole, are highly resistant to attempts to be individualized. Now.
Though previous industry experience is not required, potential applicants must have the following:
-Strong desire to work with like-minded individuals
-Passion for naming, and naming-related activities
-Copious amounts of stick-to-itiveness
-A pair of boots
Job duties include:
-Naming just about everything you see
-That's pretty much it
We will be accepting applications until roughly,
negative 793 weeks, 5 days from now.
Simply post in this thread indicating your intent to apply for the position. Every applicant will be guaranteed an interview. Interviews will begin shortly after applications close. More details will be provided then.
Do not stress about the interviews! They will be very informal and require only a small amount of your time. I do ask, however, that if you are going to participate in the application process, that you display an ability to take a joke and laugh at yourself. Grumps are automatic no-hires.
We are looking to fill three positions, and will reward new hires with the following signing bonuses:
Chief Alias Distributeer - 100 rank points + an item from the Prize Pile
Senior Moniker Coordinator - 50 rank points
Handle Designationist - 25 rank points
Edit: Interviews have begun!
Edit 2: Submission topic here!
[Last edited by RoboBob3000 at 11-05-2009 12:28 AM]