There is one little thing that not often done in DROD that is a maze thing. You could argue that its an amazing maze made by a maze of maize thing, but I don’t see where you’d get the corn from. Ok, I’ll stop the word play. For those of you who didn’t get what I’m talking about, this is a contest about mazes, to hit you over the head with the obvious hammer.
For this contest, you will be creating a maze according to the definitions at Mostly 1a and 2, which are:
An intricate, usually confusing network of interconnecting pathways, as in a garden; a labyrinth.
A graphic puzzle, the solution of which is an uninterrupted path through an intricate pattern of line segments from a starting point to a goal.
You may have scripting, you may have monsters, but remember, the focus is not fighting. Equally, just making a confusing, arbitrary mess using scripting won’t win you many points.
For this contest, I think I’ll use the DROD RPG due to its better scripting capabilities.
All contestants are to announce whether or not they want theirs to be in a compilation or not.
Because I’ve been perpetually lazy this month, you will have less than 2 weeks to make your maze. Which means you have to
submit your entry on the
Local Time:07-30-2009 at 01:00 PM, which is in
negative 810 weeks.
People will decide on how well it feels like a maze, as opposed to a normal RPG level. Ideally they should all feel like a maze, thus people will then vote on how enjoyable it is, without becoming frustrating or confusing.
Prize pile
100 rank points (not to be confused with mod points) and a pick from the prize pile for winning
50 rank points for coming second
25 for coming third.
submit your entry
[Last edited by NiroZ at 07-17-2009 03:39 AM]