Level: Smiter
Rank Points: 300
Registered: 05-31-2007
IP: Logged
File: VC1-SotA.hold (106 KB) Downloaded 83 times. License: Public Domain
Vinheim's Creation 1: Secrets of the Abyss (0)
Note: this hold uses the Basalt style (Temple of Light), Sanctum Two style (Quest Giver's house), Volcano style (RPG Battle) and will probably use the Voids style when I get to the very pit-filled Monster Farm
Another Note: This is not done. It is currently a work-in-progress
Story taken from the hold:
After being teleported to the Architecture board, Beethro tried out many of the holds situated around the Eighth. Unfortunately, he grew bored of clearing people's dungeons around the Eighth and wanted a vacation.
He already destroyed the source of evil in the Crater depths and closed the door on many Slayers (not an expression) in the dungeon called Geomatrx located north of the Smuggler's maze and he uncovered the secrets behind the winding passages and staircases of Chaco's hold in the dungeon called Chaco located on a peninsula somewhere around Tueno.
His boredom grew and soon he decided he would take a boat tour around the Eighth.
40 DRoD days later, in Onsuary 14th he arrives in Vinheim's land, a land unvisited in centuries, he had completed many trials and dungeons in this land and arrived at the Temple of Light, where he would receive the power of unboredness and free boat trips.
Basically, it's a story-filled hold with RPG elements including "Jobs". You'll know what that is if you've played Final Fantasy. "Quests". Pretty basic, if anyone doesn't know, its when you run around doing something for someone for a reward to help you press on. "RPG Battles". Actually best described as "Turn-based battle". Another hold was made where you had to constantly fight in this way, forgot what it was called
Well, graphics are the same as any DRoD hold really. You have Beethro, his sword, mirrors,...
Thief-swordless,stealthily explores places with invisibilty potions
Hunter-swordless,can use his bow to shoot faraway objects
Scientist-swordless,able to deal with machinery and use it against foes
Pilot-has a sword, no field effects shown for him in this hold yet
Tribesman-has a sword, by making monsters, he can explore the bodies of this monster in "Unlocker rooms" to get special things
Suggestion: Its recommended that you play as a hunter, no other job features as much as the hunter. Also this hold is anyone edit so please if you want to see the puzzles i've placed, press F5 on the Quiet Grasslands entrance room. And you have an NPC setting the variables 'job=hunter' for hunter and 'jobsword=no' for those that are swordless. Or start at Training rooms at the bottom rooms. Order from left to right: thief, hunter, scientist, pilot, tribesman
[Last edited by vinheim at 02-15-2008 11:37 PM]