Solved! The riddle of the bar, specifically. That was a good deal of fun. Schik's coding skills are beyond awesome! Well done!
I noticed that the bar statistics page actually gives more information than I originally thought. If you hold your cursor over one of the bars and scroll along, say, the Guesses line until the cursor is parallel to one of the dates labeled on the x-axis, a box saying "
Guesses on [date]: [number]"
pops up. I would post a picture, but Gadwin Printscreen, even on the full screen capture setting, likes to remove the cursor (and with it, the popup box) just before the picture is taken. I apologize if my explanation was confusing.
Again, thanks to Schik for the puzzle. Keep in mind that if you solve the riddle, you get a very neat reward indeed.
It was going well until it exploded.
~Scott Manley
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