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icon Voligner (+8)  

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. It can be downloaded here:

Here's some info about the game:
Click here to view the secret text

Here's some info about the project:
Click here to view the secret text

Here's a log:
Click here to view the secret text

All constructive comments about the concept/graphics/rooms are much appreciated :)

Well, that's it for now. Have fun!

The name, Voligner, has nothing to do with anything. Just a name of a minor character in a game that stuck. I'm not sure if I will keep the name.

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!

[Last edited by Rheb at 01-03-2013 02:39 AM]
05-01-2011 at 02:57 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (+1)  
Edit: This post will probably be used for exe or roomfile updates later on. For cases where you won't have to re-download all the other stuff.

Here's some challenges!
Click here to view the secret text

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!

[Last edited by Rheb at 05-14-2011 04:06 AM]
05-01-2011 at 03:00 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (0)  
Playing on a laptop.. there appears to be no keys that let you move.
05-02-2011 at 11:24 AM
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icon Re: Voligner (0)  
Is there anything in particular you would like tested? Everything seems to work (though I did notice that you can't "move" into an enemy like on DROD (basically it prevents you from wasting a turn with a mistake). I beat settings 0,1,3 but haven't done 2 yet.

That's a sweet sword.

I noticed that the "Lose" graphic says "Loose" in the file name, though it's not a big deal since the player won't ever see it.

05-02-2011 at 02:47 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (0)  
I don't seem to get it to run on my Windows XP PC.

I unzipped the files and ran voligner.exe which opens a window w/ a blinking cursor.

Any ideas what's wrong?
05-02-2011 at 04:05 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (0)  
I was running on Vista so I can't confirm it runs on XP, but for me the command window cursor blinked for a few seconds and then gave a prompt for desired difficulty. Perhaps you didn't wait long enough for it to initialize?

05-02-2011 at 05:48 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (0)  
I have XP, and it works for me...
05-02-2011 at 06:51 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (0)  
Ok, I've updated everything. In the future I will only send a new exe file for smaller updates, but I wanted to fix the "lose" error. Sorry about that :blush

Ok, it's not a great solution, but now you can play with:

As well as the numpad.

I have also gotten the game to run on XP, haven't got a clue what causes your problem Larry...

Edit: @ west.logan I'm not sure what I'll need help with. I've never done something like this before. I'm at a point now where I have to take some time to consider what I want to implement next and how I should do it. Once I've got clear goals I'm likely to need helpful nudges in the right direction from time to time.

If anyone wants to get into the code to suggest polishing or complete rewrites of my often very flawed solutions that would be something I appreciate enormously. But I can very well see if no one wants/has the time to do that. Either way I'll try to translate all my comments to English sometime soon. Right now, understanding the code can be hard for someone not Swedish.

It's intended that nothing happens if you try to make an illegal move. I'm probably going to add some sort of blinking "Illegal Move" sign.

This week I'm swamped with assignments. But lots of classes are ending and I expect to get lotsa free time pretty soon. :)

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!

[Last edited by Rheb at 05-02-2011 08:15 PM]
05-02-2011 at 07:58 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (0)  
Ran fine on my other pc (windows 7).

I solved all the settings but haven't tried the challenges.
05-03-2011 at 03:17 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (0)  
Updated again!

Very much is improved now and I've got some new functionalities added. Se update log.

The puzzles still aren't very interesting, I'll be waiting until I have a bit more solid ground to work with before I start designing the levels.

But I hope you'll enjoy this version anyway!

Edit: I've also noticed the problem Larrymurk was talking about earlier. On some, not all, XP computers I just can't get the game to run. Very weird.

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!

[Last edited by Rheb at 05-14-2011 04:09 AM]
05-14-2011 at 04:02 AM
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icon Re: Voligner (0)  
Wow, that second room looks hard.

Again, is there something in particular you wanted people to test? I like the sword.

05-16-2011 at 01:49 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (0)  
west.logan wrote:
Wow, that second room looks hard.

Again, is there something in particular you wanted people to test? I like the sword.
No, not really. I guess I ought to be a little better at passing out information. Well, here's a little back story to why I published this in the first place.
1. I wanted the game up on the web so that I could easily pass it along to friends, family and teachers.

2. I was at a point in development where I wasn't really sure how to proceed. I didn't have any way of reading room from text files, the merging functionality I had wasn't really apt for handling new monster types plus I didn't have any good way of handling images. So I was pretty sure I'd need help soon.

Then, as it turned out, I manged to get all of those problems solved. Now I have plenty of things to be working on; new monsters, new elements, a menu, puzzles etc.

The main reason for this update was, again to be able to get the game out to people I know, and also to let the people on this forum who got interested in the project know that I'll continue working on it and am getting along fine.

There's not much to test at this point, as there are only a few rooms and elements in the game. But I hope to have more soon.

Glad you like the sword :)

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!
05-16-2011 at 04:44 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (+2)  
You thought this was dead?

No, no, no. No!

A huge update is up!!!

Playing through Hanano Puzzle, and also seeing the room editor that skell created for the game gave me lots of inspiration to continue working on this project. :)

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!

[Last edited by Rheb at 11-04-2011 11:49 AM]
11-04-2011 at 11:49 AM
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icon Re: Voligner (+1)  
Another pretty big update is up!

There are pressure plates, trapdoors, checkpoints and warp squares. The player progress is now saved. When dying you will actually see what kills you.

And there are lots of new puzzles!

Nothing has been added storywise, but I'm thinking the main character may be a master thief, that's why he's now carrying a dagger :)

If you have any questions, find any errors or want to comment on the puzzles/setup, don't hesitate to write.

Have fun!

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!
11-28-2011 at 04:33 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (+2)  
Some issues & comments:
1. I'd love if you implemented laptop controls - 789uiojkl
2. The game runs smooth, but if I alt-tab out of it my computer is awfully slow which doesn't happen with any other game - you could try listening for 'lose focus' and 'gain focus' events from the o/s and disable the application while it is not focused
3. I constantly keep hitting R when I want to get back to the latest checkpoint - I know it is because I've been playing lots of DROD, but it would be nice if your game behaved in the same way
4. The fact that one-use buttons are not marked after usage is confusing
5. Checkpoint on open yellow floor-door is difficult to distinguish for me
6. Light-green orthosquares on light-blue floor is one of the colour combinations which should never happen ;). It is very tiring for my eyes
7. Also, I think the arrows could use, if not better then more constant, black outline,
8. Noticed a Typo in "arrows" at the end of description of the level which introduces Flyers and exploders
9. Using different colours for different enemies could increase their legibility - I still keep confusing them.

Okay, that's it for now. Accidentally restart one time too many :). In terms of engine the game is quite solid right now and the levels are also very nice. Can't really say anything other than good work!

My website

[Last edited by skell at 01-29-2012 08:31 PM]
11-28-2011 at 05:36 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (+1)  
On Skell's item two: Using the SFML library's SetFramerateLimit method should also cut down on how much CPU time the game eats up. If SFML doesn't allow you to track focus (EDIT: It does! See below.), you could also decrease the frame rate if many frames pass without any user input, then shifting back to normal speed when input comes in again.

People with laptops hate programs that use too much CPU time and eat battery life, so it'd be a nice thing to do :)

EDIT: I missed it the first time around, but there are values called LostFocus and GainedFocus in the EventType enumeration. It doesn't actually seem to state clearly anywhere what they do, but the names are telling enough I suppose, so you can just test them in your event loop.

[Last edited by Pekka at 11-29-2011 10:24 AM : SFML does have the focus events]
11-28-2011 at 05:53 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (+2)  
It almost compiles on Linux with this Makefile, which is a direct modification of the one provided by Rheb. You have to run make clean first to remove the incompatible MinGW object files. You also need to install the libsfml development files to compile the program, of course, as well as the g++ compiler.

Since this takes up a bit of space, I have put it inside a secret tag.
Click here to view the secret text

To get it to compile, you have to change one line in Tile.h. Rheb is developing on Windows with case insensitive file names, so he can include the file Consts.h in lower case. On the Linux side this doesn't work. You have to use #include "Consts.h"

Diff for Tile.h:

< #include "consts.h"
> #include "Consts.h"

Finally, the line that uses the Windows command prompt CLS.EXE utility does not work on Linux. You just get a complaint from the shell that 'cls' does not exist. I suppose it's OK to just remove these lines. Or you could alias cls to clear :)

Diff for main.cpp:
< 			// Run "cls" on cmd
< 			std::system("cls");

In the future, Rheb can PM me before releasing new versions and I can provide the required modifications for Linux directly for him to include in the rar file. (Though I would recommend using a zip file instead. It's more convenient for us on the Linux side.)

11-29-2011 at 01:29 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (+1)  
skell wrote:
Some issues & comments:
1. I'd love if you implemented laptop controls - 789uiojkl
I actually already have laptop controls (tyughjbnm) although for some reason I don't think I mention it anywhere in the game... I guess 789uiojkl may work better, so I'll implement that.

2. The game runs smooth, but if I alt-tab out of it my computer is awfully slow which doesn't happen with any other game - you could try listening for 'lose focus' and 'gain focus' events from the o/s and disable the application while it is not focused
I'll see what I can do about the CPU time, Pekka seeded to have some ideas, so big thanks to him for that :)

3. I constantly keep hitting R when I want to get back to the latest checkpoint - I know it is because I've been playing lots of DROD, but it would be nice if your game behaved in the same way
Yep, I do that as well. I'll have a system where pressing r brings you back to the latest checkpoint.

4. The fact that one-use buttons are not marked after usage is confusing
5. Checkpoint on open yellow floor-door is difficult to distinguish for me
6. Light-green orthosquares on light-blue floor is one of the colour combinations which should never happen ;). It is very tiring for my eyes
7. Also, I think the arrows could use, if not better then more constant, black outline,
8. Noticed a Typo in "arrows" at the end of description of the level which introduces Flyers and exploders
9. Using different colours for different enemies could increase their legibility - I still keep confusing them.

Okay, that's it for now. Accidentally restart one time too many :). In terms of engine the game is quite solid right now and the levels are also very nice. Can't really say anything other than good work and keep going!
I'm aware there are some graphical issues in the game. I'm not that good at intuitively finding working colors and patterns for game elements, so it takes some trial and error. I'll see what I can do about the issues you've discovered.

Thanks for the comments! Just what I needed to see what could use some more working on :)

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!
11-30-2011 at 01:36 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (+1)  
Pekka wrote:
It almost compiles on Linux with this Makefile, which is a direct modification of the one provided by Rheb. You have to run make clean first to remove the incompatible MinGW object files. You also need to install the libsfml development files to compile the program, of course, as well as the g++ compiler.

Since this takes up a bit of space, I have put it inside a secret tag.
Click here to view the secret text

To get it to compile, you have to change one line in Tile.h. Rheb is developing on Windows with case insensitive file names, so he can include the file Consts.h in lower case. On the Linux side this doesn't work. You have to use #include "Consts.h"

Diff for Tile.h:

< #include "consts.h"
> #include "Consts.h"

Finally, the line that uses the Windows command prompt CLS.EXE utility does not work on Linux. You just get a complaint from the shell that 'cls' does not exist. I suppose it's OK to just remove these lines. Or you could alias cls to clear :)

Diff for main.cpp:
< 			// Run "cls" on cmd
< 			std::system("cls");

In the future, Rheb can PM me before releasing new versions and I can provide the required modifications for Linux directly for him to include in the rar file. (Though I would recommend using a zip file instead. It's more convenient for us on the Linux side.)
Wow, I never really thought about compiling Voligner for anything but Windows. Mostly because the only OS I have is windows, and because I have no idea how the process of making programs compile for other OS:s actually work.

I'm actually amazed that there seems to be so few complications. About the compilation errors you had: The "consts.h" in Tile.h is a typing error that hasn't been caught for obvious reasons. I'll fix that for the next version. The "std::system("cls")" command serves very little purpose and I have no problems with removing it entirely. I really only used it at one point to detect an error.

Seeing that these are the only two errors occurring when compiling for linux, I don't think keeping future code linux compatible will cause me any trouble.

Zip is fine for me and as long as you keep supplying the makefile I'll include it and run a make clean before uploading the zipfile.

Nice work! :)

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!
11-30-2011 at 02:20 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (0)  
Ah, you replied here already. I don't think posting a zip file of my own is necessary, since we'll have the makefile I'll provide in the future versions. I'd like to add that if anyone has problems compiling the program on Linux, they should send me a PM and I'll try to straighten them out as best I can.

I didn't have a lot of time to play the game yesterday, but I didn't feel it used a great deal of CPU time on my computer. I'll look at what it does more carefully the next time I play

It would still be good to limit the framerate and track the focus events. In the future these can be configuration options for the game, so people can pick settings that fit their computer the best if the defaults aren't good enough.

[Last edited by Pekka at 11-30-2011 04:21 PM : fixed typos]
11-30-2011 at 04:20 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (0)  
Pekka wrote:
I didn't have a lot of time to play the game yesterday, but I didn't feel it used a great deal of CPU time on my computer. I'll look at what it does more carefully the next time I play
Actually, it only used around 20% of my processor when idle, but it didn't stop it from making Firefox (and generally windows) almost completely unresponsive, every action having a lag of over 10 seconds. This might have been caused by my graphics card, which is integrated with Motherboard. If Voligner uses OpenGL it could also be root of the problems, I had problems with drivers' support to OpenGL since I installed Win 7 x64

Also, Rheb, any chance you update the game with R restarting to last checkpoint? I'd like to continue playing, but I keep hitting R instead of C infuriating myself a lot :).

My website
11-30-2011 at 04:43 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (+2)  
Ok, pretty quick update:

R for restore!
Minor graphical changes for arrows and pressure plates. Will have to take some more time tuning the images.
The game is much less CPU intensive now. I've made sure the game sleeps a short time between every loop. The game will also sleep if focus is lost.

It should be possible to build on Linux now, but I'll need Pekka to confirm this.


Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!
11-30-2011 at 05:57 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (+1)  
Yes, I can confirm the build works on my Linux computer (32-bit Ubuntu Oneiric). I tried the game and the editor for a little while and nothing seemed to be out of order. You just have to move the executable it creates to the parent directory so the resource files (images etc.) are found correctly. It'll print a bunch of errors otherwise, which show clearly what files it isn't finding.

Those of you who try it on Linux can report any problems to me, so hopefully we'll get them fixed for future releases.

EDIT: I want to spell one part out just to be sure. The game currently uses the terminal window for a simple menu, so you need to run it from the command line so you can actually start the game or the editor.

[Last edited by Pekka at 12-01-2011 10:32 AM : clarification added]
11-30-2011 at 08:26 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (+2)  
Turns out I gave up on the last level, so sorry for the bother!

I have also played through the challenge levels - turns out playing repeatedly actually does improve your thinking, so they weren't that much of a problem to me!

I demand more levels!

Arrows look much better, and the one-use buttons are looking good when pressed down. I'll stay tuned for more :).

My website
12-01-2011 at 04:40 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (+1)  
I've solved all the levels including the challenges now. I particularly liked the combining monsters and the puzzles where you had to manipulate them from a distance. I hope to see more levels and features in a new release, whenever Rheb feels he can make them :)

12-02-2011 at 06:50 AM
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icon Re: Voligner (+1)  
Absolutely brilliant! With you architec design skills too...
I'll say the finished look of it is very impressive too.

Look forward to more :)
12-07-2011 at 05:47 AM
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icon Re: Voligner (0)  
Aww, the new version of Voligner just broke the 10 MB file size limit of the forum. :/

Does anyone know a good place to upload this kind of file?

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!
01-25-2012 at 05:29 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (+3)  
Alright, so skell lent me some of his server space to upload Voligner to. It can be accessed here: .

Huge thanks to skell!

So the game has been UPDATED!!!

It's a pretty big update. Lots of new puzzles have been added and several has been changed. I've done some graphical changes and polishing and the editor has been greatly improved. And there is music!!! Maybe not the best of musics (it is made by me) but music non the less :)
(It should be possible to build the game for Linux, but I'll need Pekka to confirm this.)

I'm comming to a point in development now where it's getting hard to make a change and know that change will have a positive effect. The game is really aching for some beta testers.

One of my main goals with the game is to make it relatively accesible even to someone who is not into DROD. One way I'm doing this is by trying to keep the puzzles clean. I'm also aiming for a difficluty curve that doesn't just ramp away. But it is difficult for me to get it right. Idealy I'd want the difficulty ranging from 1 to 6 (DROD scale wise) for the normal rooms, and from 5 and up for the challenges.

All beta testers i can get my hands on are much appreciated! Any feedback is welcome. Have fun :)

- Rasmus

(The download site has the simplest setup imaginable, maybe I'll try to make it a bit more aesthetically appealing if I ever figure out how. That's just a maybe though.)

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!

[Last edited by Rheb at 01-25-2012 11:39 PM]
01-25-2012 at 11:37 PM
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icon Re: Voligner (0)  
Rheb wrote:
(The download site has the simplest setup imaginable, maybe I'll try to make it a bit more aesthetically appealing if I ever figure out how. That's just a maybe though.)
You can always try giving a direct link ;).
I will totally check it out once I get back from work this evening!

My website
01-26-2012 at 06:05 AM
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icon Re: Voligner (0)  
Tried this for the first time, but I get this exact same problem. Except I'm on Windows 7, not XP.
larrymurk wrote:
I don't seem to get it to run on my Windows XP PC.

I unzipped the files and ran voligner.exe which opens a window w/ a blinking cursor.

Any ideas what's wrong?
Waiting doesn't work, doesn't respond to any input. The usual tricks like using compatibility mode or running as admin didn't have any effect either.
01-26-2012 at 02:43 PM
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