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icon Fine-Smelling New Year (+4)  
If you've listened to me a while, you'll know that I'm comfortable with the rather bleak image of myself plodding slowly through the snow, uphill, carrying the heavy corpses of my non-surviving sled dogs on my back. In fact, I'm a little quick to apply these kind of stoic metaphors to my situation as an independant game developer. "Oh, poor Erik, he works so hard for so little--that brave hero!" There are just two ways to break free of this obnoxious self-enoblement.

The first way is to have really bad luck, i.e. a beaver gnaws off your arm because your cologne smells too much like a limb of scotty pine. Then you gain perspective of what a truly hard situation is, and how you were doing spectacularly well up until that beaver latched onto you.

The second way is to have really good luck. How can you see yourself as the Last Great Underdog when the cosmic tides turn in your favor?

And thankfully, it was good luck that saved me. 2006 has grabbed me by epaulettes and screamed, "Wake up, dull boy!" into my faux-stoic face. A series of odd events brought about coverage of DROD on Penny Arcade, Slashdot, GameTunnel, and Adrenaline Vault, among others. Our server held up under the strain of over 15,000 visitors in two days. Sales came pouring in, breaking our previous records from the April '05 release of DROD: Journey to Rooted Hold. And then, just to make sure I'd get the point to lighten up, dammit, my wife won a contest giving us an all-expenses paid trip to Australia. Oh, yeah! Whether it be the decision of Olympian gods, karma, or the ghost of Hunter S. Thompson, January Ought-Six is the month made for Erik.

...and you too! I'm not leaving you out on this. There's enough good fortune to spread around.

Renewing Our Vows

A lot of people joined CaravelNet last year--some, as early as April. What will happen when your CaravelNet membership runs out? Well, it's no big deal, really. All the holds you've downloaded prior to the lapse will stay on your DROD installation. And your high scores will stay on the board, unupdated, patiently waiting for you to resume your membership. So don't freak out on me about your membership running out. You just won't have access to the online features after it lapses.

There is also the option of renewing your membership. Or just "newing" your membership, if you don't have one already. Why would you want to pony up twelve bucks for a year of CaravelNet? Well, let's just skip all the cheesy "support the team" reasons. I told you I was going to stop making "poor lil me" noises, and I meant it! Let's talk about what you, the selfish consumer, are going to get for a dozen dollars.

* To start, Renewers (and Newers) are getting 3 extra months if they renew this month, before February 1st. So 15 months instead of 12. Spending this extra season with CaravelNet means you'll get 5 Smitemaster's Selections instead of 4. Starting this April, we are changing how Smitemaster's Selections are released. From that point, members will only receive selections that are released during the time of their membership. Now is a good time to join because you can still get the previously-released holds that came with Summer and Fall 2005 Smitemaster's Selections. These are DROD: King Dugan's Dungeon, The Choice, and Perfection.

* The private download area of CaravelNet will soon be containing additional exclusive content for members. We are making deals with audio drama producers to carry some science fiction and fantasy stories. I'm also talking to game makers and musicians to bring us other cool stuff.

* New CaravelNet features are already coded and working in our upcoming DROD: The City Beneath release. With the DROD 3.0 engine and a CaravelNet membership, you'll be able to do some really cool new things. Like, for example, rate other player's holds from inside the game or download user-created graphical styles to use in the editor.

* Of course, all of the old features will be available too, including Caravel-produced Smitemaster's Selections, over 8,000 (!) rooms to download and play from the server, internet high scores and player ranking, downloadable gameplay demos, game hints that reflect your current progress, and private beta-testing boards on the forum.

More info
Order page

It may sound presumptive to suggest that DROD people are this enthusiastic, but if you would like to renew or gain membership, please just order one year. To make sure we can keep all of our promises, we have to refund any membership orders that extend into 2008.

MeckMeck Wants to Control You

So he's set up a hold-building contest for January in which rather strict rules are set on what construction materials you can use. You can barter with other contestants to use more game elements in your hold. So winning should involve social as well as architectural skills. Anybody who is interested can enter the contest. In theory you have until the 11th, when the bartering phase ends. But I think for best results, it would be wise to begin bartering with other players this weekend.

Contest info

Thirty-Three Hermetic Puzzles

We had a contest where people made puzzles which are shown inside of a box. Tahnan won first and second place, because he was masterful. Dali showed himself the able contender as well, picking up third. We're done voting, but the puzzles are still sitting in their boxes, waiting to be solved if there are any takers. Have a quick look if you haven't already. Some of these are really good!

Hermetic puzzles

Topic Picks for January

You can't see it all. Don't even try! I myself only read a subset of the Caravel Forum posts. So of course, I wouldn't expect you to read all 85,053 posts to find the best stuff. I'll just clue you in a bit.

The Penny Arcade Thing
A DROD fan thrusts a bottle of Jagermeister and a copy of DROD at Tycho. Months later Tycho barely mentions the Jagerdrod on Penny Arcade. Bam! 10,000 visitors.

Odd Jobs, monsters and mazes, The Wrong Way, war7, war8, Idiot's Castle, Fun Park, TAPAKAHbI yCaTbIe, Lendy's Dungeon
These are all the new holds (level collections) that have been released since the last newsletter--a small explosion! Larry Murk's Odd Jobs actually has three different versions for novice, medium, and expert difficulties.

The Ctrl Key Challenge
A player calling himself "Beef Row" came up with a new way to play certain rooms of DROD.

The Game is Too @#*&% Hard!
Here you see the hardliners defending DROD's insane difficulty level against those struggling a little too much for enjoyment.

Tile Modders Rejoice
Coppro has written a wonderfully detailed schematic of how all the tiles work together that will be useful to people making graphical mods for DROD.

Rainbow Combo Clock
Wesley Chua made a nice clock you can use instead of the one that comes with DROD. Is this the start of the Clock Wars?

Beethro in Toscany
In a rather inspired move, Leroy created a new tileset based on Italian architecture.

Reliable Game Reviews?
The forum's favorite curmudgeon wonders where a badger can find halfway decent game reviews.

Haiku for You
It's always the right time to write a haiku.
No, this stanza will not attempt to be one.
Too obvious.

In case you are wondering, there are no secret offers in this Illumination. Sometimes we just don't need them.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
dev journals | twitch stream | youtube archive (NSFW)

[Last edited by mrimer at 05-18-2008 05:43 AM]
01-07-2006 at 11:48 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
Aah! The light! It burns! :nugget

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

01-08-2006 at 12:03 AM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
What burns? The irony that you just subscribed to CaravelNet? Which reminds me, I'm going to take advatage of the offer sometime this month, probably in a week or two.
01-08-2006 at 12:09 AM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (+1)  
Addendum: If you bought a membership in December '05 or January '06, just e-mail me and ask for the extra 3 months.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
dev journals | twitch stream | youtube archive (NSFW)

[Last edited by ErikH2000 at 01-09-2006 04:01 AM]
01-08-2006 at 12:17 AM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
No, the illumination. It was just a bad joke.

That said, after buying JtRH I did (or should have) gotten a little bit of CaravelNet, but no access to the SS holds. Which is even worse, as now I have to shell out more money to get them, and I can't give it out later or I'll miss the most important two.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 01-08-2006 12:30 AM]
01-08-2006 at 12:29 AM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
ErikH2000 wrote:MeckMeck Wants to Control You

So he's set up a hold-building contest for January in which rather strict rules are set on what construction materials you can use. You can barter with other contestants to use more game elements in your hold. So winning should involve social as well as architectural skills. Anybody who is interested can enter the contest. In theory you have until the 11th, when the bartering phase ends. But I think for best results, it would be wise to begin bartering with other players this weekend.

Contest info

Actually, the bartering phase doesn't start until the 11th. MeckMeck has already asked players to wait until then.
01-08-2006 at 03:26 AM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (+1)  
ErikH2000 wrote:
Renewing Our Vows

* To start, Renewers (and Newers) are getting 3 extra months if they renew this month, before February 1st. So 15 months instead of 12. Spending this extra season with CaravelNet means you'll get 5 Smitemaster's Selections instead of 4. Starting this April, we are changing how Smitemaster's Selections are released. From that point, members will only receive selections that are released during the time of their membership. Now is a good time to join because you can still get the previously-released holds that came with Summer and Fall 2005 Smitemaster's Selections. These are DROD: King Dugan's Dungeon, The Choice, and Perfection.


Excuse me if I'm asking a stupid question or very obvious, but I bought my CaravelNet membership on April '05 (if I'm not mistaken). If I renew now (January '06) to have this free extra three months, the new membership starts to count on January '06 or in April '06 (when the old membership expires)?
01-08-2006 at 01:33 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (+1)  
Bombadil wrote:
Excuse me if I'm asking a stupid question or very obvious, but I bought my CaravelNet membership on April '05 (if I'm not mistaken). If I renew now (January '06) to have this free extra three months, the new membership starts to count on January '06 or in April '06 (when the old membership expires)?
April '06. Any membership you buy is added to the end of what you have already.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
dev journals | twitch stream | youtube archive (NSFW)

[Last edited by mrimer at 01-08-2006 06:20 PM]
01-08-2006 at 06:08 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
Oh no. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No... [edited for length -me] :(
Now I shall never get to play those Smitemaster's Selections. :~( Oh how I wish DRoD would not require Internet access for CaravelNet to work... :weep
WHY ME, DROD GODS?! :crazy

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
DROD architecture idea generator

[Last edited by Jatopian at 01-09-2006 07:51 AM]
01-08-2006 at 09:01 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
And how do we check when our membership expires?

And how do we renew it?
01-08-2006 at 09:06 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
Jatopian wrote:
Oh no. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No... [edited for length -me] :(
Now I shall never get to play the Smitemaster's Selections. :~( Oh how I wish DRoD would not require Internet access for CaravelNet to work... :weep
:blowup WHY ME, DROD GODS?! :crazy

How were you expecting to access without the internet connectivity then? Smitemaster's Selections are commercial products (in some ways), so having them freely available would defeat the whole point of what they're meant for.

I think you can buy the holds separately once they're released, however, if you don't want to purchase a subscription, but I'll leave Erik to confirm that for me, since I could be wrong.

Resident Medic/Mycologist
01-08-2006 at 09:08 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
Jatopian wrote:
Now I shall never get to play the Smitemaster's Selections. :~( Oh how I wish DRoD would not require Internet access for CaravelNet to work... :weep
Heh heh. I have a solution for you. Honestly, wait for next month's announcement, J.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
dev journals | twitch stream | youtube archive (NSFW)
01-08-2006 at 09:28 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (+1)  
larrymurk wrote:
And how do we check when our membership expires?
Well, that's a good question. I was going to ask Schik to write something that would send e-mail warnings before it happens. Also it would be nice to have the info in your profile under the CaravelNet tab. For now, anyone that wants to check can e-mail me. Nobody's full membership is running out until this April. (Trial memberships expire after one month.)
And how do we renew it?
Just order it from this page:

Thanks to monkey magic, it now works for either adding a new membership or adding another year to an existing membership.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
dev journals | twitch stream | youtube archive (NSFW)
01-08-2006 at 09:33 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
Is TCB going to come with a Caravelnet extension as well? I believe JTRH comes with just a month now (though some of us got a year) so will the same apply?

[Last edited by StuartK at 01-09-2006 02:29 AM : doh!]
01-08-2006 at 09:40 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (+1)  
ErikH2000 wrote:
Also it would be nice to have the info in your profile under the CaravelNet tab.
Eh... It's already there?
01-08-2006 at 09:41 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (+1)  
ErikH2000 wrote:
Well, that's a good question. I was going to ask Schik to write something that would send e-mail warnings before it happens. Also it would be nice to have the info in your profile under the CaravelNet tab.
You can see it in the CaravelNet tab already, actually. Look in the top line, above the "request a new key" link.

- Gerry
01-08-2006 at 09:42 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
Oh, I missed it! Yeah, it's already there.

...or maybe Schik just coded it in really quick just now. ;)


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
dev journals | twitch stream | youtube archive (NSFW)
01-08-2006 at 09:54 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
StuartK wrote:
Is TRH going to come with a Caravelnet extension as well? I believe JTRH comes with just a month now (though some of us got a year) so will the same apply?
Stuart, I'm not sure yet if we'll bundle the two together some way for the release or not. It's unlikely we'll handle it exactly the same as last year, because CaravelNet has a lot more value now than it did when it was first introduced. Also, since some people will already have CaravelNet and others won't, it doesn't serve as an incentive for everyone as it did last year. I'd prefer special offers attached to the initial TCB release to appeal to most everyone.

So the short answer is: I don't know, but probably not.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
dev journals | twitch stream | youtube archive (NSFW)
01-08-2006 at 10:45 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
ErikH2000 wrote:
...or maybe Schik just coded it in really quick just now.
Not this time. :) That's been there since way before JtRH's release.

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals.
--Mahatma Gandhi
01-08-2006 at 11:55 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (+1)  
ErikH2000 wrote:
So the short answer is: I don't know, but probably not.
Well in that case, you shall have your greckles now rather than later :D
01-09-2006 at 03:46 AM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
agaricus5 wrote:
I think you can buy the holds separately once they're released, however, if you don't want to purchase a subscription, but I'll leave Erik to confirm that for me, since I could be wrong.
It is not that I do not want CaravelNet; I do. The thing is that the computer on which I play DROD cannot have internet access, while the computer with access would be very inconvenient to play on. It is rather complicated to explain fully. Unless I am mistaken, SS holds cannot be downloaded to one DROD executable and transferred to another, so the only thing I could do is buy the holds as they become available, which would be a difficult expense to justify to parents and still leaves me without past SSs.
I do appreciate the difficulties Caravel would face in accomodating this situation, and that it is a short step from out-of-game SS downloads to piracy (so you can start pulling yourself off my back, agraricus5).
ErikH2000 wrote:
Heh heh. I have a solution for you. Honestly, wait for next month's announcement, J.
Do I dare hope? :look

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
DROD architecture idea generator

[Last edited by Jatopian at 01-09-2006 08:03 AM]
01-09-2006 at 07:55 AM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (+3)  
If you wanted to play a bit with your life, I suppose you could ferry your .dat files around, first bringing them to the Internet computer, setting up DROD there, downloading the SS holds, and copying back the new .dat files to your main computer.

Direct .dat files manipulation is risky, though it should work out if you know what you are doing. You would need some sort of support to ferry around big files though (both ways), and a while for DROD-related manipulations on the Internet computer.

Another solution, now that I'm thinking about it, would be to install a second DROD on your computer, with only the SS holds. The principle would be the same, but it would reduce the damage done in the event of a .dat corruption; if you have enough disk space, you could even keep one DROD installation per SS install session, so they would be virtually immune to corruption.

Something along those lines could be a solution for you, though hardly a convenient one (it would only happen four times a year, so the whole thing might not be so bad). Hmm...
01-09-2006 at 08:44 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
Ahh! :) Another well worth purchase! To buy CaravelNet for one year is to get four exelent games (at least the previous SS holds where exelent) for roughly the same price as going to one movie. If you like DORD I honestly can't understand why you wouldn't subscribe to CaravelNet since the price per hour spent will very soon converge to zero. And as a bonus I also happens to like the highscore system. And for some fortunate reason I now get three month for free...
01-10-2006 at 11:24 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (+1)  
Blondbeard wrote:
If you like DORD
Deadly Oversized Roaches (of) Death?

And I can recall our caravel: a little wicker beetle shell with four fine maste and lateen sails,
its bearings on Cair Paravel. O my love, O it was a funny little thing to be the ones to've seen.
-Joanna Newsom "Bridges and Balloons"
01-10-2006 at 11:52 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
Death Of Roach Delay :)

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

01-10-2006 at 11:56 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
01-11-2006 at 12:57 AM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
Alneyan wrote:
If you wanted to play a bit with your life, I suppose you could ferry your .dat files around, first bringing them to the Internet computer, setting up DROD there, downloading the SS holds, and copying back the new .dat files to your main computer.

Direct .dat files manipulation is risky, though it should work out if you know what you are doing. You would need some sort of support to ferry around big files though (both ways), and a while for DROD-related manipulations on the Internet computer.
If I can get a dev's assurance that it will work and is legal, you have rank points coming. I would have already done this myself, but I did not know that the DAT held everything. As for the risks, I can reinstall and reimport my player, or just backup the DAT.

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
DROD architecture idea generator
01-11-2006 at 04:39 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
Jatopian wrote:
If I can get a dev's assurance that it will work and is legal, you have rank points coming. I would have already done this myself, but I did not know that the DAT held everything. As for the risks, I can reinstall and reimport my player, or just backup the DAT.
Sure, I'll confirm this. All the game data you're interested in are in the four .dat files in the game's Data subdirectory. Making a copy of them will preserve the state of your player and holds, either for purposes of backup or to help you get the CNet holds using your membership on another installation. Just make a backup of these .dats before trying anything and you'll be able to recover your data if you happen to mess anything up. It's legal as long as you have purchased the game and the CaravelNet membership you're using.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 01-11-2006 04:54 PM]
01-11-2006 at 04:52 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  

Was wondering if the consideration of life membership had occurred. I would quite gladly pay a nominal fee of ~50 GBPs for example to purchase a life membership as there is no doubt I shall be renewing every year.

Hey... that could even be accompanied by a forum .bmp to intrigue others... or is this not financially sound ?
01-14-2006 at 11:35 AM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
It has been mentioned in the past, but Erik is reluctant to set up any such plan because of long-term concerns (for how long CaravelNet is going to be running?); the same reasoning goes for the "no CaravelNet subscription going past 2008" request.
01-14-2006 at 11:53 AM
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