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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : General : Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (Step up and be heard!)
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icon Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+4)  
At this point, we are ready to call the script for Treacle Stew finalized, and so there's no sense in waiting - time to ask for some voice auditions! Much like the previous times we asked for help with The Second Sky, Gunthro and the Epic Blunder, and even the new voice of Beethro that brought us Snacko to help with our other Smitemasters' Selections, we'll be reaching out to the community for some talent, but also asking you to feel free to forward this to any other voice actors who would be fine helping out with bit parts.

As usual, if we like your recording, the Caravel Team will be shoulder-tapping you. If you are selected, you will get access to our Sound Assets private forum, be featured in the list of contributors and also receive a free copy of the Smitemasters' Selection when it is released!

Consider this a good sneak peek at the script!


Beethro Budkin

Our current plan is to reach out to Snacko to see if he would be interested in reprising this role, but feel free to audition for this role, too! This is a large one with probably over 70 lines.

Click here to view the secret text


Vonnifa Budkin

Yes, after some discussion back and forth we would like to include Vonnifa briefly in our story, both to ensure she's included without awkwardly avoiding her in Dugandy, and to perhaps set her up as a character who could recur later. She is currently a short one-scene part helping establish the current situation at the start of the story.

Click here to view the secret text



Also present at the start of the story. We will be reaching out to coppro to see if he wants to reprise this role, but feel free to audition!

Click here to view the secret text


Various Tar Technicians

Of course, with the Forbidden Gel so central to the plot, Beethro is going to be talking to a lot of these people, with varying attitudes and helpfulness. Most of them are bureaucrats keeping their heads down, but some might know more than they're letting on...

Click here to view the secret text


Other Bit Parts

This is a surprisingly extensive script, the more I re-read it - I have to remind myself that this is still only a Smitemasters' Selection, not a full game. Nevertheless we definitely have plenty of roles to hand out, ranging from small numbers of lines to some longer scenes. I'll let you all speculate as to the nature of any of these.

Click here to view the secret text


Don't worry about any post-processing - we will likely only be doing a minimal, necessary amount of that, if any. Just record your voice, probably with some free software like Audacity or similar, and post it. Have fun!

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

03-21-2020 at 10:54 PM
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File: Vonnifa.ogg (808.6 KB)
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+4)  
For Vonnifa, I was trying to go for the kind of voice that the Monty Python guys would do whenever they engaged in cross-dressing.

I even included a couple of other famous Vonnifa lines, just to do myself a bit more justice.

The internet is no place to act like a wild animal.

[Last edited by averagemoe at 03-21-2020 11:48 PM]
03-21-2020 at 11:48 PM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+4)  
I posted some Vonnifa lines in this thread (keeping the link to the .zip private in case Chaco decides there are too many spoiler lines):

34th Skywatcher

Best to PM me, since I might miss your message on CaravelNet chat.

[Last edited by disoriented at 03-21-2020 11:50 PM]
03-21-2020 at 11:50 PM
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File: TarTech_DoNotDisturb.ogg (93 KB)
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License: Public Domain
icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+4)  
Random tar technician

34th Skywatcher

Best to PM me, since I might miss your message on CaravelNet chat.
03-22-2020 at 12:09 AM
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File: TS Voice Samples - Xindaris.ogg (3.7 MB)
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+4)  
I've attached a file containing a take or two of all the not-Budkin role lines posted above. I'd be happy with any part, but my Beethro is dubious at best and I think I'm rather bad at imitating a French ("Tuenan") accent, so keep that in mind.

109th Skywatcher

Here are some links to Things!
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Xindaris at 03-22-2020 12:17 AM]
03-22-2020 at 12:17 AM
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File: (498.2 KB)
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+2)  
Just thought I would demonstrate some versatility with a couple of the bit parts.

The internet is no place to act like a wild animal.
03-22-2020 at 03:45 PM
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File: BEETHROBUDKIN.ogg (59.5 KB)
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License: Public Domain
icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+4)  
A thing

34th Skywatcher

Best to PM me, since I might miss your message on CaravelNet chat.
03-22-2020 at 10:46 PM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+2)  
Question--I'm considering doing a part, and I want a more feminine role, but I don't feel confident to be the voice of Vonnifa (especially 'cuz she's such a core character). Are there any female extras? Would feminine tar technicians exist? This is kind of silly, I do recognize, but still.

Camwoodstock - The Epic Blunder, Dugan's Best Janitor, Rooted Hold Runner, Lowest Point Watcher, and 132nd Skywatcher (and 13th Gel Authority)
Mastered all of GatEB, KDD 2.0, JtRH, and TCB! | Saw The Second Sky! (lots of secrets left!)

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03-22-2020 at 10:51 PM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (0)  
Yes, we definitely can/do have female tar technicians or extras.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 03-23-2020 01:05 AM]
03-23-2020 at 01:05 AM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (0)  
I think Chaco should do the first Tar Technician.

The internet is no place to act like a wild animal.
04-09-2020 at 10:37 PM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+1)  
Just like in Finding the First Truth, I have set aside a "bonus" character in the postmastery section for myself, to offer a tiny bit of meta-commentary about the hold.

DROD 5.0 does have the new feature where entrance texts can be voiced over though, so maybe I could give that narration a try once we're recording in the Sound Assets forum and see what people think. That said I'm all too willing to give other members of the community more "air time" so they can show their stuff.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

04-10-2020 at 04:35 AM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+1)  
I was thinking about the voice acting in DROD, and I've decided that if Elfstone gets a part in this hold, you NEED to add in a joke about Beethro thinking the voice sounds familiar.

The internet is no place to act like a wild animal.
04-21-2020 at 12:00 AM
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File: Azb-Halph.ogg (120.2 KB)
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License: Public Domain
icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+4)  
Here is my audition for Halph.

Please feel free to test the ultimate arena: King Azb's Arena today!
04-21-2020 at 03:41 PM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+6)  
Hello folks! Sorry for the delayed update, things have been pretty busy in my neck of the woods (as they always are). I've got a status report for everyone.

* mrimer has kindly provided some legal forms to help make sure I can do all of this by the book, so I've started shoulder-tapping people to begin the inclusion process into the Sound Assets area.

* I've reached out to coppro and they have graciously declined the role of Halph.

* I haven't yet heard back from Snacko - if anyone else has any contact details for them, feel free to forward them my way and/or let him know about the project.

I'm happy to hear the great variety of voices available here, but there's only four volunteers at the moment, if I've counted right - I'd definitely like to see more! The roles of Beethro and Halph, cornerstones of the game, are wide open, so feel free to recruit your family, friends and/or enemies. We have several more bit parts than just the ones listed here, so the more the merrier I say.


Some tips to give out to people to help you all out:

* Try to give a second or two of silence at the beginning and end of your voice files - that will both make sure that you don't accidentally cut yourself off, and make it easier for me to do editing later on.

* Feel free to record multiple different intonations, voices, or, yes, accents, for the same lines. You don't have to go too far out of your way here, but I would like a general sense of what kind of vocal range you have.

* Make sure you enunciate clearly so I can hear the syllables. 'p', 'd', 'm' and 'n' sounds need some good volume to come through, and you'll need to be heard clearly over whatever background music DROD is playing.

Overall I think the quality is quite good, so if we can fill out the roster a little more I think we can put together a good cast.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 05-08-2020 02:38 AM]
05-08-2020 at 02:37 AM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (0)  
Can't get Coppro, you say? Hmm, I wonder what Tyler Downing is doing these days.

The internet is no place to act like a wild animal.
05-08-2020 at 05:56 PM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+2)  
averagemoe wrote:
I was thinking about the voice acting in DROD, and I've decided that if Elfstone gets a part in this hold, you NEED to add in a joke about Beethro thinking the voice sounds familiar.
That's because that one individual from the desert was used as one of the original clone templates.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 05-20-2020 10:57 PM]
05-20-2020 at 10:54 PM
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File: navithmastero - TS (2.2 MB)
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License: Public Domain
icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+4)  
Attached are a couple of clips of me auditioning if you'd like an English flavour to some of the characters in the SmS. Sorry for the delay, I've been pretty swamped this past week so only just got round to it!

Member of the Snake Appreciation Society

One of your local HAs.

My stuff:
Click here to view the secret text

09-28-2020 at 10:53 AM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+2)  
Hi there! Going to go ahead and bump this thread again since it's been quite a while since the last update! I also belatedly realized I never actually made these announcements publicly... but better late than never. Maybe these can also go in an Illumination in the future.

We Have A Beethro

I repeat

We Have A Beethro

west.logan has come out of DROD retirement to voice Beethro, and I must say he's doing an excellent job of it - very faithful to the other Beethros (Beethroes?) we've had over the years, and I am definitely happy to listen to his lines again and again. As I'm sure I will have to when editing, hehe.

He has helped out in several roles throughout official holds in the past, but the fastest way to get a preview of his voice might be to play The Adventure of Nevada Smith, a hold both authored and chiefly voiced by himself.


We also have an excellent cast lined up for most of the core parts of the SmS, and while I think I could get all of them to double-up on parts and get the whole roster filled out, I would like to emphasize

It is not too late to get involved

and whether you are interested in a multiple-lines big-scene part, or just a low-commitment bit part with a couple lines, I've still got some excellent characters who need someone to bring them to life. I am very excited about this hold and happy to be working on putting it together! I promise it will be worth the wait. :)

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

12-13-2020 at 03:09 AM
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File: god, have mercy on me.rar (1.4 MB)
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License: Public Domain
icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+4)  
I won't mind some low commitment characters / tar technicians
here's some classic to be or not to be line in different versions
If it's acceptable, you know where to find me

[Last edited by Illusionist at 12-13-2020 01:51 PM]
12-13-2020 at 01:47 PM
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Lucky Luc
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File: Lucky Luc Audition Treacle Stew.oga (465.1 KB)
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License: Public Domain
icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+4)  
I suppose some citizens of the Empire could have slight German accents? If so, I'd be down to do some low-commitment thing.

Attached File

12-14-2020 at 05:08 PM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+1)  
Hi there, quick status update. I've been getting more of our excellent voice actors' work imported into the hold, and more conversations are coming to life. It's good stuff.

We could still use maybe one or two more volunteers, and/or our existing voice cast, to cover these major/minor parts that are missing:

* Hint Guy: "The wraithwings are your friends."
* Mission Control: "You might be able to find a specialist who could really speed this project along."
* Trader: "Here's my eyeball pudding recipe."
* Clerk: "It's in this back room, at the bottom of these stairs."

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

01-18-2021 at 08:01 PM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (0)  
I recently have been applying for a bunch of random jobs, and one of them was a voice-acting audition. Predictably they said I was bad at pretty much everything, except for doing an announcer-type voice.

If any of those characters would benefit from having a serious or academic approach I can probably do one of them.

106th Skywatcher
01-24-2021 at 05:18 AM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (0)  
Absolutely! Sounds great - just post a sample recording in this thread and you'll likely be a shoe-in to help fill out our cast.

I've watched a couple of your Let's Play videos so I think with any similar audio quality you should be fine.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 01-24-2021 05:49 AM]
01-24-2021 at 05:48 AM
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File: Random Voices.ogg (1 MB)
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+4)  
I read the four lines in the above post doing various silly things with my voice.

Normally I'd have done noise reduction to take out the background hum, but you did specify not to do that in the first post. It's probably better for one person to do all of that stuff for everybody anyway so that the end product is more consistent across actors.

Attached File

106th Skywatcher
01-24-2021 at 06:08 AM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (0)  
Is this thing still open, do you need more volunteers? Or am I coming too late to the party?
Any characters and/or level intros that you still need volunteers for?

Let me know!

- LovaP
03-03-2021 at 11:27 PM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+1)  
Hi there! No worries, this is actually still open - I'll probably make an unambiguous newsletter post when we really do have all the roles filled, but we still have several multi-line and bit-part parts still open, so I'd certainly appreciate an audition. As long as you aren't recording inside a train tunnel or next to a taking-off airplane, you'll probably be just fine. :)

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

03-04-2021 at 03:32 AM
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File: Treacle Stew audition (3.8 MB)
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+4)  
That's great news, Chaco.

Here I attach a zip folder, I experimented a bit with different voices, 3 for each.
Also, does someone know what a "backnurr" is? :D You already have an outtake there, I suppose.

03-05-2021 at 07:04 AM
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File: DROD audition.mp3 (756.7 KB)
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License: Public Domain
icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+1)  
Throwing my hat in. I'm up for doing Vonnifa, or any feminine bit parts. I hope the Hint Guy union is a gender inclusive workplace! O:-
03-31-2021 at 06:14 PM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (+2)  
Irashtar wrote:
Throwing my hat in. I'm up for doing Vonnifa, or any feminine bit parts.
I hope the Hint Guy union is a gender inclusive workplace! O:-
Absolutely. The Empire is an inclusive workplace. Except for delvers.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
04-01-2021 at 12:08 AM
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icon Re: Treacle Stew SmS Voice Acting Auditions (0)  
Yes, thanks for throwing your hat in!

I'm pleased to report that we have most of the major parts cast by this point, but there's still a major part and several bit parts that are unaccounted for. When it comes to voice actors, the more the merrier I say. :)

I'll make a clear announcement post when I'm "shutting the gates" and declaring that we have enough voice actors, but at this point there's definitely still time to get involved.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

04-01-2021 at 12:17 AM
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