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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : The Illumination : At a Crossroads (Our News for October)
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
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icon At a Crossroads (+2)  
From the mouth of Chaco:

Hi, forum! As the writer of this month's newsletter, I have an immediate need to tell everyone about what's happening on this forum. I made a choice to volunteer my writing skills to informally talk about what happened recently when I noticed that gamer_extreme_101 (the person who has drafted previous newsletters) hasn't been around recently. But enough about me and my choices. I'm here to talk about everyone's choices.

Tendry Is At A Crossroads

Caravel Software released their newest game, DROD RPG: Tendry's Tale last month. The forum reaction was very positive, and people absolutely adored the new gameplay, the new puzzles, the new content, and the story. In this game, the story focuses on a new hero, Tendry Dimpalm, and his great tale of how he single-handedly saved Tueno from the Rooted Empire.

Although the overarching narrative will always be the same each time Tendry relates his tale to his audience, just as he can change the details and play up his heroism, the player can guide him through each playthrough. Making decisions, picking fights, and getting Tendry through in ever more efficient ways is the main attraction.

Tendry's Tale is a DROD puzzler wearing RPG clothing and features resource management as its core theme. If trying to decide whether to take on many enemies and lose HP to get a new sword early, or coming back much later to spend a ton of money and keys on the same weapon sounds like an interesting choice, then head on over to the Caravel Games website to try it out now!

mrimer Is At A Crossroads

And rather than become paralyzed with indecision and hesitatingly look back and forth at the various horizons, he's steadfastly continued forward with his coding work and improved DROD: RPG based upon the comments he has received over the past month.

The new patch for Windows has been released in a thread on the RPG Bugs forum, and it includes many, many bug fixes and interface improvements that people asked for and didn't ask for. Even though this is a text-based medium and some people might be reading this in their e-mail inbox, let's give mrimer a round of applause!

Here is the patch thread, which contains a comprehensive list of changes and pending fixes:

More improvements are planned for the near future as well.

The Smitemasters' Guild Is At A Crossroads

Tendry may have attracted many people over to his area with his stories of bravery, boldness, and especially flair. (Oh, a lot of people are talking about Flair.) But plenty of attention still exists towards DROD: The City Beneath, and new holds are still continuously being built. All holds get infested really quickly, so go ahead and clear out these new projects released to the Holds forum in the months of September and October:

*12th Stalwart Escapes by Kwerulous
*Murder in the Basement by lopsidation
*Evil miners' fortress by mxvladi
*Abel's Hold by Pekka
*Cheese's Hodgepodge by cheese obsessive

The Forum Is At A Crossroads

And because the forum is a huge group of many people, we can split up and go every which way, exploring in all directions and reporting on our foundings. Here are this month's Topic Picks:

Ignore this thread

eb0ny's new creation is another forum game with a familiar theme of no winners and plenty of losers. In this game, anyone who does not ignore the thread loses. But, then, that can't possibly be it, right? Surely this isn't schmuck bait? I mean, I wouldn't be posting a link to it in the Illumination if anyone who didn't ignore the thread lost. Check it out, if you dare:

Make a Poster!

This past month, several forum members responded to the Rooted Empire's need for motivation. In the spirit of parody and of creating laughs rather than actually getting anything done, this unofficial contest resulted in a lot of questionably motivational posters. Although it's too late to join up, there are still a lot of funny entries and some people have still posted some additional pictures. Check out the discussion over here:

Main thread:

Contest Compilation Coordinator Audition

As the Director of the Department of Grand Constructions, I have an obligation to fill any unoccupied positions. Architecture contests are occurring all the time, and the audition to replace the previous (absent) person has been running for several months straight now. This is simply offputting. If anyone wants to volunteer for the position, I'd like to encourage them to sign up in this thread - it's not a hard job and someone needs to do it. The thread:

RPG Thread Resources

In the one short month that DROD: RPG has been released, there's been a lot of discussion on just how to play the game. If you've been having problems with efficiency and resource management, or if you just want to see what other people think about the game, you might want to check out these threads. (Of course, I'd recommend you play the game first so you don't spoil too much for yourself. Half of the fun is figuring out some of this for yourself and feeling good about it.)

*DROD RPG: Basic Optimizing:
*Things we currently love about DROD: RPG:
*Things we currently don't love about DROD: RPG:
*HIdden rooms by level in Tendry's Tale:

A Visitor Is At A Crossroads

He's wearing an overcoat and large-brimmed hat, just like all mysterious visitors. And he has one more story to tell in addition to the ones I've told. It's a tale of a new facility that's supposed to be opening soon, which might be of great assistance to the Smitemaster's Guild as a whole. He quietly mentions that although the Clearing School produces smitemasters of reasonable quality that might be able to clear out scattered hordes and infested areas easily enough, these people might have trouble penetrating defenses and facing off against the minds of the Dungeon Architects.

To shamelessly steal another phrase, something is going to happen. It's not like that other something that some of you might remember, but I think it'll be appreciated just as much.

Chaco Is At A Crossroads

And I'm going to finish writing this newsletter, leave this small studio (which is more of a dirty shack at second glance) and step outside for a while, and go figure out how to get off the Eighth and back to Earth again. I can't quite remember how I got here in the first place. Maybe I'll ask for directions. Asking for directions at a crossroads seems like a good idea to me.

Official Addendum by mrimer:

For me, October is an exceptional month. It's exceptional for me because we have so much *goodness* going on here on the Caravel Forum. So, I'm giving out TWO Don't Ask Awards this month to mirror my exuberance:

NiroZ received a nomination for this award from a fellow forumite. If I may quote the reason for this nomination, this forumite shared, "I like...his excellent official contest ideas, his sword-spinning poster that made me laugh until leaf juice squirted up my nose, some good recent feedback in the RPG Architecture board, and his overall excellent help and support throughout the forum." NiroZ, please claim a prize from the Prize Pile for yourself or another.

Chaco also receives a Don't Ask Award for his initiative in writing up this excellent newsletter. I've been busy on development work, and I appreciate his slack-picker-upper-ness! Chaco, please claim a prize from the Prize Pile!

That's all for now. So remember, Big Brother is watching. Either that, or a bunch of forum peepz =) A big thanks and big smiles to all for the goodness going on!

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 10-20-2008 03:16 AM]
10-19-2008 at 10:22 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 02-12-2006
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icon Re: At a Crossroads (+5)  
Argh, this must be an insidius plot to confound me. Now not only am I trying to guess who got my rather, well, obscure joke. (And good taste to boot. :D) But now I'm stuck trying to figure out what to get from the prize pile. Do I give it to a friend, get books, get games or do I horde it in case something better comes up?

Grrr. Decisions decisions. It's a conspiracy to confound me, I tell you.
10-19-2008 at 11:47 PM
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The Architest
Level: Master Delver
Rank Points: 255
Registered: 05-25-2008
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icon Re: At a Crossroads (0)  
This months newsletter had much information what is happening in forum!

Good work,Chaco!

I just mentioned that there isnt anything about DROD RPG Holds and maybe you should add it!;)

It's just tip!

[Last edited by The Architest at 10-20-2008 01:56 PM]
10-20-2008 at 10:51 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 02-11-2008
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icon Re: At a Crossroads (+1)  
The Architest wrote:
I just mentioned that there isnt nothing about DROD RPG Holds and maybe you should add it!;)

It's just tip!

Well, there aren't many completed RPG holds. Many good hold are still in "architecture" board. There're only two completed user-made holds so far:

67th Grayman adventures;

As I said, there're also a lot of good holds which are still in architecture. Here're links to those which are active:

An Aumtlich's RPG;
The Caves;
The Test of Mind;
Washed Ashore.

I think there will be more about RPG holds in the next month's illumination. Don't hurry, Architest. RPG has just came out.

Anyway, nice illumination! Good job Chaco! :D

[Last edited by mxvladi at 10-20-2008 12:32 PM]
10-20-2008 at 12:29 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 03-07-2004
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icon Re: At a Crossroads (+1)  
Just to clarify, I am still alive. Real life kinda sapped all my online time during the past two weeks.

Excellent job on the newsletter though Chaco!

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
10-20-2008 at 01:34 PM
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Level: Master Delver
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icon Re: At a Crossroads (0)  
NiroZ wrote:
Argh, this must be an insidius plot to confound me. Now not only am I trying to guess who got my rather, well, obscure joke. (And good taste to boot. :D) But now I'm stuck trying to figure out what to get from the prize pile. Grrr. Decisions decisions. It's a conspiracy to confound me, I tell you.


Currently working on GaTEB and KDD (never finished the silly thing). :yahoo:

[Last edited by zwetschenwasser at 10-20-2008 05:41 PM]
10-20-2008 at 05:39 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 10-06-2005
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icon Re: At a Crossroads (+3)  
mrimer wrote:
I appreciate his slack-picker-upper-ness!
The Architest wrote:
Good work,Chaco!
mxvladi wrote:
Anyway, nice illumination! Good job Chaco! :D
gamer_extreme_101 wrote:
Excellent job on the newsletter [...] Chaco!

Thanks everyone :)

Also, I'm really not kidding about something. It's coming... eventually.

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Chaco at 10-20-2008 07:35 PM]
10-20-2008 at 07:35 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 1137
Registered: 06-10-2004
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icon Re: At a Crossroads (+1)  
Chaco wrote:Also, I'm really not kidding about something. It's coming... eventually.

Well I'm sure you've

Once (adv.): Enough.
Twice (adv.): Once too often.
~Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
10-21-2008 at 12:40 AM
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