Make a poster!
The unofficial contest
Long story short, because of the decreased morale in the Empire, it is now in the need of blah blah blah, nag nag nag, and they asked us to provide them with those fake (de)motivational posters.
The rules:
1) To enter this contest, you have to create a motivational poster, and submit it here.
2) The poster has to be Empire related and mock one or another aspect of it. For example naming system, guards, the way the Library works, etc.
3) The poster has to conform to one of two forms, provided below.
4) DROD licensing applies to the any graphics used - you may use screenshots
only from the Architects' Edition. The room images are an exception - read submission forms below.
5) One person may not submit more than 3 posters.
6) You may edit the submissions to your heart's contents, but not after the deadline.
Submission form 1:
A standart poster. Use the generator
here to create those. Please use the default border, colors and fonts - you are creating the posters for the Empire, not for illiterate Internet masses. Or, you can use another generator
here. Also, wrap images around secret tags in your submission posts - it will help to
conserve bandwidth keep things tidy. Here are some examples:
Click here to view the secret text
× Click here to view the secret text
Submission form 2:
An alternative form - the poster is embedded in a post. Essentially it contains a centered image, followed by a title and subtitle. The advantage of this form is that you can use room images and not break any licenses (i.e. it is legal). The template for these forms are as follows:
[img]Image URL[/img]
Here is an example:
Click here to view the secret text
Why are you still wandering lost?
The contest will last for one week, and it will be followed by a one-week poll. End time is
Local Time:10-01-2008 at 04:00 PM, which had already passed.
After the deadline has passed, I will notify everyone in this thread and start a poll, where every forum member may vote. The poll will determine the winners, who will receive the prizes.
1st place winner gets 10 (4+6) rank points.
2nd place winner gets 5 (3+2) rank points.
3rd place winner gets 2 rank points.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them.
Too much formal writing in English lessons. Just ask any questions if you have them.
Click here to view the secret text
Progress in game:
DROD:AE - Complete
DROD:JtRH - Mastered
DROD:TCB - Mastered
DROD:SS - Perfection - Perfection 4
DROD:SS - Smitemastery 101 - Mastered
DROD:SS - Master Locks - Mastered
DROD:SS - DDDD - Conquered (67%)
DROD:SS - Suit Pursuit - Mastered
DRPG:TT - Conquered (62%)
[Last edited by eb0ny at 10-01-2008 04:02 PM]