I'd also like to volunteer to create some puzzles for the hold
I think it would be better if you had restrictions on which elements we are allowed to use. The holds first level should introduce all (most) of the elements as good as possible, and then it would be good if it was clear what elements are going to be included in the flash game.
My personal favourites, (which I vote for including.)
green doors,
blue doors, (naturally).
Force arrows,
yellow doors,
one type of pressure plates, (good puzzle potential, and simple).
Wraithwings, (They get a bit complicated when there's more than one around, but when there's only one it's easy to understand and wraithwings are very different from roaches).
Hot tiles, (they shouldn't be too complicated, and they have great puzzle potential. They're also quite different from things I've seen in other puzzle games).
Here's a quick level containing roach and wraithwing manipulation rooms. (It include most of the elements I mentioned above, but if you don't like that I use a particular element I think it can easily be removed.)
I'd like to make some more puzzles for this project, but first I'd like to know how things are going to be arranged.
Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!
[Last edited by Rheb at 08-06-2008 06:47 AM : Updated hold.]