Jeff_ray presents...
Beethro Budkin's Trip In A Dungeon
A Preview of the thing.
So, I am making a movie! Yes, I'm aware it's been a while since a movie was created. And with the robust cutscene system that comes in TCB, I decided it was time to revive the thing.
Attached here is a preview of the movie's plot. Anyone that enjoyed the preview, and wants to help me with movie testing can contact me there.
I might even make more movie previews as time goes, and when the movie is close to its end, I will call on to artists and voice actors. Then, if you want to do any volunteer work for the movie, tell me. You will be credited at the movie's end.
For now, I'm not really far into the movie...When the first chapter is copmplete, all beta testers that wish to join will be invited, and I will release it to the testers. You need CaravelNet to be a tester.
The movie is made for 3.1. If someone converts the movie to 3.0, there might be problems, but it's not my fault if there are.
With that, enjoy the preview!
I make Let's Plays too!
Click here to find out my LPs' progress, and find out what I plan to tackle next!
Currently playing:
Click here to view the secret text
(Updated 5/05/2020)
-Witherwood Castle
-Escort Mission
-Subterra Prime
My Holds:
Click here to view the secret text
-Work in Progress:
Click here to view the secret text
[Last edited by Jeff_Ray... at 01-02-2008 07:03 PM]