Invisible Brains:
I can understand that complaint with IB; many (though not
all of the rooms there were among the first DROD rooms I ever tried to make. 1E is actually a
less tedious version of the very first
room I made, there are some comments earlier on the thread about it. There's actually a lot less cleanup if one is careful with timing the approach to the orbs, but that probably doesn't completely solve the problem you've expressed. With 1N1W, the idea is to
not toggle the plate a bunch, but to
make a bridge and wait on it, at least for the north side. But I digress...
Here's something else instead.
List of proposed changes to IB:
(I want feedback please on whether this will fix the issues with them or at least mollify them somewhat, and whether the make the rooms less fun in some way)
1E: Remove all but about 8 roaches each in the north and south obstacle-filled areas, which eliminates most of the annoying in-out setup before even hitting a single orb in the north or south and reduces the problem to minimizing spawns and cleaning up what does get produced.
1N1W: Remove the eyes and just make that platform available from the start, remove most of the roaches and goblins, making the puzzle as much as possible about building the bridges instead of using them. My intent with this room in the first place was (at least eventually) to force the player to build bridges that are somewhat hard to build, so if I can manage that I'll at least be sorta happy.
2N: Remove majority of water skippers, leaving mostly just the nests and brains. Would make the room far less tedious and make it more about not coming into sight of a brain with the "
2N2E: Add more checkpoints. I'm going to do this anyway, but I would appreciate help with where it would be best to put them.
Tick Tock:
As I mentioned earlier, this is almost evenly divided among awful horde rooms like 1W and 1E and more "
specific puzzle rooms"
. Here's the breakdown, maybe you could try the latter ones to see if they're more likable to you?:
Horde: Entrance, 1W, 1S, 2W, 1N1E, 2E
Puzzlish: 1N, 1N1W (some horde here, but it's more about quickly doing a specific set of things), 2S, 1S1W, 1S1E (though you may find this as tedious as IB 2N2E, it's on a similar conceit), 1E.
Rank and File:
This level has a mash of two puzzle styles: Big semi-chaotic battles like the entrance, 1W, 1S1W; and careful "
stalwart manipulation"
puzzles like 2E. The latter also includes 1S and 2S1E (which I'm kind of embarrassed to have put behind 1S1E in hindsight, but I'm not sure how to change now without breaking something), all of which I would list among rooms in this hold I'm most proud of. There are more puzzles relying on the same sort of Stalwart manipulation in Fusion, and those I'm also pretty proud of.
Little Cages:
For 1N2E, I can't think of any way to make the intended solution mandatory without giving away the whole point of the puzzle. Besides that, I've never once while testing the room found the tedious way you've described to even be
possible for me, so I didn't know it was. I'd hope most players would notice that it's at least really hard and look for another way, notice the two elements in the room that can make it much easier, and then solve it.
For 1N1E, my first impression on testing the room was "
Whoa how can I survive all these brained tar babies coming from all directions"
and I got killed a lot, so it didn't feel all that easy to me, much less without escaping through the tunnel. (Though, I did eventually figure it out)
My general impression is that the later I made a level, the more rooms you like in it. But that may just be correlation rather than causation; if it's true, though, you might really like a lot of the rooms in Temporal Symmetry.
I made "
I can't do it, can you"
challenges in this hold specifically on the assumption that someone more skilled than me would be able to test their possibility or impossibility, and the final hold submitted to the HA's would only include the ones that were really possible.
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[Last edited by Xindaris at 10-16-2015 03:12 AM]