Level: Smitemaster

Rank Points: 2460
Registered: 11-14-2005
IP: Logged
Proofreading (+2)
So I've noticed a number of recent holds that have been really excellent in plot and layout and design and puzzles...and yet they grate on my nerves when I play them, because the grammar and spelling are so bad.
I know not everyone here is a perfect speller, and I don't fault anyone for it. (My wife's a terrible speller, too.) And I know English isn't everyone's native language, so I can hardly fault many people for their lack of perfect grammar; rest assured, your English is far better than my French/Italian/Russian/etc.
All the same, text is part of holds, and bad text can be just as irritating as bad puzzles, bad graphics, or bad anything else. Fortunately, I'm not just here to gripe; I'm here to help.
I'd like to volunteer to proofread--not playtest--your hold, preferably before it gets sent to the HAs for eventual posting on the Holds board. I don't have time to playtest holds in general, but I can certainly read through your text and offer spelling corrections and grammatical improvements. And, fortunately, it's not hard for an architect to collect all the text (scrolls, level starts, scripted speech, etc.) into a single file: just go into your drod.ini and, under "[Localization]", set "ExportText=1" (or: press "enter" to bring up the console in-game, and type "~Localization:ExportText=1"). Then, when you export your hold, you'll be offered the chance to export all of the text as well, which will save it into a file.
I can't look at everyone's hold. But if you ask, I may be able to; PM me, and if I have time, I can tell you where to send your text file. Hopefully, other people will volunteer here to do the same. (But I beg you, please only volunteer if you have extreme confidence in your proofreading ability! If your own spelling isn't very good, or if you know your writing isn't terrific, seriously, don't volunteer; having an incapable proofreader is just as bad as having none at all.) With enough volunteers, I could conceivably coordinate a Proofreaders' Brigade: set up a mailing list, or perhaps a [fake] Beta Board, where I could post work that needed doing, and people could volunteer to do it.
For now, though: please, please, have your text proofread. You wouldn't send a hold to the HAs if some of the puzzles might be broken; why not take the same care for your text?