I'd agree with Remlin that this hold does contain some ... rather forgettable ... entries. I'm glad that you can conquer the hold without playing every one of them... this was a good call by the compiler.
What I would like even better is not to see the lower-rated rooms at all... more of a "
Best of..."
compilation, with the secret rooms as marked in the original holds.
That being said, there are plenty of great reasons to play this hold. It contains some true gems. (I will wait to rate the hold until after I've played them all.)
Rabbit's top three picks (so far):
Hold #4 Boyblue's Level 20,061,022
I think these tight little lynchpin puzzles best fit the theme of the contest. "
Let's see here... no, that won't work... I'm supposed to do what?... oh, wait... Aha!!!"
8 times in one hour. What a delicious lunch!
Hold #7 Doom's Under the Trapdoor
These are trademark Doom puzzles, where you have to figure out which of a few interacting elements to deal with first. I find this kind of puzzle very interesting. The difference between these and the puzzles in, say, Beethro's Teacher, is that I could actually solve them on my own. It did take me much longer than one hour to do it, but what fun!
Hold #9 Trick's Nightmare Roses
This is
art, on many levels. Visually beautiful, the initially frustrating repetition gives way to a relatively simple solution, which is exactly the experience of dreaming and then vanquishing a nightmare. Why aren't there other holds by trick on the Holds board?
There are indeed some backtracking issues with this hold. Here are two that I have encountered so far.
Hold #1.
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×4N2W needs an orb on the north side of the yellow doors. If you happen to use the north exit of this room without first visiting 4N4W, you don't have enough information to continue through 5N2W without backtracking.
Hold #13
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×3N1E needs some tunnels leading back to the entrance. If you happen to conquer this room before 3N1W, the blue door in 4N1E does not drop and you're stuck. Another solution would be to make 3N1W an unrequired room.