In this game, i say a theme, and you give a room based on my theme. Up to 4 players per round so i have less judging. The winner is who has the biggest note from me. I'll take care of the compilation as long as this thing stays alive.
(NEWS: You don't need to register, just submit the hold before the deadline!)
Round 1
Click here to view the secret text
-Have a SEEMINGLY unpassable barrage, but can be passable with a trick.
-Use some mud (if it's in the barrage, it's fine).
-Have roach queens spawn a total of at least 12 roaches per spawn cycle.
-Add story in there.
Deadline: March 7th 2007
1st: Ezlo
2nd: Neather2
3rd: Timo006 (doesn't have a room)
Round 2:
Click here to view the secret text
-tokyokid(Won once)
-Ezlo (Won once)
-You must use tarstuff.
-Put in a black door, but don't make the tar clearing uninteressing.
-Use either goblins or a brain.
-Use a snake (serpent or rattlesnake)
Deadline: April 2nd
4th:Ezlo (is out)
Round 3:
Click here to view the secret text
-Use gelstuff, mudstuff and tarstuff.
-Do not use any other kind of monster.
-Have a baby generator somewhere.
-Use a bridge or briar.
Deadline: June 13
Round 4:
Click here to view the secret text
Time limit: Friday August 3rd
-Use gel, gel mothers and/or babies
-Have multiple slayers in it.
-You need to use a brain.
-If you want to add something, you can only add TCB monsters in the room.
Deadline: Friday, August 10th
1st: vittro
2nd: Chaco
3rd: Kwawkstur
3rd: Monkey
Round 5
Click here to view the secret text
-Dex Stewart
Deadline: Saturday, September 1st
Theme: ???
(Check this post for updates)
I make Let's Plays too!
Click here to find out my LPs' progress, and find out what I plan to tackle next!
Currently playing:
Click here to view the secret text
(Updated 5/05/2020)
-Witherwood Castle
-Escort Mission
-Subterra Prime
My Holds:
Click here to view the secret text
-Work in Progress:
Click here to view the secret text
[Last edited by Jeff_Ray... at 10-25-2008 08:32 PM]