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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
Good point...

At the risk of sounding controversial, how about at least increasing the yearly subscription cost ? So many hours fun for so little money seems wrong somehow...
01-14-2006 at 02:05 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
No! Think of the cheapskates who still want to be part of the community!

Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text

01-14-2006 at 03:50 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
Like me!

Wait a second... :shifty
01-14-2006 at 03:52 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
I just subscribed to CaravelNet for 15 months, and I have these questions as a result:
How do I download the Smitemaster's Selections?
Why was my subscription started today instead of being added to the month that came with JtRH (selfish consumer, remember)?
If CaravelNet has a members' area or FAQ or something, other than in my profile, where can I find it?
Why has DROD now apparently deleted my player (no worries, got a backup)?

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
DROD architecture idea generator

[Last edited by Jatopian at 01-26-2006 11:56 PM : added Q, subscribed]
01-26-2006 at 11:49 PM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (+1)  
Jatopian wrote:
I just subscribed to CaravelNet for 15 months, and I have these questions as a result:
How do I download the Smitemaster's Selections?
You download them from the Change Location menu in-game.
Why was my subscription started today instead of being added to the month that came with JtRH (selfish consumer, remember)?
Because you couldn't do SS holds before. Now you can, so the subscription really starts now. Would you rather not be able to download the SS holds until the trial membership is up? :)
If CaravelNet has a members' area or FAQ or something, other than in my profile, where can I find it?
Hmm, I don't know why you think there's a members area...there's the tab in your profile, and the FAQ is in The Site board and also on the new website,
Why has DROD now apparently deleted my player (no worries, got a backup)?
That's a very good question. I don't know how that could have happened. Should probably make sure Mike or Schik sees this. Anything in drod.err?

Game on,

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
01-27-2006 at 12:01 AM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
Oneiromancer wrote:
Jatopian wrote:
I just subscribed to CaravelNet for 15 months, and I have these questions as a result:
How do I download the Smitemaster's Selections?
You download them from the Change Location menu in-game.
Being a true DROD player, I figured this out shortly after you replied.
If CaravelNet has a members' area or FAQ or something, other than in my profile, where can I find it?
Hmm, I don't know why you think there's a members area...
Some offhand comment Erik made about possibly putting "I Saw Isosceles" there... I think. I may misremember.
Why has DROD now apparently deleted my player (no worries, got a backup)?
That's a very good question. I don't know how that could have happened. Should probably make sure Mike or Schik sees this. Anything in drod.err?
No, but I did notice that I forgot to patch the 2.0.6 version on the connected computer. :nugget

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
DROD architecture idea generator
01-27-2006 at 12:43 AM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
Ah, there are some downloads available only to CaravelNet members or owners of the various products on the Downloads page, but that isn't really a special area, just an extension of an existing one.

And 2.0.6? Yeah, you should be on 2.0.12 now. We assume no responsibility for you failing to be up-to-date. :D

Game on,

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
01-27-2006 at 01:02 AM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (+1)  
Two things about the great game of DROD which have long mystified me and which could perhaps be made a bit clearer:

Why is there an option to pay for CaravelNet membership, when it can be accessed free of charge (as I am doing now)? What advantages if any does a paid membership offer?

Why is "King Dugan's Dungeon" offered on sale, when it is included in full in the free version of Architect's Edition? Is the payware version superior in any way?

No doubt the answers are obvious to most people here, but not to me or I suspect many other newbies.


2006 A DROD Odyssey: "Open the pod bay doors Halph" - "Not possible!"
01-27-2006 at 07:16 AM
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (+2)  
John259 wrote:
Why is there an option to pay for CaravelNet membership, when it can be accessed free of charge (as I am doing now)? What advantages if any does a paid membership offer?
Well...the forum is not CaravelNet. Check out the CaravelNet FAQ.

Why is "King Dugan's Dungeon" offered on sale, when it is included in full in the free version of Architect's Edition? Is the payware version superior in any way?
Yes, "KDD2.0" is superior in almost every way to the original. It includes scripted conversations and story elements with full voice acting. It uses the enhanced graphics of the new engine (although admittedly some people like the original 9 styles over the 3 new ones). Some of the worst bugs were fixed, like that room on level 8 that makes people unable to clear the level. About 20 new secret rooms were added to challenge the delver. The original KDD does not have high scores enabled; you have to play this version if you want to compete online or download demos in-game (although if you buy the KDD CD then you will still need to get CaravelNet separately in order to do this past the trial month). Probably the only real advantage the original has is that it has the original ending, which we had to try to emulate in-game in the new version. It's still a good ending, but it doesn't have the same uniqueness that the original did.

No doubt the answers are obvious to most people here, but not to me or I suspect many other newbies.
Hopefully once the new site is fully live, the FAQs will be more easily accessible and most questions will be answered therein.

Game on,

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
01-27-2006 at 07:24 AM
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Level: Delver
Rank Points: 57
Registered: 11-18-2005
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icon Re: Fine-Smelling New Year (0)  
Many thanks for such a quick and full reply, very much appreciated.

Oneiromancer wrote:
Well...the forum is not CaravelNet. Check out the CaravelNet FAQ.

Ah! The light begins to dawn! I've seen various references on the forum to things which that FAQ explains. I'll have a careful read of it.

Yes, "KDD2.0" is superior in almost every way to the original...

Sounds good!

Hopefully once the new site is fully live, the FAQs will be more easily accessible and most questions will be answered therein.

That'll help greatly. Presumably there are also plans to add more explanations on the shop-related pages?

Thanks again,


2006 A DROD Odyssey: "Open the pod bay doors Halph" - "Not possible!"
01-27-2006 at 07:45 AM
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