Um, do you mean the room I think you mean? I think the room is really, really easy and straightforward (sort of like the first part of KDD, Fourth Level, Once North; just move forward, move back two spaces and kill some roaches. Rinse and repeat.) Could you explain a bit more?
You're right, I'm totally wrong there, I never went back inside the alcove after leaving (thought there was an arrow there)
It would make a very tricky optional challenge.
That did sound rather harsh, but I did not take it personally. I am here to build the hold, you are here to test the hold, and together, we try to make the hold as excellent as possible. I will be very happy with anyone that tests the hold, even if they say it could use improvement.
Yeah, I might've sounded a little stronger than I would've liked, mainly because I was focusing on all the bad points. When I've played a bit more of the hold, I'll list all of the rooms which I do like, and what is good about the hold. (this hold isn't easy, it's fairly difficult, so trying to finish everything takes a very long time.
Edit: Notes for First Floor, will post more comments later-
1W - cleaning up the goblins was a bit tedious
2W - no puzzle here, but there's too many roach queens. This type of room could be done in AE, and isn't that fun.
1N2W - this is a good room, because it spices things up a little. Although I did feel that some of the arrows on the right half of the room are not needed, they just drag out the room for longer.
1S2W - okay room
1S1W - good, nice easy puzzle
1N - tedious hack-n-slash room
1E - this is interesting, because of the mimic. Used the mimic to drop the trapdoors
2N - good (although I've seen the concept used in other holds)
1S - a bit pointless (and the scripting doesn't really work)
1N1E - favourite room on this level, because of the way you have to use both roaches
Second Floor:
En - is the timer needed here? Never thought about it, and it doesn't add much challenge to the room, you just have to eliminate wall bumps.
1N1E - bit messy to clear out all the roaches after opening the red doors. (maybe add a few open red doors to reduce the spawn later?) And I think you went a bit overboard with the checkpoints here, it would be better to have them on floor tiles, so they don't become unaccessable later.
1N2W - alright, but the queens just drag out the room for much longer
1S1W - normally I hate this type of room, but this one wasn't bad, because of the tunnel
1W - another hack n slash room which looks unoriginal, and there's just too many monsters here.
1N1W - very easy, but good room
1E - I skipped this, will come back to it later
2N - okay, but not too original
1N - haven't played this yet, will comment later
I've skipped the Third Floor for now, because I can't do Slayer manipulation.
No, really, I am not being sarcastic.
Heh, ironic how that's the most sarcastic sounding thing in your post
[Last edited by da rogu3 at 07-16-2011 11:43 PM]