Awesome hold, man. I enjoyed it, but to quote many people, "
the final puzzle was anticlimactic."
(They weren't talking about your hold, of course.)
Perhaps an event can be triggered if one kills all of the goblins. For example, the goblin king may say something about "
isolating the delver."
In other words, something to the effect that Beethro is stuck.
The more interactive the hold for cute scripting stuff, the better. This is true as long as you take cute in the right way.
For example, someone could have a dialogue box that asks, "
Aren't those rattlesnakes scary?"
If Beethro says yes, he could also say, "
I've met several rattlesnakes in my day, and believe me, they are mean!"
Alternatively, he could say, "
No way! A rattlesnake isn't as daunting when you've dealt with them for years."
The tar section is fun, especially how the people get involved. Kudos on that! The hold has a linear sort of structure, but it's based upon a creative idea. Will it be expanded? Perhaps you could have many different "
day off"
scenarios, but that's asking a little too much. For example, you could have Beethro go to a fun park, if that idea weren't already taken.