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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : A Clock (and other things)
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icon A Clock (+1)  
I was thinking about DROD the other day (surprise!) and I was wondering what I could have done so that I WOULDN'T get sucked into it...for more than two or three hours that is.

Could a clock be added ingame that just shows the time? It doesn't always have to be visible, but it would be nice to be able to click a button and have beethro's brand new watch flip over and show the actual time.

Also...I was looking around in the game yesterday, and I couldn't find anywhere that said what holds I beat. Maybe add a profile button that shows holds beaten? If you did, it would be good if you could remove beaten holds from that list. That's because when you build a hold (or when I do) I sometimes make a reallllly tiny one that just tests a couple ideas at a time. It's not a real hold. If that got on a list of beaten holds, I would want to remove it.

11-15-2005 at 01:16 PM
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icon Re: A Clock (+1)  
Chalks wrote:
Could a clock be added ingame that just shows the time? It doesn't always have to be visible, but it would be nice to be able to click a button and have beethro's brand new watch flip over and show the actual time.
I use 1152x864 resolution and play DROD always in window mode. Problem solved! If that doesn't work for you, you could use a watch or some other kind of clock if you have one in your room.

Also...I was looking around in the game yesterday, and I couldn't find anywhere that said what holds I beat. Maybe add a profile button that shows holds beaten? If you did, it would be good if you could remove beaten holds from that list.
Caravelnet has this feature for uploaded holds. There's that nice 100% thing next to completely beaten holds too in-game.
11-15-2005 at 02:49 PM
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icon Re: A Clock (0)  
An option to hide completed (and 100%) holds from the list would be nice.

I got my avatar back! Yay!
11-15-2005 at 02:56 PM
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icon Re: A Clock (+1)  
I actually think something along these lines, if it can be done without being too in-your-face, or optional, but still obvious enough would be an excellent idea. Doesn't necessarily have to be a clock, perhaps some kind of 'since your last break' timer (ie the keyboard was left alone for a period of say 2 minutes or longer) or ingame animations (e.g. Beethro becoming fatigued)

In my experience DROD is a game that can be hard on the fingers if played for extended periods (and I and I'm sure others have tried) and regular breaks from the PC and appropriate exercises should be a necessity if you want to keep your hands in good working order for as long as possible. At least that is until we have DDR DROD ;)
11-16-2005 at 01:06 AM
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icon Re: A Clock (+1)  
Baldur's Gate II has this great intermittant message...

"While your characters do not need to eat and drink, remember that you do. We don't want to lose any dedicated players."

"Does a cow have Buddha nature?"
11-16-2005 at 09:33 AM
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icon Re: A Clock (0)  
Perhaps an inter-level message: "Have you been playing since level 1? It might be time to go to bed. Don't worry, Beethro will be here when you get back."

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11-16-2005 at 11:35 AM
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icon Re: A Clock (0)  
Make sure in the settings screen,
that there is something you can choose if you want this.
If you are doning a hard room with lot of hash ans slash,
and suddenly: "POP-UP!!!" you might make a double fault
and have to start over :D

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11-16-2005 at 11:39 AM
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icon Re: A Clock (0)  
And set an alarm to tell player someting at some time. Would be fun if i'm too busy playing DROD and now, i have to go read or go watch my shows, it would tell me and quit if it is set to do so.

Like in DROD 3D Demo. THey give a bit of text to recommend you to pay the game. Would be same, except you decide the text and it shows at an certain time.

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[Last edited by Jeff_Ray... at 11-16-2005 10:11 PM]
11-16-2005 at 10:09 PM
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icon Re: A Clock (0)  

Next people will be trying to sue Caravel for any pain or injury they 'supposedly' receive playing DROD!

Get some self-responsibility people!

If it's that much of an issue, buy a small alarm clock - stick it to the bottom of the monitor!

Actually, being a bit more serious for a moment, as soon as you start putting things like that into a game, it's almost like admitting it can be 'bad for you', and then you'll get people saying "well, it normally said so, but it didn't this one time (whether it did or not will be unprovable) so I overslept, and missed work, and was fired, and now I want compensation"

Naah, personal-responsibility and common-sense are the users responsibility!

#f3i2g# Disclaimer: I'm Welsh, left-handed, and stupid. #f3i2g#
11-23-2005 at 04:21 PM
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icon Re: A Clock (0)  
I have to admit that an Earthbound-style Guy Walks Into Hold Room And Suggests You Take a Break thing would be hilarious.
11-23-2005 at 05:04 PM
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icon Re: A Clock (+3)  
Banjooie wrote:
I have to admit that an Earthbound-style Guy Walks Into Hold Room And Suggests You Take a Break thing would be hilarious.
If I remember correctly, wasn't the break reminder by Ness' dad calling him using his portable telephone item?

But yeah, a character running into a room to ask you to take a break would be pretty hilarious, especially if you were right in the middle of a massive roach horde or tar mass.

Break Enforcement Officer #156: "Come on Beethro, you've been working for too long. It's time for you to take a break and stop what you're doing now."

Beethro: "But how can I? I'm deep inside this tar mass with about 15 babies threatening to eat me, and the mother is over there in that corner."

Break Enforcement Officer #156: "Seriously Beethro, you know that according to rule 3536.22a it is illegal for any person to work for more than three hours consecutively without a break. If you do not take a break now, I'll have to arrest you."

Beethro: "You can't be serious. Who gives you any authority over the hours I work?"

Break Enforcement Officer #156: "Ah, you see, the Empire has the authority to control every aspect of all people in its domain, including you. I have no choice but to arrest you if you don't cooperate with me."

Beethro: "Huh? At least let me reach a checkpoint before you take me away. I spent the last two hours getting here, and don't want to have to do that all over again!"

Break Enforcement Officer #156: "I'm sorry, but the monsters will still be here when you get back, and you won't if you carry on like this; you'll collapse from exhaustion and then be eaten. You might not like it, but this is for your own good."

*Clinking noises*

*Sound of Beethro being dragged away*

Beethro: "Noooooo! How did you, and how could you do this to me? I must finish this room; the Mother is so close! You can't take me away now! I must finish! Arrrrrgh!"

<DROD quits automatically>

Resident Medic/Mycologist
11-23-2005 at 08:12 PM
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icon Re: A Clock (0)  
Quite funny Wesley :yes
11-23-2005 at 08:17 PM
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icon Re: A Clock (0)  

Have a third mod point :)

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11-23-2005 at 11:08 PM
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icon Re: A Clock (0)  
It was a portable phone, thus in the same style. "Beethro, you've been delving too long, don't you think it's time for a break?"
11-24-2005 at 01:23 AM
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