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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : "Press action key for help" (wherewithal I suggest a solution to a problem that might not exist)
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icon "Press action key for help" (+3)  
So I was pondering the extent to which "Gunthro and the Epic Blunder" is a good introduction to DROD. Mostly the answer is "I have no earthly idea, because I can't evaluate what the game is like for someone who's never played it". It seemed to be the case, when I asked in chat, that the game was only tested by experienced DROD players--which is good in terms of making the game polished, finding bugs and alternate solutions, etc., but perhaps not as good in terms of determining how effective it is as an introduction for new players.

Of course, there's not a lot that can be changed about the gameplay now. On the other hand, scripted characters who listen for a "request for help" and say things in response would have no effect on gameplay or existing high scores....

So as a kind of suggestion, I'd like to suggest that, based on feedback from new players (note: this requires finding high-quality beta-testers who don't already know DROD but know how to report on their playing experience), a character be added to certain rooms who can offer help if the player presses the "action" key. That might be "how do I approach this room" help, or it might be "here's how this gameplay element works" help, or whatever it is that the new-player-testers find they need help on.

As I said in the description to this post, it's possible that I'm trying to solve a non-existent problem. But I wanted to throw it out there for consideration.
04-03-2012 at 10:45 PM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (0)  
Interesting thought. There's also the possibility it'd be too much change to apply to the hold post release... still a good thought for any future intro-level holds.

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04-04-2012 at 02:20 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+1)  
That's an interesting idea, but perhaps just better integrating the hints and solutions board into the game would solve the problem. Then, for all big-release holds (KDD, JtRH, TCB, GatEB, and TSS) that should be accessible to beginners, make sure that there's a hint thread for each room before the release (heh, yeah I see the more work thing).

Or, perhaps some special forum tags that could be directly linked into the game would be helpful so that the hints are dynamic.

Side note: as a fairly experienced DROD player, I found the difficulty of GatEB to be much less linear than in past big release holds. Typically, the Release Hold starts out almost trivial then builds linearly in difficulty to the end. Each new element introduced (usually every few levels) usually has a 5 or 6 rooms that you can blunder/experiment your way through to get a feel for the new rules before providing resuming the linear difficulty progression. As an experienced player in JtRH and TCB, while the easy and medium rooms didn't really challenge me, I could still feel the progression, and get a sense of how a beginner would have a chance at working through the added complications. I didn't feel that progression at all in GatEB. There were several rooms in the first couple of levels that were at least medium hard, and even a couple of hard to difficult ones. Many of them had pretty advanced lynch-pins that, while they didn't challenge me much per-say (due to experience), I could tell that I would have had a very hard time on when I was first starting out. Plus, there were very few experimentation rooms to learn each element. That's not to knock this hold. I just wouldn't recommend it as a starting point.

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04-04-2012 at 06:18 PM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (0)  
stigant wrote:
That's an interesting idea, but perhaps just better integrating the hints and solutions board into the game would solve the problem.

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04-04-2012 at 07:26 PM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+2)  
I don't want to wade into this too much. I agree that some of the early rooms might be a bit tricky.

But I do want to point out that (as Jatopian's alluding to I think), the H+S board is directly linked to each room, and that my girlfriend, who was pretty much a drod novice, had beta-tested it too, so it wasn't only tested by DROD veterans.

Obviously, any good suggestions like these can be taken into account for the next DROD game.

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04-05-2012 at 12:10 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+1)  
Wow, yeah, anyone who makes a hold: Action key plopping down a hint for the current room? Amazing thing you could do

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04-05-2012 at 12:54 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (0)  
Jacob wrote:
... and that my girlfriend, who was pretty much a drod novice, had beta-tested it too, so it wasn't only tested by DROD veterans.

Er... is this the same girlfriend Aurora whose palace I still haven't beaten? Novice? What does that make me? ;)

04-05-2012 at 01:01 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (-8)  
As an HA I'm totally not interested in hints on Action key. All I want to know if the room is solvable (well, amongst other things).

Why not just let the Action key solves the room for me instead? Hints still requires me to solve the room lol.

Solving the room is also much easier to implement. The architect usually has a set of demos available anyway.

If we do hints, I pity the poor sod who has to add hints to every room (any volunteers?).

Just include victory demos for every room, and we can get more kids on this forums than just hints alone1!!!!111!!

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04-05-2012 at 01:17 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (0)  
It was just an idle suggestion, Tim. Your reductio ad absurdum fears are probably not going to happen.

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04-05-2012 at 04:17 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (0)  
I had a different suggestion which I have only voiced on chat regarding people not knowing where to go:

Add "Show Image" script option in GatEB, where the image displays as long as you hit a key or something. Then make an image appear on action key, the image being a map of Tueno coast and Glum Cove with locations being marked and named.

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04-05-2012 at 06:41 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+2)  
stigant wrote:
That's an interesting idea, but perhaps just better integrating the hints and solutions board into the game would solve the problem.
Up to a point, yes, and for some things, like the "I don't even know how to tackle this room" problems. But there are a number of elements that might be somewhat under-introduced (I'm going through the snake level right now, and there are rooms I'm finding tricky; some of these definitely want you to have a sense of how serpents pick their directions. You could put that sort of thing into a H&S post, sure, but it seems like it'd be more "if you don't want to try to infer how elements interact, here, allow us to explain".

Tim blathered:
As an HA I'm totally not interested in hints on Action key. All I want to know if the room is solvable (well, amongst other things).

Why not just let the Action key solves the room for me instead? Hints still requires me to solve the room lol.

Solving the room is also much easier to implement. The architect usually has a set of demos available anyway.

If we do hints, I pity the poor sod who has to add hints to every room (any volunteers?).

Just include victory demos for every room, and we can get more kids on this forums than just hints alone1!!!!111!!
I can't

I don't even

I'm just going to spend a few more points to mod that post down, because if I try to talk about it, I'm going to get banned from the forum for abusive language. Seriously, though, Tim, at least try to be constructive once in a while?
04-05-2012 at 07:44 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (0)  
Tahnan wrote:
Seriously, though, Tim, at least try to be constructive once in a while?
I don't think this statement is much better than his post. He was right in one thing If we do hints, I pity the poor sod who has to add hints to every room (any volunteers?). Assuming we want to add hints to all rooms actually, which in my opinion is a bad idea - that's what the H&S board is for.

Edit: I am not denying that Tim's post was awful.

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[Last edited by skell at 04-05-2012 07:59 AM]
04-05-2012 at 07:58 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+1)  
Tim wrote:
(Note to self: never go near the forum when drunk, high or otherwise incapacitated...)

"I'm not anti-anything, I'm anti-everything, it fits better." - Sole
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04-05-2012 at 08:04 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+1)  
Tim is constructive, I think. For example, he constructed some fine holds.


But seriously, even his valid points would go over better if he weren't so bitter and abrasive about expressing them.

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04-05-2012 at 08:15 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (0)  
skell wrote:
He was right in one thing If we do hints, I pity the poor sod who has to add hints to every room (any volunteers?). Assuming we want to add hints to all rooms actually, which in my opinion is a bad idea - that's what the H&S board is for.
Tahnan wrote:
a character be added to certain rooms who can offer help [emphasis added]
04-05-2012 at 08:21 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (-2)  
Well, I'm not here to please everyone.

A bad idea packaged in a brilliant English is still a bad idea.

(And as for someone not wanting to discuss my points, that's exactly my intention. Please continue to mod me down if you like.)

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04-05-2012 at 08:32 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+3)  
It's always been possible to include a scroll with hints, or scripted speech, or scripting tied to a particular square ("step on the mosaic tile for a hint"), and scripted hints can always be dynamic (different speech dependent on different room conditions).

Mapping this to a particular key is not a bad idea, but is not really some radically new functionality. It would be up to the architect to decide if they wanted to use it, and for which rooms. I don't really see how it affects the HA process since it won't affect completeability/backtracking/media used (or am I missing something?)

Overall though, I agree with anything that makes the game more user-friendly and accessible. The idea of an interactive in-game map was definitely floated, but wasn't implemented in the end.

(Though to be fair there's already speech to guide you in certain places, a tutorial level, a direct link to H+S, the rest of the forum, in-game chat, help files with monster descriptions and movement descriptions...)

Yes, it is that Aurora. She didn't make Aurora's Palace though, but has played it.

[Edit: Adding "help for monster/element" as well as "help for room" is not a bad idea as Tahnan suggests, but there's always the help files]

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[Last edited by Jacob at 04-05-2012 09:58 AM]
04-05-2012 at 09:56 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+1)  
All I know is that next time I make a hold, the action key will probably put in a little piece of dialogue from somebody. Maybe the player, with some kind of idea of where to start or something.

But it's cool, I mean, I'd be incredibly hypocritical to complain about Tim being a jackass for no reason!
04-05-2012 at 10:31 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (0)  
Jacob wrote:
Yes, it is that Aurora. She didn't make Aurora's Palace though, but has played it.

Right, I knew you were the architect, I just meant that if that hold was meant for her skill level (currently at 5.5 brains), she's better than my conception of "novice".

04-05-2012 at 10:40 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (0)  
Banjooie wrote:
All I know is that next time I make a hold, the action key will probably put in a little piece of dialogue from somebody. Maybe the player, with some kind of idea of where to start or something.
If you want, you don't have to wait until then.

Look, I can recommend you to Mike to add help scripting to the soon-to-be-released SMS. (I can't promise anything though.)

Your help would be appreciated, and who knows, you might get selected to do hints for the 250+ rooms* in TSS as well.

Sincerely, Tim.

*) approximate, obviously I haven't see any of it yet. :)

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04-05-2012 at 02:30 PM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+1)  
Re: Aurora.
It's true to say that when she played Aurora's Palace and GatEB she did it with me on-hand for hints, so it wasn't totally the experience of someone with no drod background playing on their own.

I think she'd played Beethro's First Job on her own, though.

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04-05-2012 at 02:35 PM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (0)  
Tahnan wrote:
skell wrote:
He was right in one thing If we do hints, I pity the poor sod who has to add hints to every room (any volunteers?). Assuming we want to add hints to all rooms actually, which in my opinion is a bad idea - that's what the H&S board is for.
Tahnan wrote:
a character be added to certain rooms who can offer help [emphasis added]
Which is why I added the last sentence :).

I think what Jacob said is close to my heard and my opinion. One idea though - many people might be not aware of the help or the monster reference section. It would be good if this help menu was much more handy and perhaps mentioned in-game that you can access it.

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04-05-2012 at 02:37 PM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+1)  
skell, the problem with doing help scripting in only a certain number of rooms is that it changes the user expectations.

Secondly, how do you define this "certain"? Take, for example, KDD level 8. Which rooms would you say would deserve an active kind of help?

I have a feeling that it's hard to get this right. Too few rooms, and people would get disappointed; while too many of them means you end up doing them all anyway.

I do agree with you that perhaps the "F1 button as help" isn't very well described in-game. But since it's already on the bottom left corner of every screen, I'm not sure how to make it more clear.

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04-05-2012 at 03:29 PM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+2)  
Here, okay, I have solved this problem forever.

When a room has a Red Scroll in it, you can hit the action button to read that scroll from anywhere in the room.


04-05-2012 at 05:16 PM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+1)  
Tim wrote:
I do agree with you that perhaps the "F1 button as help" isn't very well described in-game. But since it's already on the bottom left corner of every screen, I'm not sure how to make it more clear.
Add an in-game mention (on a scroll? speech?) that you can see a detailed description of all game elements from the Help menu which can be accessed using F1. This will at least make people aware that the help has information about monsters and this might even make them look inside. ;).

I hadn't really realized for the last couple of years that there is such button.

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04-05-2012 at 05:35 PM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+1)  
Secondly, how do you define this "certain"?

This is why I suggested something that hooks directly into the H&S forum. If we had a customized tagging system for H&S, people who provided hints for rooms could do so in a more uniform way - perhaps a tree with questions at edges and answers at nodes (alternatively, the H&S forum could provide more of a UI to format hints into that uniform structure). The game could then read the hint-tree-structure for the room, and allow the player to directly access it, or ask more questions through the game. Other players could answer questions in game (which would then be incorporated into the centrally stored tree) or on the forum (again, integrated into the central hint repository). In this way, any room that needs hints could be accommodated in a dynamic fashion by the entire community rather than putting all the onus on the architect to anticipate and address players' needs. Plus, all the hints for all the 1000's of rooms we already have could be leveraged without (much*) more work.

* By "much" I mean that the amount of work is proportional to the volume of Hints we already have, and is therefore large but finite and constant. After the current hints are converted to the new format and any new hints are automatically created in the new format, we wouldn't ever have to do that huge conversion again.

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[Last edited by stigant at 04-05-2012 05:38 PM]
04-05-2012 at 05:36 PM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+1)  
People are coming up with some good ideas for ways to help the player, but...y'know...this is kinda funny.

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04-05-2012 at 09:27 PM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+1)  

This is because games of the NES era didn't really care whether or not you beat them.

Keep in mind that Mario 1 can be beaten in literally five minutes. I mean, the fastest TAS is 5 minutes, the fastest non-TAS is five minutes and one second. One /second/.

Most of the time-expenditure of games of the era we're speaking of primarily came from the fact mastering the controls was at least as hard as actually beating the level itself.

Games today are actually built with the intent of being completed at some point. You'll notice most of these games that just dump you in also have intensely terrible endings: You were never expected to see these endings.
04-06-2012 at 04:16 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+1)  
ADOM. I don't care how bad the ending is, when I finally get it it will be the best thing ever.
04-06-2012 at 04:31 AM
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icon Re: "Press action key for help" (+11)  
OK. Let's back up for a moment.

Somehow this discussion has turned into a question of the right way to add help for rooms. For instance, Tim started talking about the HA process, and Jacob suggested various other ways that hints can be added to rooms, and Tim said that we could add them to the soon-to-be-released SMS...and all of this misses my point, which was probably not clear enough--looking at my original post, I thought it was implicit, but let me make it explicit.

I'm not asking for a feature to be added to DROD 4.0 which would then be used everywhere and the HAs would have to look at it and so forth. I'm suggesting the possibility of adding a feature to the very particular "Gunthro and the Epic Blunder" hold. My original concern was that GatEB might turn out to be less approachable by new players than its (virtual) box suggests, and that certain rooms in that hold might benefit from an additional source of help for the new, possibly frustrated, player. (Part of my concern on this point was the idea that GatEB hadn't been playtested by novice players, which was the impression I got from an in-game chat conversation. Jacob tells us this isn't true, that at least one novice player did playtest it. That's good to know.)

So, to reiterate: if GatEB is intended to be a somewhat more gentle introduction to the game, and if it turns out that new players nevertheless find themselves frustrated in the same handful of spots over and over, then one way to fix that without affecting the gameplay or high scores or aesthetics would be to, in that handful of rooms, let people "press action key for help". (A line of disembodied dialogue could tell people that help is available when they enter.)

Deep breath.

* * * * *

Now, to answer Tim, point by point, since I am assuming that his statement that "as for someone not wanting to discuss my points, that's exactly my intention" is intended as sarcasm:

As an HA I'm totally not interested in hints on Action key. As an HA, your interest or lack thereof is wholly irrelevant to what happens to GatEB.

Why not just let the Action key solves the room for me instead? Hints still requires me to solve the room lol. Because this isn't about you; as I said in my first post, this is about new players. And because the point, as I thought I made clear, is not to make the game trivial, it's to make the game approachable.

If we do hints, I pity the poor sod who has to add hints to every room (any volunteers?). Which is funny, because at no point did I ever once say "to every room". It's that kind of comment--which requires either deliberate misreading (in which case it's malicious) or careless misreading (in which case it's uninformed)--that made me disinclined to try to answer in the first place.

Just include victory demos for every room, and we can get more kids on this forums than just hints alone1!!!!111!! Thanks!!!!eleventy!!!! But no one is talking about getting kids on this forum. On the other hand, by releasing a game that's "designed as an entry-level offering to the DROD world", I thought perhaps we were trying to get more thoughtful, intelligent people on the forum.

A bad idea packaged in a brilliant English is still a bad idea. I'm glad you think my English is brilliant. I'm sorry you think my idea is bad, though I'm not convinced you understood my idea. And non-constructive posts packaged in mediocre English are still non-constructive. add help scripting to the soon-to-be-released SMS. Except of course that I was in no way talking about the SMS. If it's not intended to be an entry-level introduction, why would I think it should include hints?

...hints for the 250+ rooms* in TSS as well. Except of course that I way in no way talking about hints in every room.

skell, the problem with doing help scripting in only a certain number of rooms is that it changes the user expectations. Now, see, this is a remarkably valid point. All the same, I think that if you make it clear which rooms have help available in them, there won't be any particular expectations. In particular...

Secondly, how do you define this "certain"? As I said in my original post, I'm suggesting that it should happen for rooms that new players regularly find particularly difficult. And to be honest, I was thinking much less about the "help this room is hard", for which there's the H&S board, and much more about the "help this new element is underexplained".

I do agree with you that perhaps the "F1 button as help" isn't very well described in-game. Ah, the F1-for-help. When's the last time you read the in-game help?

For instance, I've just now gone to the help. Being confused, as I am, about snake movement (there having been no real introduction to it in the hold), I click on "monster reference". In the monster reference I learn...nothing. I read about all kinds of within-the-Eighth facts about how roaches don't like bright light and feed on what they scavenge and are used as a source of meat, and how rock golems are dumb (which doesn't seem to be true, since in GatEB they have a particularly intricate airlock-style prison door system) and their vocabulary is limited (also not true) and will reconstruct themselves over time (wtf?) and leave a pile of rocks when you kill them (which is, surprisingly, true and useful, but you've got to get three paragraphs in to find it).

Guards are listed in the section of monsters that Gunthro doesn't encounter (not especially true). And finally, three clicks in--from the main page to the monster page to the "monsters not in this game" page to the "mechanics of monster movement patterns" page--I find actual information about how monsters move. It turns out that page is also listed "below the fold", under "And more", fifth on the list, after "the story" and "the master map of the Eighth", where it's unlikely to be noticed.

And good luck learning about "that gray square that's suddenly around me when I step into shallow water". Knowing that it's a kind of invisibility, I went to the index and found "invisibility potion" and "invisible character". Since there was no potion involved, I tried the latter and found myself on a page about scripting. So I went back and tried the former and found myself on a page of "Basic Game Elements" that in fact makes no mention at all of invisibility, potion or otherwise. Shallow water is only mentioned in passing as something that rafts can't go over. (I can learn about invisibility potions if I click on the link for elements not in this game.) Of course, since it happened in shallow water, I could look that up in the index instead, except that neither "water" nor "shallow water" is an entry in the index....

My point is this: the help files, which not everyone is inclined to read anyway, are not especially well-organized or easy to traverse. They're certainly not something I'd wish on an entry-level player trying to get a feel for the game.

* * * * *

Assuming I haven't gone over some sort of hidden length limit that makes this post get rejected, I think I've been about as clear on things as I can manage. But for the love of god, if I haven't, try asking rather than posting semi-coherent reductio-ad-absurdum rants about how suggesting ways to make the game more welcoming is the equivalent of "press this key to solve the room".
04-06-2012 at 06:55 AM
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