Perhaps it's a bit late to present such service - what with the room almost opened, but anyway...
I decided to make a service that would allow everyone to share their knowledge about this obscured room behind the bar.
This web page lets anyone enter their facts and guesses about every tile in the room. The facts are then stored on the server and shared with other visitors of that page.
Possible facts about each tile of the room are:
- there could be (could not be) a floor, a trapdoor, a pit, a wall, a red door, a sister red door;
- there is (is not / could be) a roach;
- there could be (could not be) force arrow, for each possible direction;
- it is possible (impossible / not tested) to step in X direction from this tile, for all directions;
The latter sort of facts is useful for totally unexplored part of the room, when you see that it's possible to move along a certain trajectory, but it's hard to say for sure what tiles was on your way. Was it a trapdoor or a floor? Did you just bumped into a wall or a force arrow? In such cases it's best to record the fact: "
I was (was not) able to step there"
. And leave further guesses until later.
I hope the interface would be easy to use. You can click on a board to select the tile of interest. The boxes on the left shows the current state of knowledge for this tile. Then you can click on the wall/floor/arrows/moves to cycle the respective element through "
, "
is not"
, "
may be"
states. Then select another tile and so on. All your changes are accumulated, you can see the list of them right below editor boxes. Also you can see all the changes that were submitted for the selected tile and for the entire room. Once you're done, submit the changes to the server by clickig "
Submit all button"
. The nickname is merely for the history log, so that everyone can see who made the changes. Please use your forum nick to sign your changes - other users would see your changes in the history log with familiar forum names.
The board could show the following icons on top of each tile:
- no icon, just DROD tile image: we know for sure what's in this tile;
- no icon, just grey tile: nothing is known about this tile;
- exclamation mark: some facts are known, but not enough to guess what's there;
- big question mark: known facts are just enough to tell floor from obstacle, but no further;
- small question mark: floor type is known, there are some minor unknown facts;
Thanks to Mike Rimer for giving the permission to use some of the Caravel graphics!