(Post updated December 6th, 2010)
Those of you who have been reading my signature obsessively; rejoice! For all others, an introduction.
Smitemaster Man
Is the title of my next DROD: TCB project. For the most part I was keeping it to myself and under wraps in its early development, but this topic has and will continue to serve to publicly announce stuff about it. The hold isn't nearly complete; as of now it only has around nine complete puzzle levels and some more incomplete levels.
So, what is this hold exactly?
Good question. Smitemaster Man is essentially my current attempt to take RoboBob3000's excellent
Mega Man Eighth project and actually make a complete hold out of it.
The hold could run similarly to a Mega Man game if I could finish it (but it's not at that point yet) - the player would first need to complete any of eight themed puzzle levels, each with a "
boss fight"
at the end of it. Defeating each boss would net the player the use of its weapon in any other boss fight. Each boss would be weak to each of the other boss' "
to various extents, but for balance all "
boss rooms"
would be solvable from the start, unlike in Mega Man Eighth. After the eight robot masters are defeated the player would go through a few levels of the villainous Dr. Ken Iving's fortress, and then bring him to justice.
Right now all I have is eight puzzle levels and some of the Dr. Iving puzzles, sans any boss fights since a year of on-again off-again thought hasn't led me to make any boss rooms I would consider good.
So, what does this mean for your other project, Fetch the Pie?
Don't worry, I'm still working on
Fetch the Pie. In fact, I'm going to be updating, or possibly finishing that before I work on this project more. This is mostly an excuse for me to not have upwards of 90 Chaco puzzles just sitting on my hard drive, without anyone playing or breaking them, or giving me feedback.
What this will let me do is have some commentary on how I'm doing, and also hopefully receive some recommendations on where to go with the project.
So, how can I get involved in this?
I've got enough alpha-testers for the beta-board now, so right now unfortunately the answer is "
you can't"
. However, if I decide to release the hold to the public Architecture forum before publishing it, then obviously things will be different and I'll gladly accept commentary from anyone.
Feel free to ask questions.
Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
Click here to view the secret text
[Last edited by Chaco at 12-04-2010 02:32 AM]