In recognition of my one-year anniversary here, it seems like a good idea to finish this project. I have already put some time away to fix any remaining bugs already mentioned. A new version should be out soon and players can test it from there.
*cue bold, unnecessary speech*
It's quite impressive, really. Last time I gave this topic significant attention in posting... wow. So much has happened since then. And not just for me, but for all of you. Seriously, think about what life was like for you back when you were testing this hold for the first few times. That was a year ago. In fact, didn't it take at least a year for Doom's first hold, "
Nightmare Dungeon"
to get completed? Heh, I might follow the same track as he did and make nearly impossible RPG holds for everyone. But that's in the future, so it probably doesn't matter now. Just sit back and enjoy the ride for all that it's worth.
Times like these can get you very sentimental.
It might have been more impressive if this post came with a new version as opposed to just a quick notice about everything that has or could have happened since then. Oh well. At least look forward to a far less cheesy choice of words in the hold. That and some more substantial things, like better puzzles and an improved difficulty curve.
It was going well until it exploded.
~Scott Manley
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