Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 2708
Registered: 02-05-2003
IP: Logged
A temporary note from the HAs (+2)
So, as we all know, DROD RPG is rather new. And it's not entirely clear that we've figured out all the potential problems and pitfalls for official holds. So the Hold Admin rules for DROD RPG are still under discussion, and are not final.
But that's no reason to not let current architects know what's expected for them. So, while at the moment it's premature to post a proper, detailed explanation of the rules, here is a quick summary of what the rules are right now:
1. All DROD RPG holds must be completable. There needs to be at least one possible path to the hold's ending.
2. All DROD RPG holds should include at least one score point, except if the architect specifically requests an excpetion. Exceptions will be granted on a case-by-case basis if we feel the architect has a good reason for a score-less hold.
3. No copyright violations. Same rules apply as normal DROD holds.
4. No profanity. Again, same as normal DROD.
5. All hidden rooms must be accessible. They don't have to be accessible in the same save game - it's perfectly valid to have two hidden rooms which require the use of the pickaxe, for instance, and only make one pickaxe available. But you can't have a hidden room in your hold that it's impossible to enter under any conditions.
6. These rules are provisional. This doesn't just mean they can change in the future - that's true for all rules. It means that the HAs can decide to change them retroactively for holds already under review. So you might submit a hold that meets the rules written above and suddenly learn there's a new rule that you must make changes to meet. Don't say you weren't warned. This will change before too long, so if you want to avoid this, postpone promotion until the HAs announce a final set of rules.
That's it for now. Please do chime in with any comments or suggestions for hold review criteria.
Change Log:
25 Sep - added "hidden rooms must be accessible" rule.
I got my avatar back! Yay!
[Last edited by eytanz at 09-25-2008 09:30 PM]